
South Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Blue Island City Council met May 9

City of Blue Island City Council met May 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1) Call to Order 

The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Blue Island was called to order by Mayor Bilotto at 7:00 p.m. on May 9, 2023.

2) Pledge of Allegiance 

3) Roll Call 

Roll Call indicates the following:

Present: Fahrenwald, Rita, McGee, Carr, Roll (remotely)

Absent: Johnson, Montoya

Present Also: 5

Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, City Clerk

Jairo Frausto, Treasurer

Erin Blake, City Attorney

Thomas Wogan, City Administrator

Mark Patoska, Deputy City Administrator

4)  Motion to Allow Alderman Joshua Roll to Attend the Meeting Remotely Due to Family or Other Emergency and Pursuant to the City of Blue Island's Remote Attendance Policy. 

Motion by Alderman Rita, second by Alderman McGee to allow Alderman Roll to Attend the Meeting Remotely.

Ayes: Fahrenwald, Rita, McGee, Carr


Absent: Johnson, Montoya

Abstention: 0

There being four (4) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

5) Presentation of Journal of Proceedings 

Motion by Alderman Carr, second by Alderman McGee to approve the City Council Minutes from the April 25, 2023 City Council meeting.

Ayes: Fahrenwald, Rita, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: Johnson, Montoya

Abstention: 0

There being five (5) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

6) Public Comment 

A Blue Island resident would like to obtain permit parking because there are several senior- owned homes without parking on her block. She is also concerned about people speeding through the neighborhood.

A Blue Island homeowner of 20 years is concerned about her alley, which has too many potholes.

7) Old Business 

No old business.

8)  New Business 

a. Proclamation - Motorcycle Awareness Month. 

Motion by Alderman Rita, second by Alderman McGee to approve Motorcycle Awareness Month. 

Ayes: Fahrenwald, Rita, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: Johnson, Montoya

Abstention: 0

There being five (5) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

The Mayor stated that Motorcycle Awareness Month promotes motorcycle safety and education, and provides awareness programs to over 120,000 participants in Illinois.

9) Mayor's Report 

a. Motion for Approval of Payroll for April 28, 2023, for $472,982.65 (gross).

Motion by Alderman Carr, second by Alderman Fahrenwald to approve Payroll for April 28, 2023, for $472,982.65 (gross).

Ayes: Fahrenwald, Rita, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: 2

Johnson, Montoya

Abstention: 0

There being five (5) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

b. Motion for Approval of Accounts Payable dated May 10, 2023, for $456,398.81 (gross).

Motion by Alderman McGee, second by Alderman Carr to approve Accounts Payable for May 10, 2023, for $456,398.81 (gross). 

Ayes: Fahrenwald, Rita, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: Johnson, Montoya

Abstention: 0

There being five (5) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

c. Resolution No. 2023-012: A Resolution of the City of Blue Island, Cook County, Illinois, Authorizing the City to Obtain General Liability Insurance For City Parking Lots through Avondale Insurance Associates, Inc. 

Motion by Alderman Fahrenwald, second by Alderman McGee for Adoption of Resolution No. 2023-012. 

Ayes: 5 Fahrenwald, Rita, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: Johnson, Montoya

Abstention: 0

There being five (5) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

d. Resolution No. 2023- : A Resolution of the City of Blue Island, Cook County, Illinois, Authorizing and Approving the Proposal from VISIM Enterprises, LLC.

The Mayor stated this will be moved to the next meeting.

e. Mayor's Announcements/Comments.

The Mayor thanked everyone for volunteering for the Community Clean Up event. He also noted that on Saturday the Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago Program provided repairs to 19 homes in Blue Island. Specifically, the group provided painting, electrical repairs, carpentry work and other home repairs. The Mayor attended a press conference and thanked President Preckwinkle and staff for choosing Blue Island as a location for the program. The Mayor also thanked City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman and Public Works Supervisor, Michael Schroeder and their teams for their hard work with the Community Clean Up.

The Mayor reported that Blue Island received two grants for $50,000 with the help of State Representative Bob Rita. These grants assist in covering the cost of the Lead Survey required by the EPA. In addition, IDOT is expected to contribute $3 million for street improvements.

The Mayor also reported that the Forestry Board, with the help of MWRD and Eisenhower High School students, planted 30 trees at the golf course for Arbor Day. The City also planted 70 trees along the streets that were redone last year.

10) City Clerk's Announcements/Reports/Comments 

a. City Clerk's Announcements 

City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, expressed gratitude to the Blue Island Community for a fantastic turnout for the Community Clean Up. Four alderman, 275 participants, as well as City staff were present.

City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, suggested that everyone mark their calendars for the annual flower sale/chalk walk on 5/20/23 on York and Western.

City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, recommended that everyone mark their calendars for TGIF, which begins on 6/9/23 on York and Western.

City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, informed the City Council that Blue Cap will be having their golf outing on 6/3/23.

City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, informed the City Council that the Chamber of Commerce will be having their golf outing on 6/9/23.

City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, invited everyone to Mai Fest this Saturday 5/13/23, from 12 – 5 pm., which will feature over 100 vendors.

City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, informed everyone that this year there will be a community yard sale the first weekend in August. Details to come.

City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, informed the City Council that the Blue Island Public Library will have a Veterans exhibit with former Governor Quinn on 5/24/23 at pm. A traveling hand-held portrait exhibit honoring Illinois service members who died in action since the start of the war on terror in 2001 will be included. It will also include neighborhood hometown heroes.

City Clerk, Raeann Cantelo-Zylman, informed the City Council that the City's vehicle stickers are currently on sale.

The Mayor stated that if it rains for Mai Fest some over the vendors will be moved under the bridge. He noted that it is a fantastic event that attracted approximately 1,000 attendees the previous year.

11) Treasurer's Report 

a. Motion to Approve the March 2023 Treasurer's Report.

Motion by Alderman Fahrenwald, second by Alderman Carr for April 2023 Treasurer's Report.

Ayes: Fahrenwald, Rita, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: Johnson, Montoya

Abstention: 0

There being five (5) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

b. City Treasurer's Announcements/Reports/Comments 

No report.

12) City Attorney's Report 

a. Attorney's Announcements/Comments 

No report.

13) City Administrator's Announcements/Reports/Comments 

a. City Administrator's Announcements/Comments 

City Administrator, Thomas Wogan, stated the Council received an email with the 2022 Municipal Charge Back information, which is a required annual report from ComEd. It contains very detailed information, including details on disruptions, system failures, and a variety of services for the elderly, as well as direct contact information for representatives.

14) Aldermanic Announcements/Reports/Comments 

No announcements/reports/comments.

15) Executive Session 

Adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) to discuss litigation that has been filed and is pending before a court or an administrative tribunal and actions of probable or imminent litigation.

Motion by Alderman Rita, second by Alderman McGee to go into Executive Session. 

Ayes: Fahrenwald, Rita, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: Johnson, Montoya

Abstention: 0

There being five (5) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

Motion by Alderman Rita, second by Alderman Fahrenwald to resume regular meeting.

Ayes: 5  Fahrenwald, Rita, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: Johnson, Montoya

Abstention: 0

There being five (5) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

The Mayor stated that they discussed possible pending litigation and settlement of claims.

16)  Motion for Adjournment 

Motion by Alderman Rita, second by Alderman Fahrenwald to adjourn the regular meeting. 

Ayes: Fahrenwald, Rita, McGee, Carr, Roll

Nays: 0

Absent: Johnson, Montoya

Abstention: 0

There being five (5) Affirmative Votes, the Mayor declared the motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned 7:45 p.m.
