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Thursday, March 13, 2025

City of Markham City Council met Jan. 4

City of Markham City Council met Jan. 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor, Roger Agpawa called the Regular Meeting of the Markham City Council to order at 7:10p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance. Prayer led by Rev. Harris. Roll Call was taken by City Clerk, Leslie Trimuel.


Alderwoman Wanda McDowell

Alderman Breanna Hampton-Houser

Alderman Rondal Jones


Alderman William Barron


Attorney Steven Miller

City Treasurer, Belinda Richardson

City Administrator, Derrick Champion



December 7, 2022

Motion by Ald. Hampton-Houser, seconded by Ald. McDowell

Roll Call: 3 Yes/0 No/1 Absent-Motion Carried


Motion by Ald. Hampton-Houser, seconded by Ald. McDowell, to adopt Authorization of Claims and Accounts Bill list, totaling $1,059,025.57 with manual checks of $68,581.41 for a grand total of $1,127,606.98

Roll Call: 3Yes/0'No/1 Absent-Motion Carried




Motion by Ald. Hampton-Houser, seconded by Ald. McDowell, to adopt Resolution 23-R-693

A Resolution Authorizing An Intergovernmental Agreement for participation In The Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS Master Agreement 2022)

Roll Call: 3 Yes/0 No/1 Absent-Motion Carried


Motion by Ald. Jones, seconded by Ald. Hampton-Houser, to adopt Resolution 23-R-694

A Resolution Authorizing A Fire Engine Purchase

Roll Call: 3 Yes/0 No/1 Absent-Motion Carried


I would just say kudos to this council on doing this, it definitely this sets the city in good position for the next 20 years. What's been very good about the purchase of fire vehicles is that you don't see the financing for it for years to come, the way that they do financing is creative to municipalities and government. I know the treasurer's office appreciates that, I want to say thank you council, good job.


Announcement - Notices for vehicle stickers were mailed out, late hours are available, Jan 4, 18, Feb. 1, 15 until 6:30pm


I'm glad that we were able to keep Christmas decorations for five more minutes, I think the older I'm getting the more that I'm loving the holidays and Christmas We ended last year, in this room, we were able to get myself with other staff for the first time in quite some time to do a town hall meeting to try and say what the state of the city is. I think the biggest thing that came out of that which is good, is know the condition of the city, but also say what our thoughts are about the city. My takeaway was really, we want to talk more about taxes, which is a universal issue in Cook County, it's an issue that is not going away anytime soon, but it's getting better. In my opinion, I think the leadership and the assessor's office, the state officials are better about dealing with county and state issues with taxes. I would say the speaker of the house which was Madigan wasn't as receptive to dealing with tax law. Joe Barrios was a county assessor prior to Fritz Kaegi, they just had an old guard system way of doing things with taxes. I think that we should see improvement with taxes, when someone appeals their taxes and they're assessed improperly the likelihood or probability is better for them to get that assessed properly and get it adjusted. We've got Bremen township right next door, and a lot of people haven't used it to deal with their taxes, we have a local township assessor and people just haven't used it nearly enough, go right next door, make an appointment, and they'll help you appeal your taxes. The other takeaway was, besides the taxes, we talked about housing that was an issue that I went to deposition finally over the housing issue and trying to get settled. I was deposed a few weeks ago, to deal with the housing matter to where we can get different investors to come in and deal with property in Markham. We're getting closer to getting it settled. I spoke to the attorney today about it, housing is very important, and it's been very important to me, the best I could do with the housing issue for Markham was just clean them up until we can sell them. You don't need Markham to buy a house and fix it up, sell it or buy it, we don't own all the property in Markham, usually people want us involved with property because we have the power to get rid of taxes and that's why people come to the city. I say that so people understand that those programs meant something back when the housing market was dying and the economy was bad, you needed to do things to get the economy stimulated. But anyway, so we're getting closer to that and then the only thing other thing about the town hall that I did not hear which I was glad to not bear there was no complaints about public works. I didn't hear any complaints about the fire department. I didn't hear any complaints about the police department. They're not perfect, if you asked me, I would have a few small complaints, but that's internal. As the mayor I needed to mention how we closed the year out. The last point I will make tonight is that the goal, at least my goal, because we have done over the last several years in making the city better and improving it., there's been a formula and a goal and a step-by-step thing that we've been working on. I tried to re integrate that to the council and we worked together to do it. My goal this year is to really do more with the police, now we've hired police, but it's more than just staffing police officers. I met with all the policemen over the holidays, with all the police shifts. I explained to them that by the time somebody is calling the police, it's kind of too late to some degree. What I mean by that, that means that us sitting here are supposed to be what they call city fathers, if you will, the point is, if the code department and building department are enforcing how people live, then by the time they get a police call they have a different kind of police call, because maybe they responded to a house that had a problem but it's not over the top because people understand what the standard of living is and how we should live and how we should behave with one another. My goal is to work closer in improving the police department like we did public works like this council did tonight with the fire truck making the fire department better and that improves their jobs. Happy New Year to everyone, I think we have a great year ahead in the city of Markham. I believe strongly we do.


