
South Cook News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Blue Island City Council met Jan. 10

City of Blue Island City Council met Jan. 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:1) Call to Order

The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Blue Island was called to order by Mayor Bilotto at 7:00 p.m. on January 10, 2023.

2) Pledge of Allegiance

3) Roll Call

4) Roll Call indicates the following:

Present: 7 Johnson, Fahrenwald, Rita, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll


Present Also: Presentation of Journal of Proceedings

Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, City Clerk

Jairo Frausto, Treasurer

Erin Blake, City Attorney

Thomas Wogan, City Administrator

Mark Patoska, Deputy City Administrator

Motion by Alderman McGee, second by Alderman Fahrenwald to approve the City Council Minutes from the December 13, 2022 Regular Meeting of City Council.

Ayes: 7 Johnson, Fahrenwald, Rita, Montoya, McGee, Carr,


Nays: 0

Absent: 0

Abstention: 0

There being seven (7) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

5) Public Comment

1.10.23 Meeting Minutes

A Blue Island resident expressed concerns regarding the drive-by incident at 13443 Ann Street that occurred the week of New Years.

6). Old Business

No old business.

7) New Business

a. Presentation by Travis Parry - Christopher Burke Engineering

Mr. Travis Parry stated that the 2023 Road Program is similar to the previous year, but with a 20% increase in material prices. The engineering group will begin televising sewers in early spring to analyze their conditions. Bids for street improvements will be issued this week. The city applied for a MWRD green infrastructure grant, which funds the reconstruction of alleys between 121st and 122nd Place, Washington, and Vincennes. In addition, he reported receiving $800,000 in grant money last year. He noted that if all permits are obtained, they hope to begin work on the Western Avenue revitalization this summer.

Alderman Fahrenwald asked what the life expectancy of a street is. Burke Engineering said anywhere from 10-20 years but it depends on many factors.

8) Mayor's Report

a. Motion for Approval of Payroll for December 23, 2022, for $356,336.31 (gross).

Motion by Alderman Rita, second by Alderman Roll to approve Payroll for December 23, 2022, for $356,336.31 (gross).

Ayes: 7 Johnson, Fahrenwald, Rita, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: 0

Abstention: 0

There being seven (7) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

b. Motion for Approval of Payroll for January 6, 2023, for $413,871.15 (gross).

Motion by Alderman Rita, second by Alderman Carr to approve Payroll for December 9, 2022, for $413,871.15 (gross).

Ayes: 7 Johnson, Fahrenwald, Rita, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: 0

Abstention: 0

There being seven (7) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

c. Motion for Approval of Accounts Payable for $2,203,184.26.

Motion by Alderman Roll, second by Alderman Fahrenwald to approve Accounts Payable for $2,203,184.26.

Ayes: 7 Johnson, Fahrenwald, Rita, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: 0

Abstention: 0

There being seven (7) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

d. Ordinance No. 2023-001: An Ordinance of the City of Blue Island, Cook County, Illinois Granting a Variance regarding Yard setbacks and Decks at 13015 S. Wood Street.

Motion by Alderman Rita, second by Alderman Roll for Adoption of Ordinance No. 2023-001.

Ayes: 7 Johnson, Fahrenwald, Rita, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: 0

Abstention: 0

There being seven (7) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

e. Ordinance No. 2023-002: An Ordinance of the City of Blue Island, Cook County, Illinois Granting a Fence Variance at 2309 W. 123rd Street.

Motion by Alderman Fahrenwald, second by Alderman McGee for Adoption of Ordinance No. 2023-002.

Ayes: 7 Johnson, Fahrenwald, Rita, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: 0

Abstention: 0

There being seven (7) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

f. Ordinance No. 2023-003: An Ordinance of the City of Blue Island, Cook County, Illinois Amending Title 1X (“General Regulations"), Chapter 97 (“Alarm Systems") of the City Code in Relation to Fire Alarms.

