
South Cook News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Flossmoor Board of Trustees met May 1

Village of Flossmoor Board of Trustees met May 1

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Mayor Nelson called the meeting to order at 7:32 pm.

Village Clerk Gina A. LoGalbo took roll.

PRESENT: Mayor Nelson, Trustees Bradley-Scott, Daggett, Driscoll, Lofton, Mitros, Mustafa

ALSO PRESENT: Village Manager Bridget Wachtel; Assistant Village Manager Jonathan Bogue; Police Chief Jerel Jones; Assistant Fire Chief Matt Berk; Finance Director Scott Bordui; Director of Public Works John Brunke; Program & Event Coordinator Stephanie Wright; Village Attorney John Kelly; Village Clerk Gina A. LoGalbo; 44 residents

Mayor Nelson called the meeting to order. Mayor Nelson noted that the meeting was being held in person and via Zoom, which is permitted by Public Act 101-0640. Mayor Nelson noted that the public was invited to monitor the meeting via Zoom or attend the meeting in person. Public participation would be permitted only in person during the citizen comment portion of the agenda. Mayor Nelson explained that there were two (2) citizen comment portions of the agenda because there are technically two (2) Village Board meetings occurring on May 1, 2023. The first meeting is with the previous Village Board, then the new Village Board would be seated, and there would be a citizen comment portion of the agenda with the new Village Board. Members of the public could submit comments on items on the agenda by emailing info@flossmoor.org. Emailed comments would be shared with the Village Board.

Mayor Nelson referred to the Consent Agenda (which encompassed Agenda Items 1-6): 

1. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Meeting Held on March 27, 2023

2. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held on April 17, 2023

3. Approval of the Executive Session Minutes Held on February 6, 2023 and April 17, 2023 and Consideration to Hold Them Confidential

4. Presentation of Bills for Approval and Payment as Approved by the Finance Committee (May 1, 2023) 

5. Consideration of a Resolution of the Village of Flossmoor, Cook County, Illinois, Approving Salary Schedules for Fiscal Year 2023-2024

6. Consideration of an Ordinance of the Village of Flossmoor, Cook County, Illinois, Amending Chapter 103, Article 1 of the Village of Flossmoor Municipal Code (Increasing Class A Liquor Licenses)

Mayor Nelson called for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Trustee Mitros so moved, seconded by  Trustee Mustafa.

Mayor Nelson called for a vote on the motion as presented. Motion passed by a roll call vote. 

AYES: Trustees Bradley-Scott, Daggett, Driscoll, Lofton, Mitros and Mustafa. 



NAYS: None

Citizens Present Wishing to Address the Board: 

Citizens Present Wishing to Address the Board on a Non-Agenda Item 

(It should be noted that in reporting these comments, the Village has not researched the accuracy of any  comments.):

Warren Engelberg’s comments, in summary, were about politicians and capitalists in US society.

Citizens Present Wishing to Address the Board on an Agenda Item 

(It should be noted that in reporting these comments, the Village has not researched the accuracy of any  comments.): No residents wished to speak on an Agenda Item.

Mayor Nelson called for a motion to adjourn sine die. Trustee Mitros so moved, seconded by Trustee Lofton  and passed by a voice vote. 

AYES: Trustees Bradley-Scott, Daggett, Driscoll, Lofton, Mitros and Mustafa. 



NAYS: None

The Board adjourned sine die at 7:40 p.m. 

Administration of the Oath of Office to Newly Elected Officials 

The administration of the Oath of Office to newly elected officials proceeded.

Mayor Nelson administered the oath of office to Village Clerk Gina A. LoGalbo.

Village Clerk Gina A. LoGalbo administered the Oath of Office to Trustee George Lofton, Trustee Jim Mitros, and Trustee Rosalind Mustafa.

The new Board was seated.

Mayor Nelson called the meeting to order at 7:47 pm.

Village Clerk Gina A. LoGalbo took roll.

PRESENT: Mayor Nelson, Trustees Bradley-Scott, Daggett, Driscoll, Lofton, Mitros, Mustafa

ALSO PRESENT: Village Manager Bridget Wachtel; Assistant Village Manager Jonathan Bogue; Police Chief Jerel Jones; Assistant Fire Chief Matt Berk; Finance Director Scott Bordui; Director of Public Works John Brunke; Program & Event Coordinator Stephanie Wright; Village Attorney John Kelly; Village Clerk Gina A. LoGalbo; 44 residents

Recognitions and Appointments:

Mayor Nelson referred to Agenda Item #1 – A Proclamation Declaring May as Jewish Heritage Month. Mayor Nelson read a Proclamation Declaring May as Jewish Heritage Month.

Mayor Nelson referred to the Consent Agenda (which encompassed Agenda Items 2-3): 

2. Consideration of an Ordinance of the Village of Flossmoor, Cook County, Illinois, Approving a Special Use for a Swimming Pool at 2506 Braeburn Avenue

3. Consideration of an Ordinance of the Village of Flossmoor, Cook County, Illinois, Amending Chapter 270, Article 12 of the Village of Flossmoor Municipal Code (North and South Commuter Lots)

Mayor Nelson called for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Trustee Bradley-Scott so moved,  seconded by Trustee Daggett.

Mayor Nelson called for a vote on the motion as presented. Motion passed by a roll call vote. 

AYES: Trustees Bradley-Scott, Daggett, Driscoll, Lofton, Mitros and Mustafa. 



NAYS: None

Reports of Committees, Commissions and Boards:

Mayor Nelson referred to Agenda Item #4 – Consideration of the Acquisition of a Sculpture to the  Flossmoor Rotational Sculpture Art Program (Sans Titre Ref (366), by Nicholas Dubreuille). Mayor Nelson called for a motion for Consideration of the Acquisition of a Sculpture to the Flossmoor Rotational Sculpture Art Program (Sans Titre Ref (366), by Nicholas Dubreuille). Trustee Mustafa so moved,  seconded by Trustee Driscoll.

