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Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Oak Forest City Council met June 27

City of Oak Forest City Council met June 27.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Kuspa called the City Council meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Roll Call as follows:

Present: Alderman Keeler

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett

Alderman Danihel

Absent: Alderman Hortsman

Also Present: City Clerk Nicole Tormey 

Treasurer Ericka Vetter 

City Administrator Tim Kristin 

Police Chief Jason Reid

Deputy Police Chief D'Ambrosio

Public Works Dir. Michael Salamowicz 

Community Planner Paul Ruane 

IT Aaron Beatty

3. Announcements

➤ Cook County will soon begin demolition of over 50 buildings located within the Oak Forest Health Campus located at the southeast intersection of 159th and Cicero Avenue. The campus currently has 50 buildings across 153 acres. Services. that these buildings provided in the past have been moved to other facilities. The vast majority of the remaining buildings are vacant. The project will take place over the next three years with a completion in mid 2025. The plan currently includes the abatement, remediation and removal of all but a few of the structures as well as central utility plant and the tunnels beneath the campus. The project will be broken into multiple phases of construction. More information is available at the County website.

► 2023 Road Program. In May, the City Council approved and awarded a contract to D Construction for the 2023 Road Program. Signage will be placed on streets to be paved to notify residents several days prior to start of construction. Location of street resurfacing can be located on the city website.

► 2023 Forest in Bloom Applications. The Forest in Bloom awards are presented annually by the City of Oak Forest to residents, businesses and organizations who take the extra steps necessary to beautify their homes and properties through exceptional landscaping. If you notice a home or business were pride of ownership really shines through, be sure to complete and submit the award nomination on the city's website. Entries are due July 5th.

2023-24 Vehicle Stickers. All vehicles that are housed in the City of Oak Forest must be registered with the city and must display a current vehicle sticker. Vehicle stickers must be purchased and displayed by midnight on June 30th. Purchase vehicle stickers online or at City Hall Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. or drop your payments in the night depository box.

➤ The city is looking for applicants for city bus driver. Our bus driver is retiring. We have applications available online or at City Hall. If anyone knows of a person who would like a part time job getting our seniors out, we would appreciate a call.

➤ Tim Kristin, City Administrator, stated on June 21st the city received a commendation from a citizen recognizing Sargent Tudor, Officer Pacheco, Officer Sanchez, Officer Corder, Officer Lowisz and Officer Pikunas.

➤ Alderman Selman wanted to follow up on the construction announcement regarding the culvert on 151st Street and Boca Rio. The official detour for 151st Street from Central to Oak Park Avenue is 147th Street. Alderman Selman encouraged the residents to remember not to go through that neighborhood unless they have to.

4. Motion to Establish Consent Agenda

Alderman Emmett made the motion to establish the consent agenda. Alderman Danihel seconded.

Roll call vote was taken as follows:


Alderman Emmett

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Keeler

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman




Alderman Hortsman

The motion carried 6/0, 1 absent.

5. Consent Agenda

A. Approval of minutes:

1. City Council meeting May 23, 2023

B. Consideration of the following list of bills dated:

1. Regular bills FY 2023-2024

C. Consideration of the following minutes:

1. Consumer Protection Commission May 10, 2023

2. Veterans Commission May 18, 2023

3. Planning and Zoning Commission June 7, 2023

Alderman Danihel made the motion to approve consent agenda. Alderman Wolf seconded.

Mayor Kuspa asked for questions or comments. Seeing none.

Roll call vote was taken as follows:


Alderman Danihel

Alderman Keeler

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett




Alderman Hortsman

The motion carried 6/0, 1 absent.

6. Economic and Community Development 

A. Approval of Ordinance 2023-06-09800 authorizing a Special Use Permit to allow an outdoor beer garden/eating patio and a variation for parking requirements in the C3- Central Business District at 15548 S. Cicero Avenue.

Alderman Emmett made the motion. Alderman Wolf seconded.

