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Sunday, January 26, 2025

City of Oak Forest Planning & Zoning Commission met Dec. 7

City of Oak Forest Planning & Zoning Commission met Dec. 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The Planning& Zoning Commission meeting was called to order at 7: 01 p.m. with Chairman Stuewe taking Roll Call.

PRESENT: Chairman Jim Stuewe

Commissioner Mike Forbes

Commissioner Ken Keeler

Commissioner Rick Larson

Commissioner Wayne Schroeder

Commissioner Michael Ziak

Director Ed Cage

Staff Member Paul Ruane

ABSENT: Commissioner Chuck Wolf

1. ZC# 22- 032 15150- 15158 S. Cicero Avenue Parking Variation: The applicant requests review and recommendation of approval of a variation request to allow the reduction of parking spaces requirements in the C3 - Central Business District at 15150- 15158 S. Cicero Avenue.

Mr. Ruane presented a power- point presentation outlining the parking variation request. The application requested for a reduction in off-street parking from the code required 26 spaces to 21 privately owned spaces. Therefore a variance if 5 parking spaces was being requested. In mitigation, the applicant does have potential access to 6 right- of-way parking spaces, with a legal agreement, that are on the City' s property.

Mr. Ruane noted that the parking requirements for the bar/ restaurant use is calculated by the interior layout and the calculated capacity of the facility, which was provided by the Building Department.

Mr. Ruane stated that the proposed conditions of approval are as follows; 1. Provide a landscape plan, 2. Provide a bicycle rack, 3. Enclose the dumpster.

Mr. Stuewe asked if parking was allowed in the city right- of-way on striped spaces? Mr. Ruane answered, that parking was allowed in such spaces, with a City agreement and easement for the underground sewer.

Mr. Ziak asked if the building pre-dated the Zoning Code. Mr. Ruane answered that this was indeed the case.

Mr. Larson asked if the 6 right- of-way spaces were used by the bowling alley and can the City ok the use of the 6 parking spaces. Mr. Ruane answered yes, with a signed agreement that would be drafted by the City Attorney.

Mr. Stuewe asked if anyone in the audience had any comments to make at the public hearing. Ms. Michelle Barrakat of 4740 152nd Street noted that there were parking issues across Cicero Avenue by the new business, Bofills. 

Ms. Melissa Keating of 15217 Lacrosse Avenue asked what businesses were located within the strip mall. Mr. Ruane answered that 1 unit is vacant, 1unit is dedicated to nursing care and the last unit is proposed to be a bar/ restaurant.

Chairman Stuewe requested a motion approve the parking variation request. Mr. Forbes made the motion to approve. Mr. Ziak seconded.

AYES Mr. Forbes; Mr. Larson; Mr. Schroeder; Mr. Ziak; Chairman Stuewe


ABSTAIN Mr. Keeler


Motion to approve PZC Resolution 22- 34 recommending approval of the special use permit, carried 5- 0- 1 with 1 absent.

Per Mr. Ruane, this item will go before City Council December 13, 2022.

2. ZC# 22- 031 15417- 15427 S. Cicero Avenue Parking Variation: The applicant requests review and recommendation of approval of a variation request to allow the reduction of parking spaces requirements in the C3 - Central Business District at 15417- 15427 S. Cicero Avenue.

Mr. Ruane presented a power- point presentation outlinipbg the parking variation request_ The application requested a reduction in off-street parking space requirements from the code required 45 off-street parking spaces to the existing 20 off-street parking spaces.

Mr. Ruane noted that within the shopping center there are 2 hair salons, t-shirt store, taekwondo, photography and the Tap' s Bar. He noted that there is a gravel area in the rear of the building which has been utilized for some employee parking.

Mr. Ruane provided a parking study that was conducted by staff, which illustrated that Thursday to Saturday is the busiest conditions for parking. He noted that he had some conditions of approval, such as: 1. Landscaping, 2. Bike rack installation and 3. Dumpster enclosure. It was noted that the subject property essentially went back to the tree line only.

Chairman Stuewe requested a motion approve the variation request.

Mr. Forbes made the motion to approve. Mr. Schroeder seconded. 

AYES Mr. Forbes; Mr. Keeler; Mr. Larson; Mr. Schroeder; Mr. Ziak; Chairman Stuewe




Motion to approve PZC Resolution 22- 33 recommending approval of the variation request, carried 6- 0- 0 with 1 absent.

Per Mr. Ruane, this item will go before City Council December 13, 2022.

3. ZC# 22- 030 Clover' s Pole Sign Special Use Permit, Height& EMC Variation: The applicant requests review and approval of a special use permit to allow a pole sign and a variation for height and the location of an electronic message sign in the C3- Central Business District at 15548 S. Cicero Avenue.

Mr. Ruane presented a power- point presentation outlining the pole sign variation request. The request was for a special use permit to allow for a pole sign, a variation for height and he noted that Section 9- 106( f)(4)( a) was the code requirement and that the proposed Electronic Message Center EMC) requirement is not lower than 8- feet and not higher than 10-feet in height.

Mr. Ruane noted that the proposed conditions of approval are as follows; 1. Provide a landscape plan, 2. Wrap the pole, structural element.