Happy New Year, the main focus is going to be on improving the quality of life in 2023 and business development. There's going to be a lot of projects that are going to be taking off, we're looking forward to some new stores and restaurants opening in the city of Markham. The main thing that we know will push a lot of development will be a grants, we going heavily forthem this year. We are in touch with our legislators as well as our lobbyists. Stay tuned for a lot of things that are going to change for the better. We also working on a lot of revenue streams the mayor and I have talked about different ways to increase revenue streams, we're looking at some of the venues that we target currently and we'll be talking with the council about that as well, in the coming weeks and with our city treasurer and our finance department. Well. There's one thing we know that we talked about earlier there was a couple of speed bumps that were displaced, I know that Todd had Public Works dealing with that securing those speed bumps, so stay tuned. The guys are out, looking and observing all of these speed bump because we know that it can be hazardous to vehicles, so we are working on that diligently. They may put some cones out as well.


They're supposed to pull them up.


Like the mayor said we're pulling them up as necessary as well. Also, last but not least, I want to make sure that we keep the young brother Damar Hamlin lifted up as you guys know, I'm a football fan, just to see it and I was thinking about it and listening to radio number three for the Buffalo Bills had a heart attack on the field it is the first time that they actually had to administer CPR. We don't know if this is the last time for all of us in this room, we just have to be grateful, but I want to make sure that we keep him t lifted up. God bless and Happy New Year.


Good evening, that Happy New Year everyone, hope your New Year was enjoyable. There were fireworks around my house, I don't understand why people do that, it's a waste of ammunition. But it was enjoyable, there was no there was no homicides, Mr. Morris's memorial is this coming Saturday at King Park, he was a longtime resident, he owned the liquor store on Dixie Highway. Mr. Morris is a great person you know, one of those guys politically involved and got me politically involved. His memorial is from 12 to 2, he was wonderful guy. Mayor, we still have that issue in Country Aire with the lights.


We are going to replace it with a metal pole, which obviously we'd be responsible for. I chose to put two metal poles in there, so we have to pour concrete on Wednesday. So, you'll have two nice metal poles you know like we have along the parkway, you know nothing could be better for that entry way instead of two telephone poles. That way we can even decorate them in the fall or in the festive times.


Thanks for Public Works effort in removing snow in my ward, they made a great effort, I appreciate it.


I just want to say Happy, Happy New Years to you. Pray that this year, moving forward will be more prosperous and healthier, for each family in 2023. I don't have a major report, I just want to say just moving forward in the future for 2023, that we stay diligent and focus on our vision that we actually see for the city of Markham, we have diligently been moving forward towards our vision. We have advocated ourselves to solicit new businesses working administration and working with the citizens in our wards. This year, I ask that I still have a tenacious spirit to move forward and keep working diligently in my ward and for the city

of Markham. I just want to say I did receive a thank you letter from Miss Glenn., whose son passed away. She sends her sincere thank you to the city of Markham and to the council for supporting her with her son's death. It's so important that we have our support systems, she does definitely want to say thank you to the city of Markham.


I'd like to wish each every one of you a Happy New Year and a very blessed new year. To all the residents in the 2nd ward, I kind of want to encourage you all please call the police, before you call me if you see something going on a lot of people are dumping on vacant properties and they're leaving vehicles. As soon as you see the vehicle call 911. Also I want to send condolences to the Goodlow family, Jimmy Goodlow passed on Friday, funeral services are still pending. Also Ms. Cannon turns 94 tomorrow, so give her a call, give her a shout-out.


Motion by Ald. Hampton-Houser, seconded by Ald, McDowell to Open Floor to Public.

Roll Call: 3 Yes/0 No/1 Absent-Motion Carried


Good evening. I just want to thank you for giving me a minute to address you I have to two things. First of all, I like to say how proud I am of my city that really came through for my family after my mother's death. We received a resolution that was the most beautifully crafted resolution I've ever witnessed. It's like there was a lot of thought and a lot of feeling put into it. I just want to thank you it was so warm, and it was just something that made me proud of my mother made and proud of my city. My mother was a long-standing resident of the city she used to bring me to council meetings as a child she was a good example of what it meant to be a good citizen, so she was very involved in her day. I thank my hometown and the public for coming out, we received flowers, sentiments, and many kind gestures. I have one more question about the speed bumps because I did take pictures of nails sticking up so you can't go around them.


