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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Markham City Council met May 18

City of Markham City Council met May 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor, Roger Agpawa called the Regular Meeting of the Markham City Council to order at 7:20p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Prayer led by Ald. McDowell. Roll Call was taken by City Clerk, Leslie Trimuel.


Alderman Rondal Jones (7:16 p.m.)

Alderman William Barron

Alderwoman Wanda McDowell

Alderman Breanna Hampton-Houser

ALSO PRESENT: Attorney Steven Miller

City Treasurer, Belinda Richardson

City Administrator, Derrick Champion



Motion to approve minutes with corrections of May 4, 2022, by Ald. Barron, seconded by Ald. McDowell

Roll Call: 4 Yes/0 No/0 Absent-Motion Carried


Motion by Ald. Hampton-Houser, seconded by Ald. McDowell, to adopt Authorization of Claims and Accounts Bill list, totaling $977,687.76, with manual checks of $26,770.59 for a grand total of $977,458.35

Roll Call: 3Yes/0 No/1 Absent-Motion Carried




Members of Council members of the public with respect to the city attorney's report, starting with a proposed resolution approving the extension and renewal of the Re-Proclamation and Declaration of a continued local state of emergency, within the City of Markham, and approving the Mayor's Determination Regarding Modifications to In-person Meetings in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, May 18, 2022)



Motion by Ald. McDowell, seconded by Ald. Barron, to adopt Resolution 22-R-680 A Resolution Approving the Extension and Renewal of the Re-Proclamation and Declaration of a Continued Local State of Emergency within the City of Markham and Approving the Mayor’s Determination Regarding Modifications to In-Person Meetings in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic (May 18, 2022)

Roll Call: 3 Yes/0 No/1 Absent-Motion Carried



Motion by Ald. Hampton-Houser, seconded by Ald. McDowell, to adopt Resolution 22-R-681 A Resolution concerning the purchase of municipal vehicles for the City of Markham from the Village of New Lenox

Roll Call: 4 Yes/0 No/1 Absent-Motion Carried



Motion by Ald. Barron, seconded by Ald. Hampton-Houser to waive reading of Ordinance 22-O-2330 An Ordinance Concerning Annual Appropriation of the City of Markham, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2022, and Ending April 30, 2023

Roll Call: 3 Yes/0 No/1 Absent-Motion Carried



Motion by Ald. Barron, seconded by Ald. Hampton-Houser to adopt Ordinance 22-O-2330 An Ordinance Concerning Annual Appropriation of the City of Markham, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2022, and Ending April 30, 2023

Roll Call: 3 Yes/0 No/1 Absent-Motion Carried


I just have one comment, and that'll just be that. This is several years that I would give the City Council a lot of praise, an ultimate amount of praise for passing a balanced budget and I certainly want to praise the finance team who keeps us on track to get things done. We can proudly say that we are fiscally sound and a lot of places we haven't been for years and with our deficits in the past coming down and audits being done. So that's just kudos and just really praise to you all and my hat is off to you all. I don't do anything without them, and I know you all don't either. So, they say we can't do it, we don't do it and so, I just have to throw that in. This is a testament to good hard work by the City Council and our Finance Department.



Motion by Ald. Hampton-Houser, seconded by Ald. McDowell to waive reading of Ordinance 22-O-2331 An Ordinance Amending Title XI “Business Regulations” Of The Markham Code to Regulate Special Events

Roll Call: 3 Yes/0 No/1 Absent-Motion Carried

Ald. Barron - I've been reading it in the last hour, but is some of these special events, I'm not talking about the ones that we're doing through the city. But other special events is 35 dollars enough, not seeing that it involves Public Works, Police and Fire.

Mayor Agpawa - Well, I think that it is for the permit itself. It would be enough just for a generic or basic information.

Ald. Barron - Oh, get the point about the permit, but if they want to inquire the services where we have to put out horses and we have to provide blockade of some type of service?

Mayor Agpawa - they'll have to engage with us to pay us for that service separately. So, the permit would be for informational purposes, or for us to keep track of them as they come to our wards, you know that is, so we at least have some regulation. But if they need services, then they're going to have to contract that and have to pay if they need us for something additional.

Ald. Barron - That would be aside from the normal routine, things that the city would regularly do you know, after approving and certain city services will be required, they will have to pay whatever the fees are.