Community Planner Paul Ruane stated he has combined two different Ordinances that are going to be under two different items. One goes with the other. First, is a special use permit for Clovers Bar and Grill at 15548 S. Cicero Avenue. Looking at the specifics of the site plan as proposed with the approval of their liquor license last summer, they had to work with the owner of the other properties to pave the entire parking lot. They were able to provide a site plan based on what is existing and what is proposed. The site has 10 parking spaces in front and the back. 7 parking spaces on the side which are located in the city right-of-way. The applicant was able to work with Beggars for an additional 24 parking spaces. 38 parking spaces are required. Paul Ruane described the layout of the rooftop patio. Conditions of approval proposed by staff are providing additional screening preventing customers from accessing the rooftops and the residence to the north, landscaping plan for residence to the west, bike rack, dumpster enclosure and screen mechanical equipment on rooftop.

The applicant, Petros Visvarvis, approached the podium and thanked City Council for the opportunity. He stated the parking lot was a major hurdle. July 5th both the front and back parking lot will be paved. The feedback from the community has been overwhelming.

Mayor Kuspa stated it is a nice business. He inquired about the lighting on the patio. Mr. Visvarvis asked Paul if it was in the architectural plans. He stated they would have lights along the banisters. Nothing bright, nothing to make residents uncomfortable. They are building a soundproof wall to the west drowning out the sound. No music or bands on the patio with a limited menu.

Mayor Kuspa asked about piped in music on the patio. Mr. Visvarvis stated no bands but will have some speakers that they control. Maybe a couple TVs as well.

Alderman Emmett asked about securing items when leaving for the evening. Mr. Visvarvis stated the only thing of concern would be the umbrellas but they will be taken down and stored. The bar will have garage doors that come down. There will be two doors to the roof top alarmed with cameras.

Alderman Wolf asked if the step are enclosed. Mr. Visvarvis stated the steps will be open. Alderman Wolf asked about the landscaping to the west and if covers the whole parking lot. Paul Ruane stated no, not the whole parking lot. There is adjacent grass space that is located between the parking lot and the home to the west. Mr. Visvarvis is only responsible for his property and not the property to the north.

Alderman Keeler asked about the stairway in the back and if there will be anything blocking them. Mr. Visvarvis stated they will have bollards.

Alderman Selman asked about the structural report on the integrity of the roof. Mr. Visvarvis stated there is a preliminary report. The engineer is working with the Building Department. The engineer stated he will reinforce areas if needed. Alderman Selman asked about the height of the barrier around the roof. Mr. Visvarvis stated it will comply with the city code.

Mayor Kuspa asked for questions from the alderman. Seeing none.

Paul Ruane clarified that the motion is for the approval of a special use permit for the patio not pending the liquor license. He also asked to move the motion for the liquor license up in the agenda.

Roll call vote was taken as follows:


Alderman Emmett

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Keeler

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman




Alderman Hortsman

The motion carried 6/0, 1 absent.

7. Administration

A. Approval of Ordinance 2023-06-09830 authorizing a Class C Liquor License Increase for Tamir Enterprises Inc. (dba Clover's Bar & Grill) at 15548 S. Cicero Avenue.

Alderman Wolf made the motion. Alderman Danihel seconded.

Community Planner Paul Ruane stated Clovers Bar and Grill received a liquor license last summer. They are requesting an additional liquor license for an outdoor beer garden.

Mayor Kuspa inquired as to the hours of operation for the rooftop. Mr. Visvarvis stated Sunday through Thursday 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. and Friday and Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m.

Mayor Kuspa asked for questions from the aldermen. Seeing none.

Roll call vote was taken as follows:


Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Keeler

Alderman McCarthy




Alderman Hortsman

The motion carried 6/0, 1 absent.

6. Economic and Community Development

B. Approval of Resolution 2023-06-0440R supporting and consenting to a renewal application to the Cook County Assessor of a Class 6B Tax Incentive Application for the property commonly known as 4141-4149 W. 166th Street.

Alderman Danihel made the motion. Alderman McCarthy seconded.

Community Planner Paul Ruane stated this is a renewal of an existing request. The building is in good condition and meets some of the merits the city is looking for in the industrial district. He explained the tax bill with and without the incentive. There is a significant tax per square footage increase from $3.90 a square foot to $9.74 a square foot.

Alderman Emmett asked about the other property located by this one that was given a tax incentive. Paul Ruane stated that was a second renewal for a different property. EAC was talking about how to handle situations regarding renewals. EAC recommended approval of this renewal.

