
South Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Blue Island City Council met April 25

City of Blue Island City Council met April 25

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1) Call to Order 

The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Blue Island was called to order by Mayor Bilotto at 7:00 p.m. on April 25, 2023. 

2) Pledge of Allegiance 

3) Roll Call 

Roll Call indicates the following: 

Present: Johnson (7:14 pm), Fahrenwald, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll 

Absent: Rita 

Present Also: Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, City Clerk 

Erin Blake, City Attorney 

Thomas Wogan, City Administrator 

Mark Patoska, Deputy City Administrator 

4) Presentation of Journal of Proceedings 

Motion by Alderman Carr, second by Alderman Fahrenwald to approve the City Council Minutes from the March 30, 2023 City Council meeting. 

Ayes: Fahrenwald, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll 


Absent: Johnson, Rita 


There being five (5) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried. 

Alderman Fahrenwald requested that page 4, letter "f" be corrected by adding the word "would." He also requested that the Clerk confirm the motions made on letter "i". 

Motion by Alderman Roll, second by Alderman McGee to approve Special Meeting Minutes from the March 30, 2023 Public Appropriation Hearing meeting. 

Ayes: Fahrenwald, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll 


Absent: Johnson, Rita 

Abstention: 0 

There being five (5) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried. 

5) Public Comment 

A Blue Island resident praised the new police officers. He added that there are several parking issues in his ward and that the neighbors directly behind his home generate an excessive amount of trash. He also underlined how hazardous it is to park near the corner store and how difficult it is to see approaching cars. 

6) Old Business 

a. Ordinance No. 2023-021: An Ordinance of the City of Blue Island, Cook County, Illinois, Amending Title III (“Administration"), Chapter 39 ("Fee and Fine Schedule") of the Code of Blue Island. 

Motion by Alderman Fahrenwald, second by Alderman Roll for Adoption of Ordinance No. 2023-021. 

Ayes: Johnson, Fahrenwald, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll 


Absent: Rita 

Abstention: 0 

There being six (6) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried. 

City Attorney, Erin Blake, noted that after discussion regarding the ordinance with Alderman McGee, that the ordinance was amended to accommodate residents dealing with a significant repair issue. Specifically, if a resident needs to open the sidewalk, parkway, and roadway to make a repair, the cost will be reduced to a $500 deposit and a $500 fee. 

7) New Business 

a. Swearing In of Police Officers. 

The Mayor swore in Heaven Hilt, Jose Ruiz, Jazlyn Zavala, Jesus Paramo, and Natalie Reyes. 

b. Illinois & Michigan Canal National Heritage Area Proclamation. 

The Mayor read a proclamation regarding the 175th anniversary of Illinois & Michigan Canal National Heritage Area Proclamation. 

Unanimous Motion to Approve the Illinois & Michigan Canal National Heritage Area Proclamation. 

Ayes: 6 Johnson, Fahrenwald, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll 


Absent: Rita 

Abstention: 0 

There being six (6) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried. 

c. Presentation by VISIM regarding economic development. 

Alex Esparza was raised in Blue Island. His company, VISIM, has worked with Chicago Heights, Markham, and Bridgeview on economic development projects and consultation. 

Alderman Johnson asked what business he brought to Markham and Chicago Heights. Mr. Esparza noted that he has attracted grocers and restaurants to those areas and is currently working on a Starbucks at 159th 

Alderman Fahrenwald questioned how much the city would be required to pay for VISIM's services. Mr. Esparza indicated he would provide a proposal which would include the cost of monthly services. 

Mr. Esparza stated that his business will collaborate with existing businesses to provide assistance with county, state, and federal funding available, as his research indicates that only two existing Blue Island restaurants have taken advantage of the funding available. 

Alderman McGee appreciates the diversity of restaurants and looks forward to what VISIM can bring to the table. 

The Mayor stated that the City is currently reacting to businesses interested in Blue Island, instead of proactively seeking businesses to enhance the City. He thought the City would greatly benefit from a more proactive approach. 

Alderman Roll asked that the proposal be submitted to the City. He asked about zoning approval, feedback, collaboration with City and the Aldermen regarding targeted projects. 

Alderman Johnson wanted to ensure that the City would still have consideration for smaller business establishments. 

8) Mayor's Report 

a. Motion for Approval of Payroll for March 31, 2023, for $376,797.31 (gross). 

Motion by Alderman Roll, second by Alderman Fahrenwald to approve Payroll for March 31, 2023, for $376,797.31 (gross). 

Ayes: Johnson, Fahrenwald, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll 


Absent: Rita 

Abstention: 0 

There being six (6) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried. 

b. Motion for Approval of Payroll for April 14, 2023, for $555,562.44 (gross). 

Motion by Alderman Carr, second by Alderman Montoya to approve Payroll for April 14, 2023, for $555,562.44 (gross). 

Ayes: Johnson, Fahrenwald, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll 


Absent: Rita 

Abstention: 0 

There being six (6) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried. 

c. Motion for Approval of Manual Accounts Payable dated April 12, 2023 for $186,707.71. 

Motion by Alderman Roll, second by Alderman McGee to approve Accounts Payable for $186,707.71. 

Ayes: Johnson, Fahrenwald, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll 


Absent: Rita 


There being six (6) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried. 

Alderman Johnson inquired about the difference between accounts payable and manual accounts payable. 

d. Motion for Approval of Accounts Payable dated April 26, 2023 for $789,428.50. 

Motion by Alderman McGee, second by Alderman Fahrenwald to approve Accounts Payable for $789,428.50. 

Ayes: Johnson, Fahrenwald, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll 


Absent: Rita 

Abstention: 0 

There being six (6) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried. 