Mayor Agpawa - That's not a problem, we can add I don't see anything in the ordinance that allows us to go back and do that. We we've got some things somewhere else and why don't we just add it, it would be much easier to add it. So why don't we pass it with just the stipulation to add the language to that any fees that might be incurred for city services?

Ald. Barron - All right. So where are we?

Mayor Agpawa - You know, some of these events, I mean, they really catch on. If it goes above and beyond, we ought to be compensated for doing it, and that cost, it costs money. We just, we don't want to affect the budget. Okay, so what's your pleasure should we consider maybe amending why don't you add the language? Just add the language that any city services incurred, it would be additional charge?



Motion by Ald. Hampton, seconded by Ald. Barron to adopt Ordinance 22-O-2331 An Ordinance Amending Title XI “Business Regulations” Of The Markham Code to Regulate Special Events – with the additional of language: “to include any City fees for services incurred”

Roll Call: 3Yes/0 No/1 Abstain/0 Absent-Motion Carried


Motion by Ald. Hampton-Houser, seconded by Ald. Barron to approve Group Renewal Insurance Roll Call: 3 Yes/0 No/1 Abstain/0 Absent-Motion Carried


Business License:

Price is Wyte Trucking, LLC


Motion to open floor by Ald. McDowell, seconded by Ald. Hampton-Houser to open floor to Price is Wyte Trucking, LLC

Roll Call: 4 Yes/0 No/0 Abstain/0 Absent-Motion Carried


Good evening, Price is Wyte Trucking if you just want to stand, the city council would just like to discuss your application briefly with you. We all had a chance to review it and just ask you about your business. I believe Ald. McDowell, this is your ward correct, and have you had a chance to deal with them already?


Yes, I have.


Good evening to you and gentlemen, it you’ll just tell us who's Frankie and Jahwey okay, I can tell you're taller. Well, tell us a little bit tonight and then I know the council may have some questions today.


Well, started prices way trucking last year. I had to have my CDL since 2014, 2015. I got a while I was having problems you know and through that process, I was changing my life around and getting my CDL and trying to do something serious. The mistake that was made, unfortunately, I did have to go to IDOC and correct the mistakes that I made with society. So, upon coming back I came from the Safer Foundation, and I saw that they've started this CDL program, and everybody was talking about man, I want to get my CDL and the only thing he was having a problem with getting a job after getting it because of something in the background, so after getting out I started to sell cars. Me and my brother got a truck I started driving. We got the business going after that went back to the Safer Foundation and Workforce Initiative Program. We started hiring new drivers just right off the bat. Now, he had finally signed the contract with Chicago Cook County Workforce Partnership that we will intern all of the applicants that are coming up the majority ex-cons, family stuff like that. So, they come from the Safer Foundation or the work release center. So, with that it just felt like I was actually doing something positive in my life. And with us opening this spot in Markham, we’ll be able to really give class time. You know so we can really build and expand and build this and can reach town to town, change lives.


Great, great, great to hear that's excellent. I just have one question, are you primarily office based in Markham?


Yes, no trucks in town. Contract with Hubcaps.


Speaking with actually them and actually going over to the location, they are going to be training at that location. They said that they will probably have maybe two to three people at a time where they will actually do have hands on training


Training will done thru videos, to display the duties of being in a mountain before we send them in a mountain.


They are informed that they cannot have any trucks parked over there.


Just so basically this is classroom training to receive their permits, I’m assuming


When it comes to the they have a permit. This way the schools are over packed right now. They kind of train them just to pass turns. So, when they pass the test, they don't really know about attaching to the trailer coupling using the engine brake or just seeing different terrains because all they see is just the route that they take them. Chicago Heights, Markham, stuff like that. So, we're coming in I get to play the video and then walk them through what they would experience them in the truck. So just basically having them mentally ready before we put them out on the road because you don't want to, you know freeze up and you got 40,000 pounds behind and you can’t use your brakes you want to see the video a sample of somebody didn't use the brakers right and we had somebody that does use the right. You know what you should do when you are on the road you know, it's not like a surprise you should be calm and most of the drivers come thru they are calm by the time they get to the trucks, and they a little bit confident and eager to see something go so that's why I feel like the class time.


Where would they actually be doing their practical part of the test?


