
South Cook News

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Pekau: Casten ensured tax breaks on luxury cars for the wealthy

Keithpekau orlandpark

Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau | Courtesy Photo

Orland Park Mayor Keith Pekau | Courtesy Photo

Keith Pekau for Congress has issued the following press release:

August 18, 2022 - While the Democrats’ “Don’t Say Inflation” Act does little to reduce inflation, it was a major boon for the Green Energy lobby. The bill is laden with federal subsidies and tax carve-outs for the powerful special interests’ preferred constituencies. 

For example, now only electric vehicles assembled in North America qualify for the $7500 electric vehicle tax credit. According to a preliminary list released by the US government, the majority of vehicles that will qualify are high-end models: Audi, BMW, GMC Hummer, Lincoln, Tesla, Cadillac, Mercedes and Ford Mustang. Casten even recently told Fox Chicago, “Electric vehicles are expensive. That’s why we are offering subsidies to consumers.” He failed to mention the subsidies would only go to consumers in the highest tax brackets. 

Keith Pekau, GOP Nominee for Congress (IL-06) released the following statement: “The EV tax credits are yet another example of how the “Don’t Say Inflation” Act puts special interests and the wealthy ahead of working people. If you can afford an Audi or a Mercedes, you can get a tax break. If you are a single, working mom who can only scratch together enough for a used Toyota: too bad. Sean Casten, who drives a Tesla, was gleeful about passing this bill to benefit himself, his wealthy buddies and the Green Lobby. He didn’t give any consideration to those who are struggling under the Biden-Casten economy.  

“This plan won’t reduce inflation and is never going to reverse climate change. Sean Casten’s Leftist principles have failed every time they have been tried . They are grounded in a reality that does not exist, and are going to cause more pain for the people who can least afford it. 

“I am running for Congress to bring common sense, compassion, and economic responsibility to Washington DC. The Biden-Casten-Pelosi policy agenda is a disaster for families and businesses, and all the sanctimonious smooth talk in the world from Sean Casten won’t change that.”