
South Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Country Club Hills City Council met April 24

City of Country Club Hills City Council met April 24

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


A Regular Meeting of the City Council, City of Country Club Hills, Cook County, State of Illinois, was held in the City Hall 4200 W. 183rd Street at 7:09PM. The meeting was called to order by the Honorable James W. Ford, Mayor


The Pledge of allegiance was presented by all in attendance and lead by Mayor Ford.


Alderman Lockett, Davis, Spivey, Edwards and Mayor Ford. Also in attendance were the City Treasurer- Jennifer A. Braun-Denton, City Administrator-Carl Estelle and the Administrative Cabinet.

Excused as Absent - Alderwoman Evans


The Invocation was lead by Pastor Anthony Tiller of the Jeremiah Temple Church of Country Club Hills..


Approval of Meeting Minutes:

Approval - Regular City Council Meeting Minutes for 04.10.2023

Alderman Lockett moved for City Council approval of Regular Meeting Minutes 04.10.2023. Second, Alderman Davis. Discussion- Alderman Lockett asked for a correction regarding him asking for prayer for his aunt who was previously listed as his sister.

ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 Alderman Lockett, Davis, Spivey and Edwards

Nays: 0

Abstains: 0

Absent: 1 Alderwoman Evans

Motion Declared Carried and Hereby Made a Part of the Original Journal of Proceedings this date.


Mayor Ford shared photographs from the Illinois Municipal League's Lobby Day and presented all Elected Officials with an informational packet describing the day's activities. Mayor Ford also shared the focus was on (LGDF) Local Government Distributive Funding which was decreased in 2011 from 10% and is now 6%. The lack of funding from the State of Illinois over the years has impacted Country Club Hills as a decrease of revenue for $10,000,000.00. Mayor Ford testified before Rep Anthony Deluca's Cities and Villages Committee to restore the funding back to 10%.

Mayor Ford also shared his recent interview with CBS Channel 2 whereas First Key Homes advised several of their tenants that the per City of Country Club Hills the tenants were required to move. Mayor shared that during the pandemic the rental portal was paused but the landlord's requests were not due to Country Club Hills.

Presentation - Retirement Recognition for Country Club Hills Police Department Captain William B. Garrison

Mayor Ford presented Detective Sgt. Derrick Chambliss with the appreciation plaque for Captain William B. Garrison celebrating and acknowledging his 25 years of dedication and service to the Country Cub Hills Police Department and the citizens of the city of Country Club Hills.

Presentation of Proclamation of the 54th Annual Professional Municipal Clerk's Week April 30th May 6th 2023

Mayor Ford presented City Clerk Patricia D. Hutson with a Proclamation acknowledging the 54h Municipal Clerk's Week and shared his appreciation for the work of the clerk.

Mayor Ford introduced City Manager Carl Estelle and City Manager Estelle shared the accomplishments made by Clerk Hutson since she has been in office. Clerk Hutson has earned her three year Clerk's classes certificate, Registered Municipal Clerk Certificate, Certified Municipal Clerk Certificate, District Director 1 for the Municipal Clerks of Illinois, Treasurer for the Municipal Clerk's Association of South & West Suburbs of Cook County. Clerk Hutson's husband Tyrone pinned her and photos were taken with the Mayor, City Council, Pastor Tiller and City Administrator Estelle.


Clerk Hutson shared her appreciation for the acknowledgement of the certifications. Clerk Hutson also shared her attendance during Lobby Day in Springfield. Clerk Hutson along with other members of the Municipal Clerk of Illinois met with Governor Pritzker to discuss legislation that directly impacts clerks and was presented with a Proclamation from the Governor acknowledging the 54th Annual Municipal Clerk's Week April 30 through May 6th. Clerk Hutson also shared she participated in a meeting the Illinois Black Caucus and shared information on the importance of the Clerk. Clerk Hutson shared the Swearing In day has been set for Monday May 1st at 7:00pm.


Finance, Insurance, & Risk Management - Alderman Lockett, Chairman

(Committee Meeting - TBA)

Approval - Accounts Payables Vouchers as of 04.24.2023

Alderman Lockett moved for City Council approval of vouchers in the amount of $395,941.38 for 04.24.2023 as funds are available. Second, Alderman Davis. Discussion - None

ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 Alderman Lockett, Davis, Spivey and Edwards

Nays: 0

Abstains: 0

Absent: 1 Alderwoman Evans

Motion Declared Carried and Hereby Made a Part of the Original Journal of Proceedings this date.