Well, as far as the driving test, I'm trying to take them out 12 o'clock at night to go to Hub Cap City, bring the trucks out so get them on I57 and then take them to Kankakee, get off an exit 305 coming back around, come back., get a little comfortable with that a couple of times. With the Safer Foundation they pretty much send them to the school to get the license and we're the company that basically trains them because they need time to before they get actually into official jobs. So, we're kind of a steppingstone to get them ready.

So, a lot of them once they finish, they take testing get approved they choose 160 or Progressive a young lady came from a school on the north side, you know and that's a different thing that they come from all areas of the city, we have got from the back yards, Northside, Dolton. So, it's kind of like all over the place.


It sounds great, you already know your knowledge. I think it's important that individuals who don't have that knowledge, understand that the magnitude of 80,000-pound vehicle they need to know more details besides just driving. So, I appreciate you guys very much for taking that opportunity to encourage and not only that but educate individuals on large equipment as well.


Motion to close floor by Ald. McDowell, seconded by Hampton to Price is Wyte Trucking, LLC Roll Call: 4 Yes/0 No/0 Absent-Motion Carried


Motion to grant license by Ald. McDowell, seconded by Hampton to Price is Wyte Trucking, LLC

Roll Call: 4 Yes/0 No/0 Absent-Motion Carried




Under the mayor's report, I just wanted to mention, you know, talking about grass is almost like talking about snow, it's not much different, so I think that we're playing catch up, which is kind of the story of how it is depending on what season you're in. But I had a conversation with Ald. Hampton about, however small there is improvement you know in terms of the management of this and the consistency. You know, just as we've seen improvement, just like we did with the budget this year as we did the last several years. Each year we get better, sometimes it's not quick enough for some people it is definitely not quick enough for me, I just don't show it as much, but I get impatient with what happens I don't display it because you know, I just continue to manage instead of just getting upset about it. I just try to find out what component I need to apply to get better and better with the employees. We have to get these things done and it is getting better, but one thing we can't control just like we can't control the snow, is the rain and so if it’s raining you can't cut if it's too wet. You definitely can't cut it even after it stops raining, so it takes time. I know my neighbor across the street has probably over two feet of grass in her front yard and I don't know if it's all rain for her, but I might have to talk to my neighbor but lend her my lawn mower. So, something I don't know what's going on, but everybody's got it and I've seen it in other communities as well, not just ours. But we're going to definitely ask that people keep up with the grass and stay on top of it, and if you see something, say something. Same thing with weeds, if you see something that's not good, let us know and we'll do our part to get to these vacant properties. I know the aldermen are working hard in their wards with cleanup as we've got word about cleanup month getting towards the end. I know that everybody has been diligent in their wards about clean up and the Public Works is out there as well, so it's not just the month we take pride in Markham to do this all year round. We clean up in the snow., and we say that we don't put the lawnmowers up sometimes in the snow. I wanted to make mention also about the safety of the community, we have had recently as some may or may not know and then the public different changes within the police department in the direction that it's going and the leadership of how it's being handled. We've been meeting with him quite a bit. We put on new officers. We've gotten new patrol cars that are going to be on the street and we're constantly just as we dealt with Public Works vehicles and with Fire Department vehicles in the past. Now we're going to continue to fortify the police department. And every once in a while, time brings about a change. And that's kind of where we're I think are in a changing environment in the police department right now. So, I'm looking forward to some things over there in terms of the City Safety, and some of the challenges with let's just say it like it is with shooting because it's everywhere, and it's just absolutely ridiculous, that it's the way it is that you can't feel safe in your house and that's really so let me just say like it is instead what I'm going to talk about. That's the kind of safety I'm talking about. So there has to be a plan for dealing with that, and I'll tell everybody this much and I said it to the City Council, the people that are shooting they either live here or know somebody lives here. let's just get it straight. Let's say it like it is they're not stopping be here to visit to shoot, they know somebody where they're at or they live here. So, what does that tell any of us? that tells unfortunately, we might have some of the wrong people living in town. It is what it is, I don't know you know don't go by my house and mess with my neighbor about her grass now because I'm not going to say she shouldn't live about the grass. But high grass could be one of the telltale signs maybe they're not taking care of their property, I don't know, but we can't police everything. It takes all of us to talk about what goes on in these houses and record it, you can report it anonymously, you could call your Aldermen, let them deal with it, let them figure it out for you or call the mayor's office and we'll figure it out. But that's what the problem is, we’re not just being picked by random. Some of these people live here and you know, maybe they need to relocate. I'm not going to say where they should go, I could tell you where I think they should go, but I will say honestly, we got to step up. Because if I see something I called Here we go. I'm not going to stay on the soapbox, but I got to tell the truth, I called the police last week I was sitting in my dining room table, boom, boom, boom, I'm hearing music, so I called the police. They came up I didn't know what house it was coming from and so one of my neighbors got pulled to the side by the police and, they were kind of offended that I called, and I say I don't care who it was, I didn't know who it was. But why should I care, why should I have to pick out and think about why any of you all should have to worry about or think about your peace and your tranquility being taken, call the police. You know that's just how it's got to be, so, I strongly recommend that if you have an issue, reach out to your Alderman, let them know if you don't want to call in your neighbor you don't have to, they’ll deal with it, they'll figure out o and the police will not, they will not say so and so called and told me to come over here because if they do they're going to have a problem with me for sure. But that used to happen years ago, and it was unfortunate that we had some officers that didn't want to work, so that's their way of trying to keep you from calling because they'll pit you against your neighbor. So, we stopped that we're up on how that stuff works, and if we catch them doing that and hear about it, we're going to deal with, but I just wanted to get that straight because nobody should have to live thinking you got to duck in your kitchen, or your dining room in your living room while you eating because some fools running through the community. But we need some help you got to give them up. I want to be on TV and everybody's saying oh, we need to do something and stop the violence happening, I’m not having a march, you go have a march. I'm not having one, I'm calling the police and I’m going to look for them, I'm not doing one because I want to turn them in because they're live somewhere, they're eating somewhere, they're related to somebody. So, I don't know, and some towns have less of it than others, so with that let me move on. We are dealing with the housing in the housing effort that will help this matter I just mentioned with the Aldermen, one of the things that this council had courage to do is to robust that building department and get a person in each ward that will be able to go after people who don't take care of property it’s probably some of the people that’s shooting, if they don't take care of the property now they'll have somebody in these wards that was a good thing. One of the things I can't say last two items, we are aggressively, aggressively working on business, now I know we keep having shooting nonsense, nobody’s going to come but we're doing a good job at it. I'll tell you that much, nobody's been hit fortunately by some of this nonsense, but addressing it means everything. Even when businesses know that you're aggressively trying to do something just like you're going after them. If they know that you're trying to combat, it, they'll work with you. So that's what we're doing, and this council is doing a good job and supporting that effort, so I just wanted to let everybody know we are going after business in this community in a lot of ways. So last item I mentioned I now yield to Ald. Barron under his report, but please keep this lady in in his ward, he'll elaborate a little bit more in his report that has been missing, you know, it's nothing like having someone that is missing, in you your family and something happens, so keep them in prayer.


