
South Cook News

Friday, March 14, 2025

City of Palos Heights City Council met April 18

City of Palos Heights City Council met April 18

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


The Mayor called to order the regular meeting of the City of Palos Heights City Council at 7:00 p.m. in the City Administrative Center, 7607 W. College Drive, Palos Heights, IL 


The Mayor led the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. 


Roll call indicated the following were present: 

Mayor Robert Straz Ward 1 Jeffrey Key & Donald Bylut

City Clerk Thomas Kantas  Ward 2 Jack Clifford & Robert Basso

City Treasurer James Daemicke Ward 3 Brent Lewandowski

City Attorney Tom Brown Ward 4 Michael McGrogan & Jerry McGovern


The Mayor dedicated the Volunteer Recognition Wall Presentation and invited Maria Decaprio-Sunta, Chairman of the Public Arts Commission, to address the City Council. Ms. Decaprio-Sunta explained that the individuals listed on the Wall have given significantly of their time and effort to the City. Ms. Decaprio-Sunta recognized Lynda Schiappa for her years of service in many different capacities to the City including as a long standing member of the Recreation Advisory Board, District 118 PFA, District 230 fundraising efforts, the Classic Car Event, the Women’s Club and many other organizations. Ms. Schiappa addressed the City Council and thanked the members of the Community who have volunteered and supported the City over the many years of her service. The Mayor also urged residents to become involved in City events and to follow the example of Ms. Schiappa and others recognized on the Wall. 


A. Approval of Minutes: City Council Meeting – March 21, 2023 

B. Approval of Payroll and Voucher List for the period ending April 14, 2023. 

Alderman McGrogan moved to approve the consent agenda seconded by Alderman Bylut. 

On roll call, the motion to approve the Consent Agenda was: 

Alderman Basso Yes 

Alderman Bylut Yes 

Alderman Clifford Yes 

Alderman Key Yes 

Alderman Lewandowski Yes 

Alderman McGovern Yes 

Alderman McGrogan Yes 

With seven affirmative votes the motion carried. 




A. Mayor: The Mayor discussed the scholarship from the Beautification Committee to a deserving Moraine Valley student in need. The Committee has donated a scholarship for a student pursuing automotive studies at Moraine. The Mayor relayed a letter from the Moraine Valley Foundation Board in appreciation of their efforts. 

The Mayor requested approval to reappoint John Doody to the Police & Fire Commission for a 3-year term, expiring 04- 18-2026. Alderman McGovern moved to approve the appointment seconded by Alderman Bylut. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 

The Mayor requested approval to appoint Craig Moore to the Recreation Advisory Board for a 5-year term, expiring 04- 18-2028. Alderman Key moved to approve the appointment seconded by Alderman Bylut. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 

The Mayor requested approval of a request for a Special Event Permit from St. Alexander to conduct their Raider Run on Thursday, May 11, 2023, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm on a designated route utilizing 70th Avenue and 69th Avenue. Alderman Clifford moved to approve the request seconded by Alderman McGovern. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 

B. Clerk: No Report 

C. Treasurer: Delivered Treasurer’s Report for the period ending March 31, 2023. 

General Fund: 

Beginning cash balance $3,949,171.81 

Revenues $ 867,324.12 

Expenses $ 929,134.13 

Other $637,257.67 

Ending cash balance $ 4,524,619.47 

Total of All Funds: 

Beginning cash balance $ 24,358,367.23 

Revenues $ 1,568,661.40 

Expenses $ 1,535,824.23 

Other $ 1,126,033.87 

Ending cash balance $ 25,517,238.27 

Alderman Clifford moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report seconded by Alderman Bylut. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 

D. City Attorney: No Report 




The owner of the Highlander House restaurant addressed the City regarding an issue involving parking and a dispute with a neighboring business. The Highlander House requested that the City participate in a discussion with the neighbor in order to arrive as a positive outcome. 

Mike Coogan addressed the City regarding the parking issue raised by the Highlander House and urged the City to re-open discussion regarding the lot purchased by the City to increase parking in the business district. 

Harlan Weivoda 7640 West 135th Street addressed the City Council regarding the City’s position to ongoing water collection his home has experienced due to a neighbor’s construction of the home. 


A. Finance—Chairperson Alderman McGrogan: 

  • Alderman McGrogan moved to approve a pilot program to provide expanded recreation benefits to full-time employees through December 31, 2023 seconded by Alderman Key. 
Alderman McGrogan overviewed the program. Alderman Bylut explained his opposition to the program. Surrounding municipalities less frequently offer this type of benefit. Current employees at the City during contract negotiations have not requested such a benefit. Alderman Lewandowski stated that the program is a pilot program that may encourage employees to move into the community and does not appear to cost the City. Alderman McGovern stated that the benefit is a pilot program intended to express gratitude to current employees. Alderman Bylut stated that the police and public works are both unionized and have not expressed any interest in this benefit during contract negotiations. Alderman Key stated that the matter has been addressed in two different committees but originates from the Finance committee because it would affect all employees. Alderman Key stated that as a pilot program any potential costs would be identified and analyzed. This program does not originate from the Recreation Department but only utilizes Rec facilities. Alderman Key stated that the City is in competition for quality employees and that this benefit would incentivize prospective employees. Collecting data over the next few months to assess the program would be beneficial. Alderman McGrogan stated its a pilot program and data will be analyzed. Alderman Bylut stated that aside from the Rec department there is no interest from the employees at large for such a program. Alderman Clifford confirmed that the program is for full time employees. The Council discussed a report citing which municipalities offer such a benefit. Alderman Basso asked if family members are included in the program. Alderman Key stated that there is little chance that the employees would appear in such large numbers at Rec facilities as to deprive members of the community from using the same facilities. Alderman McGrogan suggested the definition of immediate family be determined. The Mayor stated that one’s spouse and dependent children are included. 

