
South Cook News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of East Hazel Crest Board of Trustee met Feb. 22

Village of East Hazel Crest Board of Trustee met Feb. 22.

Here are the minutes provided by the boar

Officials: Mayor Thomas A. Brown, Administrator Lazuka and Clerk Minnis Roll Call: Trustees Forte, Keams, Johnson, Ewan, Wideman and Ortiz were present.

Also present were: PD Chief Janich, FD Dpt. Chief Mills, Paula Newton, Joan Hale, L. Dutka, Cindy Robertson, Paula Newton, JoAnn Murry.and Ruby Williams daughter.

Invocation & Pledge. After a moment of silent prayer, Mayor Brown lead the assembly in the Pledge to the Flag of the United States of America.

Minutes: Trustees Ortiz and Wideman made the motions to approve the minutes of the 02/08/23 regular meeting. All trustees voted to approve; Mtn. carried.

Reports of Village Officials:


1) Mayor Brown presented 'Resolution 22-10, FOREIGN FIRE INS. LICENSE FEE. Trustees Ortiz and Keams made the motions to approve Resolution 22-10. Roll Call: all trustees voted aye. Motions carried.

CLERK: no report.


1) Adm. Lazuka asked for approval for Mayor Brown to execute the lease for the Day Care. Trustees Wideman and Ewan made motions to approve lease and for Mayor Brown to sign the lease. Trustees Ortiz, Forte, Johnson, Ewan and Wideman voted aye; Tr. Keams voted nay, Trustee Forte suggested the lease be introduced at Board meeting, Trustees concurred.


Trustees Johnson and Ortiz made the motions to open this segment of the meeting to the public. All trustees were in favor. Mtn. carried. Time: 7:08 pm

Stan Sokolowski of 17216 Loomis inquired when the Board would act on a replacement on the Zoning Board of Appeals. He was informed that a replacement on the ZBA will be announcd at the next meeting, March 8th, 2023.

L. Dutka of 1427 w. 172nd St. made several inquiries: about enforcement of NO OPEN BURNING. Mayor Brown responded that there will be notification to the residents in an upcoming NEWSLETTER. Mr. Dutka also inquired about needed street repairs. Public Works Director King will be doing an assessment of needed repairs and report back to the Board.

J. Murry of 1413 W. 172nd St. asked when the Board would be putting money into our parks. They are in need of new/additional playground equipment. Mayor Brown said the Board would 'look into' the situation and make a recommendation.

Mayor Brown spoke of the contents of the house at 1204 W. 174th St. The house has furniture including china (dishes) in it; but there is evidence of MOLD in the house. Any resident may request admittance to review the contents. Tr. Forte suggested a letter should be submitted to the village acknowledging the resident's responsibility for entering the building ..

Robin Williams Denton inquired what action the village would be taking in response to the letter her mother, Mrs. R. Williams at 17207 Loomis, sent to the Village making inquiry about asphalt repairs to the 'end of her driveway at Loomis'. Adm. Lazukia will 'look into this inquiry".

CLOSE TO THE PUBLIC. Trustees Johnson & Keams made the motions to CLOSE this segment of the meeting to the public. All trustees were in favor. Time: 7:20 pm


STREETS: No report by Tr. Forte

FINANCE/LICENSE: Trustees Johnson & Keams made the motions to pay all bills on the 02/22/23 Claims Sheets in the amount of $60,633.01. Roll Call: all trustees voted aye. Mtn. carried.

SIGNS: No report by Tr. Keams.

HEALTH/SAFETY/PERSONNEL: No report by Trustee Ewan.

WATER/SEWERS: No report by Tr. Wideman.

POLICE/FIRE: No report by Tr. Ortiz.



ANNOUNCEMENTS: Tr. Forte said Ni Cor will have a representative at the 2nd meeting in April to explain their 'out reach' program.

Tr. Kearns said American Legion Post 1139 will making a trip to the Manteno Veterans' Home on March 14th. Any contributions of snacks, canned goods, soda, sweat pants, shampoo, tooth paste, etc. can be dropped off at the Clerk's office.

A brief discussion on the recent Hazel Crest annexation of the Calumet Country Club.

Mayor Brown spoke of the many letters he has sent to the City of Harvey asking them to turn over the emergency water connection vault at 171 st & Ashland. To date, there has been no response.

Mayor Brown said the WIND CREEi{ CASINO is progressing on schedule.

The IL Gaming Board approved expansion of the entertainment scheduled for the Casino. The Village of East Hazel Crest had the foresight to put an entertainment tax in place a few years ago.

ADJOURNMENT: Trustees Forte and Ortiz made the motions to adjourn this meeting. All trustees were in favor. Mtn. carried.

Time: 7:43 pm.