Good evening, Council, just want to kind of backtrack a little bit, I want to thank the Price is Wyte again, for coming here in Markham. I'm very familiar with the program at IDOC I came from the State, I worked the Department of Commerce worked closely with the Safer Foundation as well actually volunteered as a mentor with the program. So, I didn't Marcus King and a lot of folks that used to be part of IDOC we like working with Rev. Corey Brooks, working very closely, giving individuals a second chance. So, I'm really happy and really enthusiastic to have business like yours here and I think you can serve as a mentor to other folks that have been in the same situation. I want to just let you guys know that the city of Markham will be partnering with the Department of Commerce because we do we support small businesses here and we have some small business resource forums, so we want to make sure that our small businesses here in the city of Markham, understand some of the resources that are out there for small businesses. There are always all types of grants and different information that consistently is coming out, and a lot of people sometimes they just don't know about those resources, but we want to make sure that small businesses here in the city of Markham are ready. Stay tuned, I want to give you guys a card too so we can stay in touch. Alright, just real quick, I want to just talk about some of the things that we have coming up, one thing I want to bring up just real quick to the Council, the city of Markham, we are one of eight finalists for Chicago commercial real estate awards. It's going to be held tomorrow night at the Chicago Hilton downtown. The Amazon Robotics Fulfillment Center is up for the award I'm hopeful that we will come back victorious because I just think there's not a project in this region that houses 3,200 employees and then we're boasting at hosting the nation's largest robotics fulfillment center, so really happy about that, kind of stay tuned on that. Also, as individuals know that we are going to be heading out to ICSC this week, that's the International Conference of Shopping Centers in Las Vegas. I know the mayor and the council, we've been talking about this conference for the last several weeks, and thanks to Christina in the finance area for helping us we get all our marketing booths and everything, all those promo items ready to go. But we are really targeting them on a real recruiting trip to bring some type of businesses here to Markham and we have a suite of incentives that we can offer businesses to come to Markham from class eights, TIF’s well as some abatements, but we want to make sure that individuals know that we have some real estate here. We're going to be open to having some sit-down restaurants and viable business here in Markham. I think that’s it for me Mayor.


