
South Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Oak Forest Crime Prevention Commission met May 18

City of Oak Forest Crime Prevention Commission met May 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

1. Lora called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2. Roll Call: Lora Korgis, Chairperson, James J. Richmond, Secretary, Sandra Czyznikiewicz, Treasurer, Leanne Baltas, and Jim Watson. Also present were Police Chief Jason Reid, Dennis Mitzner and Steve Heckenast. Quorum present.

3. JimR noted there was no correspondence to the commission other than our monthly report (ending 3/31/2022) from the Finance Director.

4. Commission minutes to approve. Leanne motioned and Lora seconded to approve the March 16, 2022 minutes. All members voted in favor (5 ayes; 0 nays).

5. For the Treasurer’s report, there was nothing new to report other than the commission had a budget of $10K with $0 spent to close out the fiscal year.

6. Old Business - Lora indicated there was nothing new to report on with the commission’s video event. JimR gave an update on his inquiry with the Communications Director about the use of the City’s social media accounts for any commission messages. JimR also noted that he successfully gained access to the commission’s email account with the IT Department’s help, and then responded to a couple messages that had been sent to the commission.

7. The commission turned its attention to New Business. We had guest Steve Heckenast join us from Gingerwood to find out more about the commission and what neighborhood watch was about. Dennis provided Steve a couple handouts and some initial thoughts (canvas neighbors; seek help/block captions; set up meeting with commission and a police officer). Chief Reid noted that the commission might have the biggest impact if we focus small and hit the streets and different neighborhoods meeting residents. The use of social media with today’s generation may be the best communication tool.

8. Chief Reid noted that public service announcements (PSAs) might be effective with the City’s different social media accounts. The commission can come up with a couple of PSAs to provide the Communications Director for use to release on a rotating basis. Property crimes and reminders about open garage doors and locking car doors can be good subjects to start with. This would also be a good avenue to invite residents to upcoming commission meetings to seek more feedback and interest in the commission itself.

9. The floor was opened up for “Once Around the Table”. No one had anything to add other than Jim Watson who was glad to see everyone again after some time away.

10.With no further discussion to attend to by the commission, JimR motioned and Sandi seconded to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor (5 ayes; 0 nays). The meeting was adjourned at 8:01 p.m.
