
South Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Palos Hills City Council met June 1

City of Palos Hills City Council met June 1

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

1) CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Bennett called the City Council Meeting to order at 7:00p.m. 

2) PLEDGE TO THE FLAG: Mayor Bennett led everyone in the Pledge to the Flag.

3) ROLL CALL: Upon roll call the following Aldermen responded:

PRESENT: Price, Brachman, Lebarre, Donahue, O’Connell, Kleefisch, Stratton, Pasek, Abed, Nowak 


4) QUORUM: Mayor Bennett declared a quorum was present.


Ald. Kleefisch MOVED to approve the City Council Meeting Minutes dated, May 18, 2023 as presented. SECONDED by Ald. Nowak. Upon roll call the following Ald. voted: 

AYE: Brachman, Lebarre, O’Connell, Kleefisch, Stratton, Pasek, Abed, Nowak, Price 

NAY: None


6) CITIZENS PETITION: None this evening.


Mayor Bennett, the meeting is open to the public for any comments or questions.

A Doctor and founder of a local magazine approached Council to discuss the possibility of starting a Middle Eastern Chamber of Commerce.

There were no further comments or questions from the public; the public portion of the meeting was closed.


A. CITY CLERK: No report this evening.

B. CITY ATTORNEY: At this time City Attorney Cainkar opened the public hearing on the Appropriation Ordinance for fiscal year beginning May 1, 2023 and ending April 30, 2024. There were no questions from City Council or the public with respect to the Appropriation Ordinance. City Attorney Cainkar closed the public hearing.

C. MAYOR: Mayor Bennett presented and read the 2023 City Proclamation Declaring the First Friday in June to be National Gun Violence Awareness Day.



Ald. Abed MOVED to have the City Attorney include the building code fee schedule in the previous approval to update the building codes. SECONDED by Ald. Price.

Ald. Brachman asked if it was possible to vote on some items.

Mayor Bennett said that the building code is required to upgrade a certain number of years, and part one was already approved which is all the technical changes, and part two is the fee schedule.

Ald. Lebarre said that he is not in favor of this.

Commissioner Lesnicki clarified that part of the fee schedule update is the re-inspection fees.

Ald. Pasek said that they could make a motion to eliminate this motion and have another meeting to go over these questions.

City Attorney Cainkar said that there’s a motion on the table; you can amend the motion or you can motion to defer it to a Committee meeting.

Ald. Stratton asked what about division of the question, if they have to be re-inspected there is no problem, but there shouldn’t be charges for cosmetic changes.

Mayor Bennett responded that if an inspection has to be made, it’s a cost to the City. There is a motion on the table.

Upon roll call the following Ald. voted:

AYE: Donahue, O’Connell, Kleefisch, Abed, Price

NAY: Lebarre, Stratton, Pasek, Nowak, Brachman

With a tie on votes Mayor Bennett voted AYE MOTION CARRIED


Ald. Stratton had no report this evening.


Ald. Price had no report this evening.


Ald. O’Connell reported that Paradise Sweets & Eats that operates at Palos Lanes now has been issued a business license for a mobile ice cream truck.


Ald. Lebarre said there is a proposed Ordinance entitled An Ordinance Providing for a Budget and Appropriation for Corporate and Other Purposes for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2023, and Ending April 30, 2024, for the City of Palos Hills, Cook County, Illinois.

City Clerk Mulderink assigned number 2023-9 to that proposed Ordinance.

Ald. Brachman MOVED to waive the reading of proposed Ordinance 2023-9. SECONDED by Ald. Donahue. Upon roll call the following Ald. voted:

AYE: Donahue, O’Connell, Kleefisch, Stratton, Pasek, Abed, Nowak, Price, Brachman, Lebarre NAY: None MOTION CARRIED

Ald. Lebarre MOVED for PASSAGE of Ordinance 2023-9, An Ordinance Providing for a Budget and Appropriation for Corporate and Other Purposes for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2023, and Ending April 30, 2024, for the City of Palos Hills, Cook County, Illinois. SECONDED by Ald. Pasek. Upon roll call the following Ald. voted:

AYE: O’Connell, Kleefisch, Stratton, Pasek, Abed, Nowak, Price, Brachman, Lebarre, Donahue NAY: None MOTION CARRIED

Ald. Lebarre MOVED to authorize the expenditure of a Vendor Warrant dated, June 1, 2023 in the amount of $445,606.06. SECONDED by Ald. O’Connell.

Ald. Kleefisch asked if the cost for the Invest in Cook County/Cal Saq trail was for engineering. Commisioner Oeffling responded that the County pays for that and we have already received/deposited money for it.

Upon roll call the following Ald. voted:

AYE: Kleefisch, Stratton, Pasek, Abed, Nowak, Price, Brachman, Lebarre, Donahue, O’Connell NAY: None MOTION CARRIED


Ald. Donahue had no report this evening.