Good evening, thank you. Just briefly, the block clubs are in effect, I have one going on next month, June 4, I will give you the information on locations of where those block clubs party , they’re off of Sherwood and as much also Meadowview is going to have one, so we're working on that because block club parties are typical all the time, let's bring the neighbor back in the neighborhood so this is a way of bringing the neighborhood back together. When I was growing up, It was a block party we would go to and have fun entertainment, so I'll keep you posted on the dates and the flyers getting those out. What's coming up actually this coming Friday though, is Nordson Green Earth at Markham Courthouse on May 20 and May 21, everyone one is invited so please come out to volunteer and show your support. You know we only have one planet; we haven’t found a place to move yet so let's take a look at green and let's put some more air back in the atmosphere. All right so if you want to volunteer for that project, please give me a call. I can reach to 708-339-1973 and they're looking for all the support they can get to get that project off of the ground. Also, kudos to Disney, they actually redid the basketball court I saw at Canterbury Shopping Center and also gave a nice donation to the park. So, thank you Disney for doing that, I mean, we really appreciate you coming into our town and rendering your services and your money. You know, so appreciate you all coming up, and whatever we can do to help you here to assist. Last but not least, once again I will let Ald. Barron talk more about it, but Channel 2 News was out here today, you know, they did show she's missing. You know, so she's 83 years old, we'll get more details about it. But this is the important to me our seniors is our beginning, you know, so we stand on the shoulders of our seniors. That's why I believe it's important to have a facility for them, you know, in times like this, so I'm going to push for our seniors and expand on our senior programs and things of that nature. So that you know, we can have a wholesome place, not just a new beginning for those who paved the way for us.


So, I want to thank Ald. Jones, for mentioning Mrs. Gutierrez who walked away from. But I'm particularly proud of our Police and Public Works department, how everybody has pitched in and trying to search for the senior citizen, I mean, this neighborhood came out people are walking around, kids are riding bikes, they’re checking ditches, vacant houses. I guess I couldn't be prouder, I am really, really pleased with that. I'm not repeating this, but the headline is that the city clean up I thought was very good. wish everybody Happy Memorial Day. I not there tonight because I've been around a couple of people that have tested positive for COVID and I I've mentioned this in the past. When I was in Fairplay and I was really proud of all the seniors because it seemed like all the senior citizens had masks. So, I'm really proud that people are starting to wear masks. I don't know exactly what happened with this thing, but right now it goes good and with the warm weather coming, I'm afraid it's going to get worse, so that is my plan to do a zoom meeting tonight. And we're really proud of as a group the Chief Superintendent, and Public Works.


Good evening, Mayor and Council, I think I want to start off with the cleanup week, Mayor, I have to honestly say this last week, when we had cleanup week, I am so proud of our residents because they actually read the information on the water bill. We didn't have anyone put down tires and stuff you work on your home and all the other kind of stuff. So, I had an opportunity to speak with the employees who actually were picking up that week, they were very proud as well. We did a good job on that Mayor. Moving forward,

