
South Cook News

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Bailey: Cook County residents paying too much in property taxes


Rep. Darren Bailey (R-Xenia) | Bailey's website

Rep. Darren Bailey (R-Xenia) | Bailey's website

Bailey for Illinois has issued the following press release:

Louisville, IL – State Senator and candidate for Governor Darren Bailey says decades of one-party rule in Cook County is hurting working families as property taxes in Illinois’ most populous county continue to rise.

According to a Civic Federation review of 84 south Cook County municipalities, property tax rates are growing exponentially in recent years. According to the report, the median percentage increase in residential effective tax rates was 59.60%. Only one municipality saw an increase that was less than 20 percent.

“How many more tax increases can working families in Cook County afford? These families deserve a Governor who will stand up to the Cook County political machine and fight for them,” Bailey said. “A Bailey administration will stand up for working families and put an end to the corruption and the out-of-control taxes that have plagued Cook County and all of Illinois for decades.”

Bailey said it is time for voters in Cook County to stand up for their own interests and vote out the tax and spend politicians who have been neglecting working families for too long.

“These high taxes do not have to be the norm,” Bailey said. “Voters need to ask what they are getting with these high taxes? Does Cook County have the best roads in the state? Are the schools in south Cook County the best in the region? Are you getting the kind of services commiserate with the high taxes you are paying? I see a lot of political insiders getting rich, but the average taxpayers are not getting anything close to the high taxes they are paying. There is a better way, but it starts with new leadership that will reform Springfield, fight for working families, and demand a new direction for Illinois.”

To learn more about Darren Bailey, visit https://baileyforillinois.com/.



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