Alderman Carr asked the payment to CCMSI? City Administrator, Thomas Wogan explained that payment was made to the company that handles the City's workers' compensation cases. 

e. Ordinance No. 2023-025: An Ordinance of the City of Blue Island, Cook County, Illinois Regarding the Sale of Personal Surplus Property Owned by the City. 

Motion by Alderman Fahrenwald, second by Alderman Roll for Adoption of Ordinance No. 2023-025. 

Ayes: Johnson, Fahrenwald, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll 


Absent: Rita 

Abstention: 0 

There being six (6) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried. 

Alderman Johnson asked if the surplus property sale was noticed on the City's website? The Mayor stated this ordinance gives the City authority to list and sell the property and he expected the items to be listed on the website soon. 

f. Resolution No. 2023-011: A Resolution of the City of Blue Island, Cook County, Illinois, Authorizing and Approving a Proposal from Ford Credit Municipal Finance Regarding the Financing of Police Vehicles. 

Motion by Alderman Johnson, second by Alderman Roll for Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-011. 

Ayes: Johnson, Fahrenwald, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll 


Absent: Rita 

Abstention: 0 

There being six (6) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried. 

g. Ordinance No. 2023-026: An Ordinance of the City of Blue Island, Cook County Illinois, Authorizing Residential Only Parking on the Northside and Southside of the 2900 Block of Everett Street in the City of Blue Island. 

Motion by Alderman Roll, second by Alderman McGee for Adoption of Ordinance No. 2023-026. 

Ayes: Johnson, Fahrenwald, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll 


Absent: Rita 

Abstention: 0 

There being six (6) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried. 

h. Motion to Award the 2023 City of Blue Island Roadway Led Conversion Project to Utility Dynamics Corporation in the Amount of $241,830.00. 

Motion by Alderman McGee, second by Alderman Fahrenwald for Roadway Led Conversion Project. 

Ayes: Johnson, Fahrenwald, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll 


Absent: Rita 

Abstention: 0 

There being six (6) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried. 

Alderman Fahrenwald asked if there will be any other lights to convert once this project was completed. The Mayor stated all conversion will be completed at the end of this project. 

i. Mayor's Announcements/Comments. 

The Mayor stated that he and Tom Wogan drove to Springfield and spoke to the Governor. From 1959 until 2011, each municipality received 10 cents on the dollar from the State. In 2011, the law changed, and municipalities have only been receiving 6 cents on the dollar, causing the city to lose about $15 million. The State boosted the reimbursement to 6.4 or 6.5 last year and the Mayor's goal, along with other south suburban Mayors, is to lobby to get the total amount restored. There is currently a bill supporting the same pending a vote in the House and Senate. Additionally, discussions about general grants were held in an effort to gain more traction. 

9) City Clerk's Announcements/Reports/Comments 

a. City Clerk's Announcements 

City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, notified the City Council that the Circuit Court Clerk, Iris Martines, will be in Robbins on Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm to assist with court information. 

City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, stated that Blue Cap will have a brick dedication on 5/12/23 from 4 pm – 5 pm. 

City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, informed City Council that this Saturday is the Community Clean Up. The City had over 200 volunteers including Alderman Roll and his family, Alderman Johnson and his team, Alderman Fahrenwald and his team, and Alderman Carr. 

City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, suggested that everyone mark their calendars for the annual flower sale and chalk walk on 5/20/23 at York and Western. 

City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, informed the City Council that TGIF is back this year. The City is combining farmers market and TGIF with music in the park. Details to come. 

City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, informed the City Council that the vehicle city stickers will go on sale May 1st. 

City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, informed the City Council that the Blue Island Public Library will have a Veterans exhibit with former Governor Quinn on 5/24/23 at 6 pm. 

10) Treasurer's Report 

a. Motion to Approve the March 2023 Treasurer's Report. 

Motion by Alderman Roll, second by Alderman McGee for March 2023 Treasurer's Report. 

Ayes: Johnson, Fahrenwald, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll 


Absent: Rita 

Abstention: 0

There being six (6) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried. 

b. City Treasurer's Announcements/Reports/Comments 

No comment. 

11) City Attorney's Report 

a. Attorney's Announcements/Comments

12) City Administrator's Announcements/Reports/Comments

No comment. 

 a. City Administrator's Announcements/Comments 

City Administrator, Thomas Wogan, noted that the timing of the City Council schedule does not always allow for a perfect fit, which is why manual checks are occassionally required. 

City Administrator, Thomas Wogan, reported that proposals were received to renew insurance coverage for City parking lots, which he expected to bring to City Council next month. 

City Administrator, Thomas Wogan, also informed City Council regarding a potential worker's compensation settlement in the amount of $6,000. 

City Administrator, Thomas Wogan, informed City Council that Vincent Franchetti, the golf course manager, resigned for a better-paying position. Mike Powers and Teddy Ruthenberg are now filling in on a temporary basis. 

Alderman Fahrenwald asked him to elaborate on the two programs occurring in the City on Saturday. City Administrator, Thomas Wogan, noted that The Cook County Rebuild Program chose 19 homes in the City of Blue Island, based on resident applications, which would be improved by trade workers and Cook County. The permits were handled by the building department. There is no cost to the homeowners. The community cleanup is also occurring Saturday, and anyone is welcome to participate and help clean the City. 

13) Aldermanic Announcements/Reports/Comments 

No comments. 

14) Motion for Adjournment 

Motion by Alderman Fahrenwald, second by Alderman Roll to adjourn the regular meeting. 

Ayes: Johnson, Fahrenwald, Montoya, McGee, Carr, Roll 


Absent: Rita 

Abstention: 0

There being six (6) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried. 

The meeting was adjourned 7:55 p.m. 

The next regular meeting of the City Council is scheduled May 9, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.