Ald. Nowak thanked Commissioner Violante and Sandy for hosting Bingo night at the Golf Course. Ald. Nowak reported that many people are asking for more bingo events in the future. Thanks extended to realtor Anna Koenig, APC Construction, and Strange Brew Café for being sponsors of the event and to the Palos Hills Golf Course for hosting the event as well.


Ald. Nowak reported that there was a Golf Committee meeting held tonight and some topics discussed were rental room rates, adding lights on the patio, and possibly having food brought in from a local restaurant.


Ald. Nowak MOVED for consideration of An Ordinance Rezoning The Property Commonly Known As 11322 Southwest Highway, Palos Hills, Illinois from B-3, Business And Wholesale District, To M-1, Limited Manufacturing District. SECONDED by Ald. Price. Upon roll call the following Ald. voted:

AYE: Stratton, Pasek, Abed, Nowak, Price, Brachman, Lebarre, Donahue, O’Connell, Kleefisch NAY: None MOTION CARRIED

City Clerk Mulderink assigned number 2023-10 to that proposed Ordinance.

Ald. Abed MOVED to waive the reading of proposed Ordinance 2023-10. SECONDED by Ald. Pasek. Upon roll call the following Ald. voted:

AYE: Pasek, Abed, Nowak, Price, Brachman, Lebarre, Donahue, O’Connell, Kleefisch, Stratton NAY: None MOTION CARRIED

Ald. Nowak MOVED for PASSAGE of Ordinance 2023-10, An Ordinance Rezoning The Property Commonly Known As 11322 Southwest Highway, Palos Hills, Illinois From B-3, Business And Wholesale District, To M-1, Limited Manufacturing District. SECONDED by Ald. Pasek. Upon roll call the following Ald. voted:

AYE: Abed, Nowak, Price, Brachman, Lebarre, Donahue, O’Connell, Kleefisch, Stratton, Pasek NAY: None MOTION CARRIED

Ald. Nowak asked for an update on the garbage enclosure gates at 8134 W. 111th Street. Commissioner Lesnicki commented that they just built the new enclosure and they are waiting on the rest of the parts.

Ald. Nowak asked for an update on 10802 S. Roberts Road as there is no enclosure there. Commissioner Lesnicki responded that he was unaware of this issue and will have the Ordinance officer go have a look.

Ald. Nowak requested an update on Hong Min. Commissioner Lesnicki replied that they are still in the process of obtaining the demo permit.


Ald. Kleefisch stated that a check was received from Consolidated High School District 230 in the amount of $12,311.98.


Ald. Brachman reported that there were four proposals received for the 2023 Seal Coating Program as follows:

· American Sealcoating & Maintenance, Inc in the amount of $22,475.00

· S.K.C. Construction, Inc. in the amount of $24,829.39

· Patriot Pavement Maintenance in the amount of $25,600.00

· Denler, Inc. in the amount of $27,418.98

Ald. Brachman MOVED to accept the Engineer’s Recommendation that American Sealcoating & Maintenance, Inc. be awarded the 2023 Seal Coating Program in the amount of $22,475.00. SECONDED by Ald. Stratton. Upon roll call the following Ald. voted:

AYE: Nowak, Price, Brachman, Lebarre, Donahue, O’Connell, Kleefisch, Stratton, Pasek, Abed NAY: None MOTION CARRIED

Ald. Brachman MOVED consideration of An Ordinance Of The City of Palos Hills, Cook County, Illinois Approving A Second Amendment To The Water Sale, Purchase And Service Agreement Between The Village Of Oak Lawn, Illinois And Certain Of Its Municipal Customers. SECONDED by Ald. Lebarre. Upon roll call the following Ald. voted:

AYE: Price, Brachman, Lebarre, Donahue, O’Connell, Kleefisch, Stratton, Pasek, Abed, Nowak NAY: None MOTION CARRIED

City Clerk Mulderink assigned number 2023-11 to that proposed Ordinance.

Ald. Nowak MOVED to waive the reading of proposed Ordinance 2023-11. SECONDED by Ald. Pasek. Upon roll call the following Ald. voted:

AYE: Brachman, Lebarre, Donahue, O’Connell, Kleefisch, Stratton, Pasek, Abed, Nowak, Price NAY: None MOTION CARRIED

Ald. Brachman MOVED for PASSAGE of Ordinance 2023-11, An Ordinance Of The City of Palos Hills, Cook County, Illinois Approving A Second Amendment To The Water Sale, Purchase And Service Agreement Between The Village Of Oak Lawn, Illinois And Certain Of Its Municipal Customers. SECONDED by Ald. Pasek. Upon roll call the following Ald. voted: AYE: Lebarre, Donahue, O’Connell, Kleefisch, Stratton, Pasek, Abed, Nowak ,Price, Brachman NAY: None MOTION CARRIED


11) UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None this evening.

12) MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS: None this evening.


No further business, Mayor Bennett entertained a motion to adjourn. SO MOVED by Ald. Stratton. SECONDED by Ald. Pasek. By voice vote, all voted AYE.

The Meeting adjourned at 7:30p.m.
