City of Palos Heights Municipal Grounds and Property Committee met Sept. 27.
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Chairman Begley called the Municipal Grounds and Property Committee meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. In attendance were Chairman Begley, Alderman Lewandowski, Alderman Bylut, Alderman Basso, Public Works Director Adam Jasinski, Support Services Chuck Hankus and recording secretary Ashley Pala.
Alderman Begley moved to approve the minutes of the Municipal Ground and Property Committee meeting held on August 23, 2022, seconded by Alderman Bylut. On a voice note, the motion passed unanimously.
Public Works Director Adam Jasinski presented the following reports/considerations:
• Motor Vehicle Update: This month are vehicles are being taken to Safety Line. There is significant progress being made. In regards to the chipper that was damaged, it is still out of services. It is difficult to obtain parts and the specific part on backorder is the shoot. Truck number four had the skin on the bed replaced due to it rotting. The rotary lift was installed.
After installation, there was a bent piece which is being replaced.
Alderman Begley motioned to approve payment for the installation of a new rotary lift in the Public Works garage with Rotary Lift Vehicle Services Group, LLC in the amount of $30,378.27, seconded by Alderman Lewandowski. On a voice note, the motion passed unanimously. —AGENDA
• City Hall / Southwest Central Dispatch Remodeling: The City’s Mechanical Contractor Amber who completed inspection on all HVAC units within SWCD. Upon inspection, one air conditioner was badly damaged and was taken out of service. An addition air conditioner unit was taken out of service to store in house for future potential usage. Three vendors gave quotes pertaining to the carpeting within SWCD. The business Apostophe’ Design Inc. was chosen to install the carpet tiles as the quality of carpet and previous work done at City Hall was satisfactory.
Alderman Begley motioned to approve purchasing and installation of carpet in the new Channel 4 studio from Apostrophe’ Design Inc., in the amount of $5,970.00, seconded by Alderman Bylut. On a voice note, the motion passed unanimously. —AGENDA
Door modifications need to be addressed at the new Channel 4 location. There were previously two steel doors for safety reasons. Channel 4 Director Ron Jankowski requested adding windows to the doors to have a welcoming environment for guests. There will also be a keypad installed, similar to City Hall.
Alderman Begley motioned to approve service door improvements in the new Channel 4 studio from The Door Authority in the amount of $6,971.00, seconded by Alderman Bylut. On a voice note, the motion passed unanimously. —AGENDA
The architect prepared the plans that were given to the Aldermen in attendance. Director Jasinski stated it would be a significant investment within City Hall. The Poepping Stone Bach & Associates out of Quincy, Illinois are those who are currently working with the City.
Alderman Basso stated that the entirety of the building should be redone. That it not only effects those who work within the building but those who go to City Hall to accomplish work. He addressed the Aldermen’s room is an example that it is not ideal to hold professional conference meetings in. The building represents the City, and currently is not representing it well.
Alderman Bylut stated that the City Hall building was not built to be a City Hall as it was previously a Nicor building. He stated this is not ideal but we can make it better. There are many buildings around the City that we take pride in including the Police Department, Library, and Recreation Center. The average resident does not utilize City Hall that often which would be hard to spend a large sum of money to redo the entirety of the building.
Alderman Lewandowski questioned how we can control overages. As every project there seems to be an overage due to unforeseen circumstances. This project is more of a want than a need. Is there a way to ensure the architecture plans?
Director Jasinski stated the main purpose for this is to bring functionality to City Hall. With how it is designed, it is not ideal for residents conducting business matters. In order to obtain a permit, they would need to walk through the Public Works yard outside to the Building Department. He stated that tearing the building down to rebuild would be ideal but without the funds, that is not possible. In regards to the architecture plans, PSBA and Director Jasinski created the plan. PSBA were onsite and were able to verify it can be constructed. Unfortunately, there is only so much planning and there are always unforeseen circumstances to some extent.
Alderman Begley and Bylut questioned Director Jasinski if he would be opposed to requesting additional proposals for this project. All present agreed to preparing proposals to be addressed at the next Municipal Grounds and Property Committee Meeting.
Alderman Begley motioned to request additional proposals for the City Hall/ Southwest
Central Dispatch Remodeling, seconded by Alderman Lewandowski. On a voice note, the motion passed unanimously.
• Fiber Optic Right of Entry and Fiber Optic Carrier Equipment Pop Site Agreement: The City of
Palos Heights was approached by Cook County to be part of the joint fiber optic carrier that will stretch from Chicago Ridge to Orland Park which will include all major municipal areas. We currently have a contract with Comcast until June of 2023. Support Services Chuck Hankus stated that he believes we should continue service with Comcast and utilize this new proposal as a backup. He continued this statement with providing the amount of reliance we utilize fiber for. In order to make proper communications with outside agencies, it is necessary. We can use them as a backup until we are sure that the services provided are ideal for what we need them for. Director Jasinski added that Attorney Tom Brown has looked over the agreement and approves. This agreement is for them to install the equipment and not for us to utilize the equipment installed.
Alderman Bylut and Begley commented saying that using this as a backup is the way to go as this can be beneficial in the future as it is no cost to install the equipment.
Alderman Begley motioned to approve the agreement for installation of Fiber Optic Right of Entry and Fiber Optic Carrier Equipment Pop Site, seconded by Alderman Lewandowski.
On a voice note, the motion passed unanimously.
• CNC Landscapes: CNC Landscapes completed work at the Art Garden and at City Hall. Landscaping work was completed near the memorials and gazebo. They did a great job.
Alderman Begley motioned to approve the payment to CNC Landscapes for landscaping work at the Art Garden and City Hall in the amount of $10,175.00, seconded by Alderman Lewandowski. On a voice note, the motion passed unanimously. —AGENDA
Alderman Begley presented photos of the landscape directly next to the Harvest Room on municipal property. It currently contains lava rock which is not appealing to look at. The Harvest Room is in agreeance that this is not the ideal look. After discussing with Director Jasinski, options were presented to spruce up the area. The options are laying brick pavers, stamped concrete, and removing what is there to add grass. After discussion, Director Jasinski will provide estimates for laying brick pavers and stamped concrete at the next Committee meeting.
Alderman Begley stated that a resident would like to improve the Art Garden by adding a tiny library.
There are others around the City and this would be an ideal place to add one. Director Jasinski suggested that the resident contact the Director of Parks and Recreation as they have also been involved in past tiny library projects. If Director Fairbanks approve, Public Works will install.
There being no further business, Alderman Begley moved to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Lewandowski. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m.