Mayor Kuspa confirmed that the Class 6B is a county program and they have to apply to the county but have to have local support.

Mayor Kuspa asked for questions or comments from the aldermen. Seeing none.

Roll call vote was taken as follows:


Alderman Danihel

Alderman Keeler

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett




Alderman Hortsman

The motion carried 6/0, 1 absent.

8. Information Technology

A. Approval of Ordinance 2023-06-09810 authorizing disposal of city owned property located at 15540 S. Central Avenue.

Alderman Danihel made the motion. Alderman McCarthy seconded.

Aaron Beatty asked for any questions regarding the list of property.

Mayor Kuspa asked if the items can be recycled. He also inquired how the hard drives are disabled. Aaron Beatty stated the hard drives are removed from all devices. The IT Department uses DOD (Department of Defense) level destruction and drill press pushed through them.

Mayor Kuspa asked for questions or comments from the aldermen. Seeing none.

Roll call vote was taken as follows:


Alderman Danihel

Alderman Keeler

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett




Alderman Hortsman

The motion carried 6/0, 1 absent..

9. Police Department 

A. Approval of Ordinance No. 2023-06-09820 amending Section 72.05 and adding Section 72.06 of Chapter 72 of Title VII of the City of Oak Forest Code of Ordinances regarding low speed electric bicycles.

Alderman Emmett made the motion. Alderman Keeler seconded.

Mayor Kuspa asked about electrical scooters and hoover boards. Is this all included or strictly electric bicycles. Deputy Chief Dominic D'Ambrosio stated this is very specific to low speed electrical bicycles of a certain standard that the State of Illinois has identified. The city code is not currently aligned with the State of Illinois. The city ordinance that covers low speed electrical bicycles was last updated over 20 years ago. The state law was updated in 2018. Technology has outpaced the ordinance. Low speed electrical bicycles that are defined by state law are not currently defined by our city code. This class of bicycle that the State identifies is a two wheel aligned bicycle that has the capacity to be peddled by a human and/or powered by an electric motor. There are three classes all under 750 watts. The Police Department is proposing removing the two conflicting electric motorized bicycle definitions from 72.05 which are motor assisted bicycles and motor assisted pedicycles. They would like to create a new section, 72.06, which would specifically address the low speed electrical bicycles.

Alderman Keeler asked if you have to be a certain age to ride the bicycles. Deputy Chief stated Class C is 16 years old.

Alderman Wolf clarified no license is required, just have to be 16 or older. Deputy Chief confirmed and stated the state law covers the marking of this type of bicycle. The manufacturer has to include what classification it is on the bicycle. Alderman Wolf inquired about the frame of the bicycles. Deputy Chief stated the classification does not address the frame.

Alderman Selman inquired as to enforcement. Deputy Chief stated there will be a code to compare it to. Currently, the code does not define this at all.

Alderman Emmett asked about the Illinois Vehicle Code, motorized with gasoline. Deputy Chief stated that is different, this code is regarding electric, watts.

Mayor Kuspa asked for any questions or comments. Seeing none.

Roll call vote was taken as follows:


Alderman Emmett

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Keeler

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman




Alderman Hortsman

The motion carried 6/0, 1 absent.

10. Public Works

A. Approval of the purchase of 130, white LED snowflake pole décor (#417195), from Artistic Holiday Designs, in the total amount (including shipping) of $103,960.00.

Alderman Emmett made the motion. Alderman Keeler seconded.

Public Works Director Michael Salamowicz stated, as discussed in Committee of the Whole, they are looking to purchase new holiday lights along 159th Street and Cicero Avenue. Mayor Kuspa asked Mike to bring up the holiday light for reference.

Alderman Selman inquired as to storage of the decorations. Mike replied they have containers where the existing ones are stored now. He also confirmed they can be repaired and not disposed.

Mayor Kuspa asked for questions or comments from the aldermen. For the record, once authorized, the city will be going to the Social Services Corporation for reimbursement.

Ericka Vetter stated the Social Services Corporation is funding the project and purchase of the 130 holiday street décor.

Mayor Kuspa thanked Mike and John for finding a product that is versatile to handle any voltage.

