
South Cook News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Oak Forest Veterans Commission met Aug. 18

City of Oak Forest Veterans Commission met Aug. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

Chairman: (X) Joe Pilch

Liaison to the city: (X) Paul Selman

Committee Members 11: () Chris Adams, (X) Ralph Chichester, () Dennis Mitzner, (X) Dave Moore, (X) John Perales, (X) Jim Pioth, (X) Don Snedden, (X) Tom O’Neill, ( ) Jim Watson, (X) Rich Wojotowicz

Honorary Member:

Guest: Brian Jones

1. Pledge of allegiance

2. Roll Call

3. Approval of Minutes

Approval of the June minutes by Don Snedden 2nd by Jim Pioth.

All members present approved, no nays.

4. Liaison to the City Report Paul Selman:

Tim Christin thanked the Veterans Commission for honoring his father at his wake.

Facebook exploded about a city American Flag that was torn, but still on display. The flag was replaced within 3 days of Public Works receiving the report of worn flag.


Flag receptacle now has plastic pallets for bottom to keep the flags dry. PW found some behind the closed Food4Less store. Currently I have three inside the flag box, standing up, we will have to configure for the box.

Tom Ceska is having two art students from Oak Forest High School paint the base of Nike Herc at Oak Forest Park District. It started Tuesday 8/16 with base undercoat. The students will get $200 each for painting. Motion by Jim Pioth and second by Don Snedden to pay one student $200 for painting. All members present approved no nays. The second student will be paid $200 from Oak Forest Park district.

This year “I am an American Day” parade for September 4 is canceled. We need either change the theme move to a different date or change format to something else. Suggestion was to rename to “Home Town Heroes”. Members are asked to bring suggestions to the commission as soon as possible.


One of our members could use some yard clean-up assistance. We are here to help Veterans that need assistance and we all agreed we would help him out.

Brian Jones came to meeting to see if he could help. An application to join commission has been sent to Brian.


2005 Indonesia suffers a Massive Power Outage

Thought to be one of the biggest power outages in recent history, the Java-Bali outage affected about 100 million people. Electricity was restored to most areas within 6 hours.

1958 Lolita is First Published in the US

The highly controversial novel written by Russian-American novelist Vladimir Nabakov detailed an adult man’s obsession over 12-year-old Dolores Haze, who he secretly calls Lolita.

1920 The State of Tennessee Passes the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution

This action by the Tennessee legislature brought the number of states passing the 19th amendment to 36 and provided the necessary majority to ratify the amendment, which extended universal suffrage to women.

1877 Martian Moon Phobos is Discovered

One of the two natural satellites of Mars, Phobos, was discovered by American astronomer Asaph Hall. Hall also discovered Deimos, the other Martian Moon. Named after the Greek God of fear, Phobos orbits only 3700 miles from the surface of Mars, making it the Moon to orbit closest to its planet in the Solar System. Because of this, Phobos completes an orbit around Mars in 7 hours and 39 minutes.

1612 The Pendle witch trials begin

11 people - 9 women and 2 men - are tried for practicing witchcraft in one of UK's most well documented and followed witch trials. The trial lasts for two days and 10 of the accused are found guilty and executed on August 20.

Trivia: (You do not win anything but it is fun playing?)

Q. What was “Veterans Day” originally called?

Soldier's Day B. Armistice Day C. Military Day D. Day of Surrender

Once around the Table.

Each member shares any information for Veterans.

Ralph Chichester – American Legion Post 615 Tinley Park is having a Shrimp boil November 9th. They are also having monthly ethnic dinners starting.

John Perales – Technology training for veterans and spouses is available at this web site https://vetsintech.co/ some are free to Veterans.

Tom O’Neill – Had one his wife’s check “white washed” a check wrote for $45 was changed to $4500 this was an issue with Oak Forest Post Office. The bank told him you are better off banking online.

ADJOURNMENT: Adjourned at 21:15 by Dennis Mitzner in absentia, Jim Pioth 2nd by John Perales.

All members present approved no nays.

Our next meeting is Thursday September 15, 19:30 in Blue Room.