Mr. Alex Garcia, who is from the sign contractor, US Sign & Electric LLC, of Joliet, Illinois spoke regarding the sign. He noted that the message board is proposed at 4- feet by 8- feet in size and that they would center the structural element/ pole portion of the sign. He also noted that the new sign would 1- foot higher as he and the owner had some safety concerns with the clearance height for the driveway.

Mr. Schroeder as if one of the conditions was to wrap the pole sign. Mr. Ruane answered that this was correct.

Mr. Alex Garcia noted that they are willing to add a pylon cover and make it a 12" x 12" box cover.

Mr. Schroeder asked if this condition would be monitored by the Community Development Department? Mr. Ruane answered that this was correct.

Mr. Larson asked if the proposed sign was an electronic sign? Mr. Ruane answered that this was also correct.

Mr. Forbes noted that pole signs require a special use permit for certain locations with certain unique situations and that this location was a perfect example on a corner on Cicero Avenue.

Chairman Stuewe requested a motion approve the special use permit and variation request.

Mr. Forbes made the motion to approve. Mr. Schroeder seconded. 

AYES Mr. Forbes; Mr. Keeler; Mr. Schroeder; Mr. Ziak; Chairman Stuewe

NAYS Mr. Larson;



Motion to approve PZC Resolution 22- 32 recommending approval of the special use permit and variation request, carried 5- 1- 0 with 1 absent.

Per Mr. Ruane, this item will go before City Council December 13, 2022.

4. ZC# 22- 033 15801 S. Lorel Avenue- Zoning Map Amendment: The applicant requests review and recommendation of approval of a zoning map amendment from Cl - Local Commercial District, C2- General Service Commercial District, and IB - Institutional Building District to R6 - Multi- Family Residential District at 15801 Lorel Avenue.

Mr. Ruane presented a power- point presentation outlining the rezoning request. The request is to rezone three parcels of C- 1, C- 2 and IB to R- 6 Multi- Family zoning. He noted that the future land use plan designates this land as Multi- Family, except for the parcel neighboring Public Works, which calls for IB Institutional Building zoning.

Mr. Ruane presented the preliminary plans that illustrated the site plan, the extent of the wetland areas and the proposed building elevations. He also noted that the proposed plan and elevations would still need to come back to Planning and Zoning for a Design Review approval.

Mr. Forbes asked if C1 and C2 zoning would allow multi- family as a planned unit development( PUD)? Mr. Ro ane an„ Nered yes as a PUD but that was not the preferred Inning method

Mr. Stuewe asked if anyone in the audience had any comments to make at the public hearing?

Sheri Macewko of 15649 Lockwood raised a number of questions, such as; no sidewalks on 157th Street, on the location of parking lot off 157th Street, noise from this parking area, ingress/ egress to the site, garbage concerns, loitering, lighting pollution, drainage concerns, wetland concerns and why this property cannot remain commercial zoning for businesses.

Hearing no other comments from the public, Mr. Stuewe asked if the Commissioners had any comments or questions?

Mr. Larson wanted to confirm that the proposed building was one building of 3- stories and 40- units. This was confirmed as correct. Mr. Larson also asked was the proposed site to the north of the 5- story building and the answer was confirmed as correct. He wanted to confirm if the north to south parking area met the code requirements? Mr. Ruane answered that that was correct as 40 units with 2. 5 parking spaces per unit, per the code, totaled 100 off-street parking spaces, which the applicant had proposed on the preliminary site plan. 

Mr. Schroeder asked ifthere was a pond on the property and if it was a wetland? Mr. Ruane answered that both were correct. Mr. Schroeder asked where the access was proposed for the parking area? Mr. Ruane answered that 157th Street was for the parking area, Lorel Avenue was for the resident entrance an 158th Street was for the emergency access point.

Mr. Keeler wanted to confirm that only 1 building was proposed?

The applicant, Hume An a representative of Lincoln Avenue Capital, of Santa Monica, California with an address of 3048 Mark Kane Ave, Libertyville, Illinois answered that what was proposed was one 56,000 square foot building with 3- stories in height.

Chairman Stuewe requested a motion approve the zoning map amendment request. 

Mr. Schroeder made the motion to approve. Mr. Ziak seconded.

AYES Mr. Forbes; Mr. Larson; Mr. Schroeder; Mr. Ziak; Chairman Stuewe

NAYS Mr. Keeler



Motion to approve PZC Resolution 22- 31 recommending approval of the special use permit request, carried 5- 1- 0 with 1 absent.

Per Mr. Ruane, this item will go before City Council December 13, 2022.

Chairman Stuewe requested a motion to approve the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting dates for 2023.

Mr. Schroeder motioned. Mr. Ziak seconded.

AYES Mr. Forbes; Mr. Keeler; Mr. Larson; Mr. Schroeder; Mr. Ziak; Chairman Stuewe




Motion to approve the meeting dates for 2023, carried 6- 0- 0 with 1 absent. 

Chairman Stuewe requested a motion to approve the meeting minutes from November 16, 2022. Mr. Forbes motioned. Mr. Schroeder seconded.

AYES Mr. Forbes; Mr. Keeler; Mr. Larson; Mr. Schroeder; Mr. Ziak; Chairman Stuewe




Motion to approve the minutes of November 16, 2022, carried 6- 0- 0 with 1 absent.

Chairman Stuewe requested to adjourn the meeting.

Mr. Ziak made the motion to adjourn. Mr. Keeler seconded.

All present said aye. Meeting Adjourned at 8: 25 p. m.