Law, Ordinance, Government Operations & Contract - Alderwoman Evans, Chairman (Committee Meeting – TBA)

No Report

Public Works and Utilities – Alderman Davis, Chairman

(Committee Meeting – TBA)

Alderman Davis shared he held a Public Works meeting prior to the City Council Meeting and he asked all Aldermen to identify needed street repairs. He also shared $600,000 has been added to the budget for much needed repairs. Lastly, the DECO bid for streets will be announced when it is ready. Alderman Spivey asked Alderman Davis for a copy of the street repair list and clarity on the bid availability. Alderman Davis shared he will send him a copy of the list and let everyone know when the bid is ready.

Economic Development & Planning, Zoning & Development - Alderman Spivey, Chairman (Committee Meeting - TBA)

Alderman Spivey shared Ms. Peaches Place, Shop with Me and Semmer Landscaping are three of the recent businesses that have opened in Country Club Hills.

Education, Parks and Recs-Alderman Edwards, Chairman (Committee Meeting - TBA)

Alderman Edwards shared he will have school districts #228. #144 and #160 meet with him

Thursday May 4th 5:30pm to 6:30pm to pick-up gift cards and vouchers for hair stylists for students in preparation for graduation. He also shared he will attend Senior Day at Hillcrest May5th at 1pm. Ald. Edwards asked to speak with Attorney Odelson after the meeting to discuss the lack of response in an email regarding the ability to name city property. Lastly, Ald. Edwards shared he will assist Parks and Recs moving forward.


Alderman Lockett moved for City Council approval to open the floor to the public. Second by Alderman Edwards, Discussions - None

ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 Alderman Lockett, Davis, Spivey and Edwards

Nays: 0

Abstains: 0

Absent: 1 Alderwoman Evans

Motion Declared Carried and Hereby Made a Part of the Original Journal of Proceedings this date.


Leroy Barnes, resident, asked if the city would be able to get the $10,000,000.00 back? Per Mayor Ford we are not able to get the money back. Then asked how it impacts the city when elected officials don't attend IML and encouraged them to attend?

Nancy Switzer, resident, asked if the LGDF impacts all municipalities or just the southland. Per Mayor Ford this impacts all Illinois Municipalities. Mrs. Switzer then shared since October there were eleven scheduled meetings and only four were held. She then shared that 171st Place needs to be repaired. Mrs. Switzer then shared she was concerned about vouchers that were approved and was not certain how the public is advised and how does the public have the opportunity to have input on the vouchers. Lastly, she asked why city vehicles parked 1⁄2 on the sidewalk.


Alderman Lockett moved for City Council approval to open the floor to the public. Second by Alderman Edwards, Discussions - None

ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 Alderman Lockett, Davis, Spivey and Edwards

Nays: 0

Abstains: 0

Absent: 1 Alderwoman Evans

Motion Declared Carried and Hereby Made a Part of the Original Journal of Proceedings this date.


Ald. Davis shared IML is not required and he has attended previously. He shared it's good to go and learn about government.

Alderman Lockett shared there were no than four meetings and finance has meetings every 2nd and 4th Monday preceding the City Council Meetings regarding vouchers. Ald. Lockett asked for a moment in commemoration for Maurice Yarbrough who was well know in the entertainment industry. Ald. Lockett then complimented the Fire, Police and Public Works Departments on the successful Safety Plan last Saturday. Lastly, Ald. Lockett encouraged the ladies to attend the Hat - N-Heels Event Saturday May 13th.

Alderman Spivey shared to Mr. Barnes that IML is voluntary and he has attended previously. He also shared that if the Mayor and City Clerk are in attendance the city is represented.

Alderman Edwards shared he attended in Joliet and he cannot attend IML due to his limited vision


Alderman Lockett moved for adjournment. Second by Alderman Edwards. Discussion - None

ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 Alderman Lockett, Spivey and Edwards

Nays: 0

Abstains: 0

Absent: 1 Alderwoman Evans

Motion Declared Carried and Hereby Made a Part of the Original Journal of Proceedings this date.

The meeting adjourned at 7:51 pm