I'm just hoping that everybody continues to read the information I put out, the right materials that need to be picked up. Also, Mayor and Council individuals here as well. Our grass cutting, we just elaborate a little bit as well, Mayor we had had enormous amount of rain and it did actually put us you know behind in reference to cutting. I think the most important thing which we did, we prioritized what was important which was the senior homes. So, we managed to get the senior homes cut and in Ward one as well. Public Works has started on Wood Street and working their way back east in reference to the fields and the abandoned homes. Unfortunately, today they couldn't really get out there too much because we had all that rain to cut grass. It's going to shoot up again but I'm just asking everyone in Ward 1 to please you know, be patient with us. We are actually getting that together. I just want to also mention have an upcoming event, I noticed that in the Ward 1 you know we really don't have any activities for individuals 18 and up even seniors as well. So, I had an opportunity to sit down and put some information together for some events for individuals that we want in Ward 1. The first Monday and the first Thursday of each month, we will have an activity over at our banquet hall in the building directly behind the banquet hall a new building. So, we're going to be starting off with bingo we're going to be doing on June 6 and June 9 and that will be from 11am to 1pm, that's June 6 and June 9. I did a census in my ward, asking individuals what activities they would like to do, so everybody started off with bingo. So, we're going to start off with bingo and then any other activities that we want to do., we're going to do that on a monthly basis as well. So, I think that's something good you know what, it's great if people want to get out and move around and move about and I think that's a good way that we can get started. I also have to say here Monday May 9, this past Monday, May 9 we had gunshots in our ward as well, the gunshots that we actually heard, that I actually heard, I immediately called the police, and when I asked the neighbors and I asked residents in my ward which I'm pretty sure that this panel as well do the same thing, If you hear something, don't call me immediately call the police call 911 the police came out with their investigation still looking around So again, I thank God that no one has been injured as of this moment but I'm asking everyone in my ward if you hear any gunshots or any violence, please call 911 first and then you can give me a call so we can make sure that we follow up on it and make sure we can try to hold individuals accountable for their actions. Also, I want to say that our Mr. Champion, our City Administrator will be the commencement speaker at Obama school tomorrow. So, you want to get an opportunity to elaborate a little bit on that though, Mr. Champion.


I was asked by the principal Davis over at Barack Obama Learning Academy to be the commencement speaker tomorrow. So, I am looking forward to giving them some words of encouragement and some hope to move forward. So really grateful for that.


And then last but not least, I want to say Happy Memorial Day to everyone. I'm still asking everyone to be diligent and reference to this COVID because it is still lurking it is still here it is still alive and it's still real. So please be careful about where you're going, make sure we practice the protocol wash our hands as often as we can, you know keep our face covering on and listen, have a fantastic weekend coming up in the Memorial Day. If you have any questions or whatever, you know, please don't hesitate to call me sometimes our phones get a little overwhelming with calls, so if I don't call you right back, please just allow me a little courtesy and I definitely will return your call.


On yesterday, I received a call from one of my residents in the 6400 block of Honore, a group of young people pulled up in black and orange vehicle and parked directly in front of her home. They all got out the vehicle at there just about half of the day, she called me, and she was like I think I got a stolen car in front of my home. I'm like, what do you mean? She was like young people came early this morning, got out of the car and they took off. The car sat there I said please call the police, found out the vehicle was stolen. So, if you see a vehicle and it was parked on the wrong side of the street, if you see a vehicle on your block and you know that vehicle does not belong to some of your neighbors, just call the police. There's no way we can find out who the vehicle belongs to if the vehicle belongs to a neighbor, and they have company, the police will go next door knock on the door. Also, I've noticed a lot of new people who have moved in in the 16500 block of Honore with a lot of people I went to building and housing, I did tell one of the Code enforcers they did go out, I did see some of those people come in line to actually register their dog. So, I'm going to do a follow up and see if the other ones have come in, if you see residents if you see anyone is new on your block, or anyone that has a dog and you're not sure if they're registered, just call me Building and Housing so we can get the code enforcement to go out and do a follow up with these dogs. Also, Mayor we have a lot of deep holes 167 Honore, Wolcott and Winchester, they have actually they caved in they were repaired and now they're sinking back down. Also, Public Works met me this morning at 16232 Wolcott so we can clean all the back They found out it's going to take a little bit more time than what they had expected because it's just everywhere. I did let the residents know to have a little patience they will be back because it's going to take a while for them to clean all of that out and that's the end of my report.


Yes. I just wanted to add one footnote on my report. The Treasury Department, I, as far as I know, I'm nine years, this is the focus that we've ever looked past the city budget. And I know that’s a lot of work, So I applaud the Treasury Department on all your hard work, and could the treasurer put the reins on that's all.


