
South Cook News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Palos Heights City Council met Aug. 16

City of Palos Heights City Council met Aug. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


The Mayor called to order the regular meeting of the City of Palos Heights City Council at 7:00 p.m. in the City Administrative Center, 7607 W. College Drive, Palos Heights, IL


The Mayor led the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll call indicated the following were present:

Mayor Robert Straz City Clerk Thomas Kantas City Treasurer James Daemicke

Ward 1 Jeffrey Key & Donald Bylut

Ward 2 Jack Clifford

Ward 3 Brent Lewandowski &Heather Begley Ward

4 Michael McGrogan



A. Approval of Minutes: City Council Meeting – August 2, 2022

B. Approval of Payroll and Voucher List for the period ending August 12, 2022.

C. Approval of Proclamation for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, September 2022

D. Approval of Proclamation recognizing the Daughters of the American Revolution – Swallow Cliff Chapter and proclaiming September 17 through 23, 2022 as Constitution Week

Alderman McGrogan moved to approve the consent agenda seconded by Alderman Bylut.

On roll call, the motion to approve the Consent Agenda was:

Ayes: (6) Bylut, Begley, Clifford, Key, Lewandowski, McGrogan

Nays: (0) None

With six (6) affirmative votes the motion carried.




A. Mayor: The Mayor urged residents to use caution on the roads as school resumes.

● The Mayor introduced a motion to approve the re-appointment of Daniel Liston to the Police Pension Board for a 2-year term expiring on 9/15/24. Alderman Clifford moved to approve the appointment seconded by

Alderman Key. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

B. Clerk: No Report

C. Treasurer: Delivered Treasurer’s Report for the period ending July 31, 2022.

General Fund:

Beginning cash balance $5,745,215

Revenues $831,574

Expenses $1,112,510

Other $195

Ending cash balance $5,464,084

Total of All Funds:

Beginning cash balance $23,436,764

Revenues $1,568,457

Expenses $1,769,117

Other $215,228

Ending cash balance $23,020,876

Alderman Bylut moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report seconded by Alderman McGrogan. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote.

D. City Attorney: No Report




● Joan Devito of 12232 S. 71st Avenue posed a question about the meeting to address a proposed zoning change regarding the property at 12303 S. 71st Court. The Mayor advised that the committee meeting will take up this matter at their first meeting in September.

● Linda Schiappa 13142 Edinburgh Drive spoke on behalf of the Recreation Advisory Board to share her concerns regarding the proposed ordinance under consideration this evening. Ms. Schiappa stated that RAB received the proposed ordinance on July 3rd and has not had the opportunity to discuss the proposals. The last review of the ordinance concerning the RAB was in 2015 and was under review at that RAB meeting. Historically the RAB has had a productive relationship with the City. Ms. Schiappa recounted the accomplishments of the RAB in coordination with the City as follows: new bathrooms at the PBO Fields and Pool, the 4th of July events including the parade, Westgate Park proposal, path to Independence School, 9-11 Memorial, Power softball team and fields, Cal Sag Trail, bike racks, renovations at the City parks, a long term strategic and budget plan, the crafting of a Mission Statement. Ms. Schiappa stated that the 3 meetings proposed per year would be insufficient to continue the work done by the committee and does not help the recreation needs of the community. Ongoing efforts to assess the needs of the recreation facilities in the City will not be met under the proposed ordinance. The proposed ordinance grant writing provision should not be the responsibility of the RAB. The proposed changes do not help the RAB fulfill its mission statement. The current Rec Director has not embraced the mission of the RAB.

● Denise Hyker 57 Country Squire Road stated that the proposed RAB ordinance was initiated too quickly without time for proper consideration. The RAB was provided with the ordinance over the 4th of July weekend and discussed at a subsequent committee meeting. The concerns of the RAB are valid and should be taken into consideration. The members of the RAB are volunteers who commit themselves to the betterment of the City by receiving and implementing input from the residents. The 3 meetings per year are insufficient to receive the input from the community. The RAB wants to continue its work in a meaningful way. The term limits imposed on members would not be helpful to the work of the RAB. The proposed ordinance does not best represent the needs of the community.

● Harlan Weivoda 7640 West 135th Street addressed the ongoing situation with his neighbor’s property causing water to collect on his property. His home flooded on July 23rd and August 2nd. Cook County personnel issued him citations recently. During a conversation with the County he walked him around the property to indicate the condition. The County representative communicated with his superiors regarding the condition of the property and damage to his property. He stated that the work done at his home was at his expense and that he was directed to take those steps by the City and that now the measures must be reversed. He stated that he has no further options and seeks input from the City.


A. Finance—Chairperson Alderman McGrogan: Reported that over the last few weeks the Finance Committee has been meeting to negotiate the police contract. Alderman McGrogan thanks residents who support local businesses from which the City derives sales tax revenues.

B. Public Safety—Chairperson Alderman Basso: Alderman Clifford reiterated to be on alert for telephone and other fraud schemes. Interested residents can obtain an information packet from the Police Department. Also urged residents to exercise caution while driving particularly now that schools are back in session. Finally, Alderman Clifford urged residents to lock cars while parked in driveways. The Mayor stated that the Cop on the Top will take place Friday at Dunkin benefiting Special Olympics.

C. Municipal Grounds and Property—Chairperson Alderman Begley: No Report

D. Planning and Zoning—Chairperson Alderman McGovern:

● Alderman Cliford moved adopt an ordinance to authorize an oversized detached garage containing an enclosed area of 864 SF in lieu of 660 square feet, and a height of 17’1” in lieu of 15 feet, and a 6-foot Side Yard Setback along the west property line, in lieu of the required 10-foot Side Yard Setback, which Side Yard Setback variance is limited to the distance of the length of a detached garage in the rear yard of the residential property located at 7620 Carmichael Drive, and contained within PIN 23-25-301-095- 0000 seconded by Alderman Key.