That's on Magnolia, correct? We'll get on it tomorrow.


Good evening, everyone, my name is Pastor Calvin Harris, I come to you on behalf of Jack Harris Transportation with my sister and my dad who is the owner. We were blessed and fortunate enough for you all to allow us to get a license for the office at 2222 West 162nd Street, at that time we were parking but there needed to be some upgrades made. The owner Matt Quinn is on zoom, he's working diligently with us to compensate and make those changes that need to be made. They are in place and the main thing that needed to be done was the asphalt, that has been done there is now adequate space for his tucking as well as our school buses and it would be very productive for us. If we are able to park at that location. It would be convenient for us to us to park there.


Okay, well, I'll just make one comment we have to get with the building department and Mr. Champion to set

up a time to talk it. You don't need to reapply for anything because you already acted. But now you're asking for buses, that wasn't part of it, now we'll have to have another discussion.


Everyone is doing a fantastic job, Ald. Jones even though you're not our Alderperson you still take care of myself, that is just fine leadership. The only thing I would like to ask is maybe we can you tighten up our communication because you do a fantastic job of responding to emails within 24 hours or even immediately some of our most recent correspondences with our new Alderperson we I know you've been very busy, maybe you can read the correspondence that the seniors and I put together to work together to try to get things improved within the blocks of Sussex, Nottingham. Richmond and some of the other streets that I've identified. We really would like some lighting. We've been asking for this for four years now, it's very dark in the middle of our block. It's it gets dark at four o'clock now, people walking home and people coming from school we don't feel that safe. Particularly after the New Year's shooting. I don't know, if we can collaborate if we need to fundraise, I will help fundraise, but I really would like to see those seniors with some lightning. We've been patiently waiting but we're very fearful. We have new people, voucher holders, and visitors so we don't know who's who besides some of our long term and really awesome residents who keep the city up and work with you guys. What can we do to improve communication and try to get these lights going here?


We can get together on that, I'll work with the Alderlady one of the things that she's actively done over there. It's late in the season, was to cut trees. I think they're all doing a good job, the thing is, that they were trying to get trees cut it got late in the season, so they're blocking a lot of the light as well. We've had that light and fortunately all those lights for many years to suffice but the trees we not as cumbersome as they are now. We have to get some trees down, but we definitely can look into installing more poles down the street. We cut some trees when we put the street in, I'm telling you that's an issue city wide. I'm just saying that trees have been some of the issue, but that's not all the issue is, you know, it's just dark. J


Just to add to that there are some grants that are coming down for street lighting that that we're looking into.


I'm coming up here to speak on my neighborhood as well, someone has also addressed the lighting issue. We have a lot of lighting issues on Paulina, I live on 164, the only place the light is in is the middle of the block and at the end I block and the more darkness it is the more shooting we have. As I was leaving out today, around four o'clock and all you hear is gunshots. I'm driving home and we all have situations at home. I don't really want to have to be that worried about my home while I'm at work. Another thing is the speed bump on our block, I did see them come out to fix it once, it's broken again, I don't know if they're going to pull it up. I hope they don't because that speed bump stops a lot of traffic that we have on Paulina. Thank you to my Alderwoman because they're not dropping trash outside our house. I haven't been able to come back I've been working and picked up another job. Otherwise the lightning on the block, is a problem, I don't know if more people could turn the front lights on. I could go around and pass bulbs out if that helps, it's too dark.


Okay, I'll work with your Alderlady on that on Paulina, so we'll work together same as we're going to do with the lighting will evaluate you know, street by street what whichever ones we get the complaints for first we'll add some light the same way we're doing in the Country Aire entryway.


If you can protect around Markham where they have businesses, I want to be protected just like they are. When I to the garage I have to turn my phone light on, because there's no lights, I don't go out often, and want to feel safe in my surroundings, I go to church every Sunday. I don't get home at night, but it doesn't have to be at night to get mugged or car jacked.


Both of the ladies have notes about this and they'll get with me, and we'll come out on the streets


Motion by Ald. Hampton-Houser, seconded by Ald. McDowell to Close Floor to Public

Roll Call: 3 Yes/0 No/1 Absent-Motion Carried


Motion by Ald. Barron, seconded by Ald. McDowell to adjourn at 7:53p.m. Roll Call: 3 Yes/0 No/ Absent-Motion Carried




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