
South Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Oak Forest Planning & Zoning Commission met Feb. 15

City of Oak Forest Planning & Zoning Commission met Feb. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission: 

The Planning& Zoning Commission meeting was called to order at 7: 02 p.m. with Chairman Stuewe taking Roll Call.


Chairman Jim Stuewe

Commissioner Ken Keeler

Commissioner Curt Kunz

Commissioner Wayne Schroeder

Commissioner Chuck Wolf

Commissioner Michael Ziak

Staff Member Paul Ruane


Commissioner Mike Forbes

Commissioner Rick Larson

Commissioner Glenn Runge

1. ZC# 23- 004 Real Estate Signs - Text Amendment: Public Hearing - The applicant requests review and recommendation of approval of the proposed text amendment to the following provisions of the City of Oak Forest Zoning Ordinance: Section 9- 106 G. 2- Properties for sale or lease.

Mr. Ruane presented the background on the current regulations for sign used for properties for sale and lease. Specifically this topic was based on the non- residential and mixed- use properties.

Mr. Kunz asked if single family would remain at the current requirements, Mr. Ruane confirmed that is correct.

Mr. Wolf said he likes the idea of making the sign larger based on the frontages of the properties. When you look at Cicero Avenue most of the properties are on 60 ft. lots or less.

Mr. Ruane confirmed that the properties on Cicero Avenue are platted in increments of 50 ft.

The consensus of the group was that they would want two different dimensions based on the amount of frontage.

Mr. Wolf believes that if it is the sale of a lot or a building he thinks they should be allowed more signage than every shopping plaza that has a vacancy.

After further discussion on frontages and sale versus lease on the signage the following recommendations to the motion were made:

• Amend the current allowed Non- Residential ( commercial) and mixed use properties to be signage for lease up to 16 square feet in sign area.

• Amend the current allowed Non- Residential ( commercial) and mixed use properties to be signage for sale up to 16 square feet in sign area for properties with less than 100ft. of frontage. 

• Amend the current allowed Non-Residential ( commercial) and mixed use properties to be signage for sale up to 32 square feet in sign area for properties with 100ft. or more of frontage.

Mr. Stuewe asked if anyone in the audience had any comments to make at the public hearing. Hearing none, he requested a motion to approve the text amendment with the added amendments.

Mr. Ziak made the motion to approve. Mr. Schroeder seconded.

AYES: Mr. Keeler, Mr. Kunz, Mr. Schroeder, Mr. Wolf, Mr. Ziak, Chairman Stuewe



ABSENT: Mr. Forbes, Mr. Larson, Mr. Runge

Motion to approve PZC Resolution 23- 06 recommending approval of the text amendment, carried 6- 0- 0 with 3 absent.

Per Mr. Ruane, this item will go before City Council January 3, 2023.

Chairman Stuewe requested a motion to approve the meeting minutes from February 1, 2023. Mr. Schroeder motioned. Mr. Ziak seconded.

AYES: Mr. Keeler, Mr. Kunz, Mr. Schroeder, Mr. Wolf, Mr. Ziak, Chairman Stuewe



ABSENT: Mr. Forbes, Mr. Larson, Mr. Runge

Motion to approve the minutes of December 7, 2022, carried 6- 0- 0 with 3 absent. 

Chairman Stuewe requested to adjourn the meeting.

Mr. Wolf made the motion to adjourn. Mr. Ziak seconded. 

All present said aye. Meeting Adjourned at 7: 44 p.m.