City Administrator Tim Kristin commented on the number of decorations to be ordered next year.

Roll call vote was taken as follows:


Alderman Emmett

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Keeler

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman




Alderman Hortsman

The motion carried 6/0, 1 absent.

11. Citizen Participation

Mayor Kuspa asked if anyone wanted to address the Council. Seeing none.

12. Old Business

Mayor Kuspa commented on Alderman Hortsman's question regarding verbatim minutes as opposed to summary from the previous meeting. During the last meeting, 4 out of 7 aldermen voted for verbatim minutes. He has directed staff to have Nicole continue taking minutes. There will be two versions of minutes, the other taken by a transcriber. He would like the aldermen to compare the minutes and cost. One of the options to get a true sense of the Planning and Zoning Committee is to request a copy of the recording of the meeting. The Mayor confirmed with the city attorney that the minutes as prepared now are legal.

Alderman Emmett stated that after discussing this issue with the City Administrator, he thinks they only need the bigger projects. Mayor Kuspa replied he cannot leave it up to staff to pick and choose. There needs to be a process across the board. He believes the minutes are adequate. If you need more detail, you can ask for the recording.

City Administrator Tim Kristin stated if the aldermen contact him, he can send them an audio file the next day. The cost of transcription is significant. The cost of a court reporter would be double.

Alderman Selman stated he voted for verbatim. He since has been in contact with the City Clerk and suggested some technology that could go from voice to text. It would just have to be proofread. Mayor Kuspa stated they will put it on their list.

Alderman Wolf stated that is a good idea. Paul explains the presentation that Planning and Zoning sees but do not have the minutes. It would be nice to get the recording the day after the meeting.

City Clerk Nicole Tormey explained that she expanded on the June 7th Planning and Zoning minutes and comments. The draft minutes are attached to the presentation.

Alderman McCarthy stated if he can get the recording the next day that would be the easiest way to solve the problem.

Mayor Kuspa appreciated the discussion. He advised the city will continue to look into.

13. New Business

City Administrator Tim Kristin stated in the past the city did not have a City Council meeting in. July and December. He is proposing cancellation of the July 11th City Council meeting. Mayor Kuspa confirmed the cancelation of the meeting. Any comments from the aldermen? Seeing. none. Mayor Kuspa stated the July 11th City Council meeting is cancelled.

Alderman Wolf asked if the aldermen had to vote on it. Mayor Kuspa stated it is a heads up.

Alderman Wolf remarked on the topic of motor bikes and mopeds on the street and what is in the code now. He asked if Council should look into it in the future? Mayor Kuspa reiterated what was done earlier in the meeting regarding the Ordinance. He asked for clarification regarding electric scooters on streets. Tim Kristin stated any time there is changes to the code to keep up with state law, the police department will put out a press release noting changes to the code. Mayor Kuspa stated that Alderman Wolf wanted to expand on restricting children on electric scooters. Alderman Wolf stated the electric scooters have an electric motor. It is his understanding that in the code the electronic scooters are not allowed on the street. As far as new business, he wants to bring it up. Tim Kristin asked if he wanted to further the restrictions on the smaller recreational things kids are doing. Alderman Wolf stated yes, the ones that are going out on the street. Tim Kristin stated that is a conversation to be had with the police department with additional research.

Mayor Kuspa asked if there was any other old or new business.

14. Executive Session.

Alderman Danihel made the motion to go into Executive Session. Alderman Emmett seconded.

Roll call vote was taken as follows:


Alderman Danihel

Alderman Keeler

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett




Alderman Hortsman

The motion carried 6/0, 1 absent.

Mayor Kuspa asked for the record to show that no further action will be taken by the City Council after Executive Session.

Executive Session started at 8:45 p.m.

Alderman Danihel made the motion to go into open session. Alderman Selman seconded.

All in favor say aye. Ayes have it. Open session began at 8:50 p.m.

15. Adjournment

Alderman Danihel made the motion to adjourn. Alderman Selman seconded.

Mayor Kuspa asked for the record to show no further action was taken by the Council after Executive Session.

All in favor say aye. Ayes have it.

Meeting adjourned at 8:51 p.m.