Flossmoor Public Art Commission Chairwoman Nancy Burrows stated that she was introducing and seeking the approval of the Village Board for a new leased sculpture to be placed in the Argyle traffic circle. Burrows provided an overview of the Flossmoor Sculpture Garden Program and the Public Art Commission. She stated that the Collection currently contains seven sculptures on loan or lease and eleven permanent pieces. There are two pieces whose leases will end in June 2023, and one piece that has remained past its lease. The sculpture that the Commission would like to lease is from French artist Nicolas Dubreuille and is entitled ‘Sans Titre Ref (366)’ (‘Without a Title [366]’). The Commission would like the sculpture to be placed in the Argyle traffic circle. The lease will be for three years for a total cost of $3,000.

Mayor Nelson thanked Chairwoman Burrows for the presentation and the work of Flossmoor’s Public Art Commission. Mayor Nelson stated that the sculpture is an incredible piece.

Trustee Driscoll stated that the piece will be a great addition to Flossmoor’s sculpture collection.

Trustee Daggett thanked the Commission for their work and shared his and his children’s fondness for Flossmoor’s sculpture collection and the piece that the Commission would like to lease.

Trustee Mustafa shared that she supported the acquisition of the sculpture and inquired about the costs related to moving the sculpture to Flossmoor.

Chairwoman Burrows explained that the cost to move the sculpture is part of the lease program, so it is the responsibility of the artist to transport and install the piece. Usually, the Flossmoor Public Works Department supports the installation of the sculptures. She also noted that the artists are not really making a profit on pieces like the one discussed, but they receive exposure.

Trustee Mitros stated his support for leasing the sculpture, and noted the win-win for the artist and Flossmoor community with the exposure for the artist and enjoyment of the piece by the community. He thanked the Commission for their work.

Trustee Lofton complimented Flossmoor’s Sculpture Program and stated his support for leasing the sculpture.

Trustee Bradley-Scott stated her support for the piece, and that she appreciated the Commission’s presentations about the art and its importance. She noted that her children enjoy figuring out the significance of Flossmoor’s sculptures, and that she liked that the Sculpture Program was including international artists.

Mayor Nelson noted that the funding for the Sculpture Program comes from fundraisers and donations, including the sale of bricks and benches, and she thanked everyone for their generous contributions to the Sculpture Program. She stated that residents could donate to the Sculpture Program and find more information about Flossmoor’s art at www.artflossmoor.com. Also, the Commission will be doing more tours and education outreach for children soon.

Chairwoman Burrows noted that Flossmoor’s Program & Event Coordinator, Stephanie Wright worked diligently on the negotiation for the piece with its artist and the artist’s manager.

Mayor Nelson called for a vote on the motion as presented. Motion passed by a roll call vote.  

AYES: Trustees Bradley-Scott, Daggett, Driscoll, Lofton, Mitros, and Mustafa. 



NAYS: None

Action Items:


Discussion Items:


Citizens Present Wishing to Address the Board: 

Citizens Present Wishing to Address the Board on a Non-Agenda Item 

(It should be noted that in reporting these comments, the Village has not researched the accuracy of any  comments.): No residents wished to speak on a Non-Agenda Item.

Citizens Present Wishing to Address the Board on an Agenda Item 

(It should be noted that in reporting these comments, the Village has not researched the accuracy of any  comments.): No residents wished to speak on an Agenda Item.

Other Business:

Mayor Nelson referred to Agenda Item #5 – A Motion to go into Executive Session to Discuss the  Employment of Specific Individuals, Property Acquisition and Litigation.

There was no need to enter into Executive Session.

Trustee Daggett stated that the Western Avenue School PTO had a recent fundraiser and many Flossmoor Departments contributed, including the Police Department, Fire Department, Public Works Department, and Mayor Nelson. The PTO raised $1,850, which will be used to remodel the teacher’s lounge at Western Avenue School. He thanked the Village and those who contributed to the fundraiser.

Trustee Mitros congratulated the newly elected Trustees and Village Clerk.

Trustee Lofton congratulated the newly elected Trustees and Village Clerk.

Trustee Driscoll congratulated the newly elected Trustees and Village Clerk.

Village Manager Bridget Wachtel congratulated the newly elected Board Members on behalf of herself and Village Staff, and stated that they have enjoyed working with the Village Board and look forward to working with them for the next four years.

Mayor Nelson thanked the Public Works Department, Green Commission, Homewood-Flossmoor Badminton Team, Alpha Kappa Alphas, and all of the volunteers who helped plant forty trees in Flossmoor on April 29, 2023.

She stated that May 6, 2023 would be the Homewood-Flossmoor Park Pride event from 9 am – 12 pm to help plant flowers, distribute mulch, and other projects at local parks.

Mayor Nelson shared that the week of May 8, 2023 was teacher appreciation week and encouraged residents to share their appreciation with teachers.

Mayor Nelson also shared that the HF Chronicle has published Flossmoor’s upcoming summer events, and that Chamber Night will be held on July 19th (not July 20th).

Mayor Nelson welcomed new HF Chronicle contributor Jayln Edwards who was in attendance at the Village Board meeting.

As there were no other items to discuss, Mayor Nelson called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee  Mitros so moved, seconded by Trustee Bradley-Scott and passed by a voice vote. 

AYES: Trustees Bradley-Scott, Daggett, Driscoll, Lofton, Mitros and Mustafa. 



NAYS: None

The Regular Meeting was adjourned at 8:09 p.m.