On roll call, the motion to approve the program was: 

Alderman Basso No 

Alderman Bylut No 

Alderman Clifford No 

Alderman Key Yes 

Alderman Lewandowski Yes 

Alderman McGovern Yes 

Alderman McGrogan Yes 

With four affirmative votes the motion carried. 

B. Public Safety—Chairperson Alderman Basso: No Report 

C. Municipal Grounds and Property—Chairperson Alderman Begley: 

  • Alderman Lewandowski moved to request declaration of the following equipment as surplus: a. Loader Forks seconded by Alderman Key. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 
  • Alderman Lewandowski moved to approve a resolution for local appropriations for phase 2 engineering for the Cal-Sag Trail link/trailhead parking improvements at Lake Katherine seconded by Alderman Key. 

On roll call, the motion to approve the resolution was: 

Alderman Basso Yes 

Alderman Bylut Yes 

Alderman Clifford Yes 

Alderman Key Yes 

Alderman Lewandowski Yes 

Alderman McGovern Yes 

Alderman McGrogan Yes 

With seven affirmative votes the motion carried. 

  • Alderman Lewandowski moved to approve Garland/DBS, Inc. to replace two (2) skylights at the Channel 4 Building in the amount of $5,842.00 seconded by Alderman Key. 

On roll call, the motion to approve the work was: 

Alderman Basso Yes 

Alderman Bylut Yes 

Alderman Clifford Yes 

Alderman Key Yes 

Alderman Lewandowski Yes 

Alderman McGovern Yes 

Alderman McGrogan Yes 

With seven affirmative votes the motion carried. 

  • Alderman Lewandowski moved to approve Quality Door Tech, Inc. to repair the north garage door in the Public Works garage in the amount of $5,917.00 seconded by Alderman Key. 

On roll call, the motion to approve the repair was: 

Alderman Basso Yes 

Alderman Bylut Yes 

Alderman Clifford Yes 

Alderman Key Yes 

Alderman Lewandowski Yes 

Alderman McGovern Yes 

Alderman McGrogan Yes 

With seven affirmative votes the motion carried. 

  • Alderman Lewandowski moved to approve Amber Mechanical Contractors, Inc. to replace the one-unit heater in the Public Works garage in the amount of $5,575.00 seconded by Alderman Key. 

On roll call, the motion to approve the replacement was: 

Alderman Basso Yes 

Alderman Bylut Yes 

Alderman Clifford Yes 

Alderman Key Yes 

Alderman Lewandowski Yes 

Alderman McGovern Yes 

Alderman McGrogan Yes 

With seven affirmative votes the motion carried. 

  • Alderman Lewandowski moved to approve payment to Artistic Holiday Design for the Lights in the Heights decorations in the amount of $13,919.28 seconded by Alderman Key. 

On roll call, the motion to approve the payment was: 

Alderman Basso Yes 

Alderman Bylut Yes 

Alderman Clifford Yes 

Alderman Key Yes 

Alderman Lewandowski Yes 

Alderman McGovern Yes 

Alderman McGrogan Yes 

With seven affirmative votes the motion carried. 

  • Alderman Lewandowski moved to approve Country Landscape & Supply, Inc. to replant 6 and install eighteen hanging flower baskets on 123rd St & Harlem Ave in the amount of $6,140.00 seconded by Alderman Key. 

On roll call, the motion to approve the landscaping was: 

Alderman Basso Yes 

Alderman Bylut Yes 

Alderman Clifford Yes 

Alderman Key Yes 

Alderman Lewandowski Yes 

Alderman McGovern Yes 

Alderman McGrogan Yes 

With eight affirmative votes the motion carried. 

  • Alderman Lewandowski moved to rebuild Lake Katherine’s overlook with Beaver Den Builders in the amount of $5,860.00 (labor only) and request approval for an estimated material cost from Schillings, Inc. in the amount of $13,000.00 seconded by Alderman Key. 

On roll call, the motion to approve the overlook was: 

Alderman Basso Yes 

Alderman Bylut Yes 

Alderman Clifford Yes 

Alderman Key Yes 

Alderman Lewandowski Yes 

Alderman McGovern Yes 

Alderman McGrogan Yes 

With seven affirmative votes the motion carried. 