On roll call, the motion to adopt the ordinance was:

Ayes: (6) Bylut, Begley, Clifford, Key, Lewandowski, McGrogan

Nays: (0) None

With six (6) affirmative votes the motion carried.

E. Recreation—Chairperson Alderman Key:

● Alderman Key moved to approve 4th payment to George’s Landscape in the amount of $69,929.42 for work completed on the Misty Meadows Park Project seconded by Alderman Bylut.

On roll call, the motion to approve the payment was:

Ayes: (6) Bylut, Begley, Clifford, Key, Lewandowski, McGrogan

Nays: (0) None

With six (6) affirmative votes the motion carried.

● Alderman Key moved to approve the hiring of Upland Design in the amount of $6,000.00 for OSLAD grant preparation for the City of Palos Heights for a recreation redevelopment project seconded by Alderman Clifford.

On roll call, the motion to approve the hire was:

Ayes: (6) Bylut, Begley, Clifford, Key, Lewandowski, McGrogan

Nays: (0) None

With six (6) affirmative votes the motion carried.

● Alderman Key moved to approve payment of $47,230.50 for the first installment for 2022-23 membership contribution to the South West Special Recreation Association (SWSRA) seconded by Alderman Bylut.

On roll call, the motion to approve the payment was:

Ayes: (6) Bylut, Begley, Clifford, Key, Lewandowski, McGrogan

Nays: (0) None

With six (6) affirmative votes the motion carried.

● Alderman Key moved to approve the City Attorney to draft an ordinance amending the City’s Code, Sections 34.50 - 34.54 pertaining to the Recreation Advisory Board seconded by Alderman

Alderman Begley moved to amend the language of the ordinance specifically under Board Purpose to include the following: “The primary purpose of the RAB shall be to serve in an advisory capacity to the Mayor, City Council, and administrative staff regarding parks, facilities and recreation programs” seconded by Alderman Key. The motion to amend the ordinance as stated carried by unanimous voice vote.

Alderman Key stated that the work of the RAB is very important to the City and recognized the significant contributions the RAB makes to the Recreation Department. The Recreation Committee assigned Matt Fairbanks, the Director of Parks and Recreation, to come up with appropriate changes to the RAB. Upon review of his submitted information to the Rec Committee, the sentiment was that the proposed ordinance did not limit the work of the RAB nor did it limit the RAB’s access to the City and the administration of the City. The three meetings were proposed to coincide with the release of the programming schedule. Alderman Key stated the proposed ordinance was in no way designed to limit the RAB’s authority. Alderman Begley stated that the proposed ordinance allows the RAB to conduct special meetings as necessary to address issues that arise. Alderman McGrogan stated that additional review of the proposed ordinance may be beneficial and that the concerns of the RAB should be recognized. Alderman Key stated that the RAB needed changes and the ordinance was the product of careful consideration over a lengthy period of time. Alderman Key stated that there were original changes to the proposed ordinance sent to the RAB and that three members of the RAB attended the meeting and shared their concerns. Subsequently those concerns were shared with the Recreation Department.

Alderman Clifford moved to defer the vote to the next City Council meeting seconded by Alderman McGovern.

F. Roads and Construction - Chairperson Alderman Clifford:

● Alderman Clifford reported that construction is resuming after the quarry strike and that the punch list items for 123rd Street continues.

● Alderman Clifford moved to approve the purchase of two flashing school crossing road signs from TAPCO Safe Travels in the amount of $13,155.24 seconded by Alderman McGrogan.

On roll call, the motion to approve the purchase was:

Ayes: (6) Bylut, Begley, Clifford, Key, Lewandowski, McGrogan

Nays: (0) None

With six (6) affirmative votes the motion carried.

● Alderman Clifford moved to approve payment to Morris Engineering for engineering services for various projects in the amount of $31,426.78 seconded by Alderman Lewandowski.

On roll call, the motion to approve the payment was:

Ayes: (6) Bylut, Begley, Clifford, Key, Lewandowski, McGrogan

Nays: (0) None

With six (6) affirmative votes the motion carried.

● The committee is working on school zone speed limits.

G. License, Permits & Franchises: Chairperson Alderman Lewandowski: No Report

H. Water and Sewer—Chairperson Alderman Bylut: No Report


A. Business/Economic Development: Alderman Key - Reported that next Wednesday 8/24 is move in day at Trinity and that the Chamber of Commerce is coordinating a welcome back event for the students and their families with local businesses offering discounted and other associated promotions. Dunkin on 127th and Harlem has undergone significant renovations and is back open.

B. Ad Hoc Cable TV: Alderman McGovern - No Report


Alderman McGrogan noted a recent Regional article on Ring Doorbells and other security cameras and the new program sponsored by the police in order to share information on a voluntary basis which can help with investigations.

Alderman Key stated that with respect to the proposed RAB ordinance the purpose of deferring the vote was to afford additional time to review the ordinance.


Alderman Clifford announced that there will be a ceremony at Moraine Valley on September 10th called Field of Honor recognizing honoring members of the armed forces featuring a display of U.S. flags.


Jennifer Szwajkowski 7361 Ishnala Drive thanked the City for the passage of the Proclamation for Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.

Harlan Weivoda 7640 West 135th Street addressed confusion with his zip code and the Post Office inability to discern Orland Park from Palos Heights. Mayor Straz stated that he would address the issue with the Representative Casten and that he will address the issue with him.


At 7:50 p.m. the Mayor requested a motion to adjourn that passed unanimously.