At the end, I had a coffee sit in at the coffee sip. I asked the residents in Ward one. What was their feelings in reference to speed bumps in in our ward and I get it's almost like a 50/50 50% says no speed bumps. We need to have the police officers’ issue more tickets. The other hand says yes, we need speed bumps. So, at the very next meeting, I'm going to address it again and see exactly what the distances are. And then I'll just bring it to the board and there and see what we can do moving forward.


I had a meeting with public works today, so just let me know where you want it. We met this morning about speed bumps, we’re going to get moving on them.


Motion by Ald. Barron, seconded by Ald. McDowell to Open Floor to Public.

Roll Call: 4 Yes/0 No/0 Absent-Motion Carried


I haven't been active for a while, but I was kind of disappointed in that kind. of yield to driving through our beautiful Markham, which I've been out here for 56 years. I drove down the street to go get groceries and all I could see was dandelions, in the seniors and the vacant and all that. I mean, we there have rights, and you can tell those that are trying. I'm just wondering what's happening with it with our community you know, I talked to one of my neighbors, she's older than I am. She's 90, and she's disappointed and wondering what's going on, but we want to be viable and try to keep you know, the community going, and I just wanted to get back in and find out what Markham is doing for the residents that's all because you know, I voted for you all. Okay, and I believe in Markham. I've done it a long time.


Yes, well, I share your sentiments very much. I really do, it is disheartening some time to see that. You see five of them cared and you see 10 that don’t, and you go down the street you see four houses good and three houses, you know, some have fair good reason, if you ask me, most of them don't. And so that's where we have to collectively continue to push about what we just don't want to tolerate. You know, somebody needs to explain themselves about why they're, behaving that way in the community. You know, the same way we don't want to be infringed upon about the noise. I don't want to be a fringe about what I see. That's, that bothers me about what I got to look at when I'm living here. So, I tend to complain about it as well. So, the way we go after that we have to go, we're going to go to the door asking what your problem is. You need some help, we got it and certainly the seniors we help them so those houses should be fine. One of the things with the renters we have, we've got to probably just check with the renters, they have to have landscapers to take care of the property as part of the ordinance. So, we'll have to enforce that and ticket those homes that are that ran by the landlord, and I would imagine that's probably someone, so we'll have to check that out.


Our property values have been basically going up and that's another thing, an investment of 50 years and you haven't improved anything. All the people that they are new people and investors, the investors took a big chunk out and we're suffering, and we do have a lot of people. I really am on the east side and my great grandson, I'm afraid to take him out and let him play in my yard. Because they don't have leashes.


So, what would definitely be addressed now with the police more about dealing with the animals for sure. Okay, well, anything you need, just let us know and all of that sort of stuff.


I also want to stay Miss Kelly and Kimberly Kelly as well, that our administration now is really at a full peak. Prior to we had to actually, THE Mayor can probably elaborate on that, we had to actually build up different departments within our city, yes, we had we had to add to, especially in our housing department, we now are able to actually execute a little bit more problems that's going on in our wards. Not just in our ward, but in other wards as well, on how we can expedite that and move forward. The mayor did make a very valuable point. Now that we have a code enforcer that's directly in each ward and in our ward has an Mr. Ezezkiel who actually deals directly with me, we're actually combatting 15 different things in our ward. So, I still like the animals, it is still the grass cutting, still dealing with the landlord's, with the tenants, we're dealing with all of that. So again, just be a little bit patient because I do understand what you stand how our city used to look and where it is now, but we back we're scaling back up now. So just a little patience. You know, we're going to get there.


Yes, hopefully, yes. Thank you Okay.


I don't need to say anything, but that would just be piggybacking on what I said before. The shooting, what we're going to do about it. I tried to get you Monday, but you were busy, but I thought maybe the poster campaign like that stop the shooting.


I’m going to post at somebody’s house you could put some on a billboard somewhere but I'm going to their house, I'm going with the police, because I ain't got no gun, but we're going to deal with it because that's where that that's where the guns are at. I'm telling you that’s where the guns are at in somebody’s house. So, you know, you march, it’s a parade, that's what it is.


Motion by Ald. Barron, seconded by Ald. McDowell to Close Floor to Public.

Roll Call: 4 Yes/0 No/0 Absent-Motion Carried

ADJOURNMENT Motion by Ald. Hampton-Houser, seconded by Ald. McDowell to adjourn at 8:10p.m.

Roll Call: 4 Yes/0 No/ 0 Absent-Motion Carried