Motion by Alderman McGee, second by Alderman Fahrenwald for Adoption of Ordinance No. 2023-003.

Ayes: 7 Johnson, Fahrenwald, Rita, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: 0

Abstention: 0

There being seven (7) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

g. Ordinance No. 2023-004: An Ordinance of the City of Blue Island, Cook County, Illinois Requiring Vehicular Traffic to Stop at Maple Avenue and High Street and Providing Penalties for the Violation Thereof.

Motion by Alderman Roll, second by Alderman McGee for Adoption of Ordinance No. 2023-004.

Ayes: 7 Johnson, Fahrenwald, Rita, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: 0

Abstention: 0

There being seven (7) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

h. Ordinance No. 2023-005: An Ordinance of the City of Blue Island, Cook County, Illinois Amending Title X (“Public Works") Chapter 50 (“Garbage") and Title III (“Administration) to Update the City Code for Changes in Waste Removal Practices.

Ordinance TABLED.

City Administrator, Thomas Wogan, stated that the City's administration was still working out the specifics of this ordinance and would need additional time for the same.

a. Mayor's Announcements/Comments.

No comments.

9) City Clerk's Announcements/Reports/Comments

a. City Clerk's Announcements

City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, thanked everyone for attending the New Year's Eve Ball Drop and noted that there was a great turnout. She included a special thanks to the Police, Fire, and Public Works Departments for their efforts.

City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, informed everyone that the 4th of July fireworks would be held the first Saturday of July 2023.

City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, informed everyone that they are working on the Hometown Heroes Project and a Community Clean-up.

Treasurer's Report

a. Motion to Approve December 2023 Treasurer's Report.

Motion by Alderman Roll, second by Alderman Fahrenwald for the December 31, 2022, Treasurer's Report.

Ayes: 7 Johnson, Fahrenwald, Rita, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: 0

Abstention: 0

There being seven (7) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

b. City Treasurer's Announcements/Comments

No comments.

11) City Attorney's Report

a. Attorney's Announcements/Comments

No comments.

12) City Administrator's Announcements/Reports/Comments

a. City Administrator's Announcements/Comments

City Administrator, Thomas Wogan thanked Alderman Rita, Fahrenwald, McGee, and Roll for taking the time to participate in appropriation meetings with Department Heads.

13) Aldermanic Announcements/Reports/Comments

Alderman Fahrenwald informed the Council that he will not be attending the Committee of the Whole meeting, but that Valerie Kehoe will be giving a presentation regarding the Forestry Board.

Alderman Johnson stated that he wished to speak with the City Council regarding raises for City Officials and Aldermen. He noted that the Aldermanic salaries had not been increased since 1961 and he hoped to budget for the same for the following term. He requested that the City attorney research current pay structures in neighboring communities and provide the same to City Council for consideration.

Alderman McGee informed everyone that the Library has great activities for kids to keep them entertained, and that everyone should go check them out.

Alderman Roll stated that he would like City Council to consider making a first attempt at an operating budget, after completing appropriations.

14) Executive Session: Adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) to discuss litigation that has been filed and is pending before a court or an administrative tribunal and actions of probable or imminent litigation.

Motion by Alderman Rita, second by Alderman Johnson to go into Executive Session.

Ayes: 7 Johnson, Fahrenwald, Rita, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: 0

Abstention: 0

There being seven (7) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion by Alderman Johnson, second by Alderman Fahrenwald to resume regular meeting.

Ayes: 7 Johnson, Fahrenwald, Rita, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: 0

Abstention: 0

There being seven (7) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

The Mayor stated City Council spoke about pending litigation during the executive session.

15) Motion for Adjournment

Motion by Alderman Carr, second by Alderman Rita to adjourn the regular meeting.

Ayes: 7 Johnson, Fahrenwald, Rita, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: 0

Abstention: 0

There being seven (7) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned 8:16 p.m.