D. Planning and Zoning—Chairperson Alderman McGovern: No Report 

E. Recreation—Chairperson Alderman Key: 

  • Alderman Key commended Joe Smith, superintendent for aquatics, on a recent award and complemented overall the fine work done by the staff. 
  • Alderman Key moved to approve an agreement between the Parks and Recreation Department and Experimental Station for participation in the Link Up Illinois Link Match Grant Program seconded by Alderman Clifford. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 
  • Alderman Key moved to approve the annual Certifications and Assurances for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) of the PACE Vehicle Program Agreement seconded by Alderman Clifford. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 
F. Roads and Construction - Chairperson Alderman Clifford: 

  • Alderman Clifford moved to adopt an Ordinance amending the Municipal Code Section 94.06 Filling, Obstructing Public Drainage Ditch and 94.99 Penalty seconded by Alderman Lewandowski. 

On roll call, the motion to approve the ordinance was: 

Alderman Basso Yes 

Alderman Bylut Yes 

Alderman Clifford Yes 

Alderman Key Yes 

Alderman Lewandowski Yes 

Alderman McGovern Yes 

Alderman McGrogan Yes 

With seven affirmative votes the motion carried. 

  • Alderman Clifford moved to award the 2023 MFT Resurfacing Program for the Main Bid, Option 1 and Option 2 with Option 3 no longer being considered to Lindahl Brothers, Inc. for their low bid of $781,898.09 seconded by Alderman Lewandowski. 

On roll call, the motion to approve the program was: 

Alderman Basso Yes 

Alderman Bylut Yes 

Alderman Clifford Yes 

Alderman Key Yes 

Alderman Lewandowski Yes 

Alderman McGovern Yes 

Alderman McGrogan Yes 

With seven affirmative votes the motion carried. 

  • Alderman Clifford moved to approve an agreement for temporary construction easement for the Oak Lawn Region Water Authority expiring not to exceed for four years from Acceptance seconded by Alderman Lewandowski. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 
  • Alderman Clifford moved to approve payment to Morris Engineering for engineering services for the 123rd Street Culvert Replacement-Phase I projects in the amount of $10,030.00 seconded by Alderman Lewandowski. 

On roll call, the motion to approve the services was: 

Alderman Basso Yes 

Alderman Begley Yes 

Alderman Bylut Yes 

Alderman Clifford Yes 

Alderman Key Yes 

Alderman Lewandowski Yes 

Alderman McGovern Yes 

Alderman McGrogan Yes 

With seven affirmative votes the motion carried. 

G. License, Permits & Franchises: Chairperson Alderman Lewandowski: 

  • Alderman Lewandowski moved to approve a request from Richard’s Bicycles for a permit to allow outdoor sales of merchandise in a B District for their annual, “Tent Sale” from May 12-May 21, 2023 seconded by Alderman Clifford. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 
H. Water and Sewer—Chairperson Alderman Bylut: 

  • Alderman Bylut moved to direct the City Attorney to draft an Ordinance amending section 50.22 of the Code to reflect the following utility rate increases: single family and commercial water rate increase 4%, single family flat sewer charge rate increase 50%, commercial / industrial minimum sewer charge increase 50% seconded by Alderman Key. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 
  • Alderman Bylut moved to waive the rules to adopt the Ordinance seconded by Alderman Key. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. 
  • Alderman Bylut moved to adopt the Ordinance amending section 50.22 of the Code to reflect the following utility rate increases: single family and commercial water rate increase 4%, single family flat sewer charge rate increase 50%, commercial / industrial minimum sewer charge increase 50% seconded by Alderman Key. 

On roll call, the motion to approve the adopt the ordinance was: 

Alderman Basso Yes 

Alderman Bylut Yes 

Alderman Clifford Yes 

Alderman Key Yes 

Alderman Lewandowski Yes 

Alderman McGovern No 

Alderman McGrogan No 

With five affirmative votes the motion carried.


A. Business/Economic Development: Alderman Key - Reported on the upcoming Adopt a Pot program sponsored by the Beautification Committee. Interested residents can contact the City to sponsor a pot for $80 or to volunteer. 

B. Ad Hoc Cable TV: Alderman McGovern - No Report 


Alderman Key asked if Mr. Weivoda’s concerns have been addressed at any committee meetings. The Mayor indicated that the matter was raised at the Roads and Construction committee. 


Alderman Bylut suggested a pilot program that the Rec Department offer extended services to the residents without cost one day per week. Alderman Key indicated it would be placed on the agenda for consideration. Alderman McGrogan indicated that he supports such a program and that it would incentivize residents to join full time. Alderman Key stated that such incentive trial periods have been offered in the past. 

Alderman McGovern stated that all business license fees have been paid. 

Alderman Clifford inquired about electronic posting of the agendas. 


Mr. Weivoda stated that if the matter involving his property is addressed at committee he would like to attend. He also stated that the City should offer passes to residents for use of the facilities. Alderman Bylut stated that free use one dedicated day per week would be attractive to residents. 

Alderman McGrogan commended Ms. Schiappa for her service to the City.


At 8:17 p.m. the Mayor requested a motion to adjourn that passed unanimously.




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