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Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Oak Forest Planning & Zoning Commission met June 21

City of Oak Forest Planning & Zoning Commission met June 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The Planning & Zoning Commission meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m.


Commissioner Mike Forbes

Commissioner Curt Kunz

Commissioner Rick Larson

Commissioner Bill Sykes 

Commissioner Michael Ziak

Staff Member Paul Ruane 

Staff Member Nicole Tormey


Chairman Jim Stuewe

Commissioner Jeffrey Ater

Commissioner Glenn Runge 

Commissioner Wayne Schroeder

Staff member Paul Ruane asked for a motion for pro tem Chairman.

Commissioner Forbes made the motion for pro tem Chairman Ziak. Commissioner Larson seconded.


Commissioner Forbes

Commissioner Kunz

Commissioner Larson

Commissioner Sykes 

Commissioner Ziak




Commissioner Runge 

Commissioner Schroeder

Commissioner Ater

Chairman Stuewe

Motion for pro tem carried 5-0-0 with 4 absent.

Meeting started with the pledge of allegiance.

1. ZC# 23-011 Clover's Rooftop Patio Special Use Permit & Parking Variation: The applicant requests review and recommendation of approval for a special use permit to allow an outdoor beer garden/eating patio and a variation for parking requirements in the C3 Central Business District at 15548 S. Cicero Avenue.

Paul Ruane presented the case for Clover's Bar and Grill, 15548 S. Cicero Avenue. Mr. Ruane circulated a packet showing the details of the special use permit request and parking variation. The existing parking has 10 onsite parking spaces, 7 spaces located in right of away, 24 spaces per an agreement with Beggar's Pizza. 38 parking spaces are required. A total of 41 spaces will be provided by applicant. The patio request is a wood deck with tables and chairs, small bar with a soundproof wall between the residents to the west and the property to the east. Small catwalk to take you from back of the building to the front. With the rest of the rooftop for mechanicals and which will be blocked from public access.

Five conditions of approval proposed by staff.

The applicant is present.

Commissioner Kunz questioned regarding the access point to the rooftop. Mr. Ruane stated the stairwell will be on the west side of the building. There will be a walkway that brings you to the east side of the building, the front. Commissioner Kunz asked if the access will be outside or inside. Mr. Ruane stated it will be outside.

Commissioner Forbes questioned if there is an existing agreement with the City for the parking variation in the right of way. Mr. Ruane stated not currently but the City is working on this and a number of other agreements that will be taking place.

Commissioner Larson asked if the stairwell is metal or wooden. Lee Maniatis, the construction manager approached the dais and stated metal. Pete Visvardis, family representative of the owners of Clover's Bar and Grill, also approached the dais. Commissioner Larson asked if someone in a wheelchair will be able to get up on the rooftop. Pete Visvardis responded no. The rooftop is under 1,000 square feet therefore there are no requirements for ADA. Commissioner Larson asked if there will be a wet bar and if servers have to go downstairs to get drinks and bring them up. Mr. Visvardis replied they will have drinks upstairs. Not a full bar. Most commonly used bottles will be up there with a three compartment sink, all based on recommendations of the health department. Commissioner Larson asked about the food. Mr. Visvardis replied that the food will be cooked downstairs and a server will bring it upstairs.

Pro tem Chairman Ziak asked about the stairwell in back and the plastic storage containers. Mr. Visvardis replied that the plastic storage containers are storage for drygoods and can be put under the staircase. Pro tem Chairman Ziak asked about a leveled sidewalk coming off the stairs. Mr. Visvardis replied that the parking lot will be repaved and the sidewalk will be leveled.

Commissioner Kunz inquired about the other units being repaved. Mr. Visvardis stated all tenants will be getting repaved. Paul Ruane added that it was part of the liquor license approval to work with the neighbors to do maintenance and refresh the parking lot.

Pro tem Chairman Ziak asked about the parking agreement with Beggar's and if there are any stipulations on where to park. Mr. Visvardis stated he will add to the signage where to park in Beggar's parking lot.

Commissioner Larson asked about the structure. Mr. Maniatis replied they have done preliminary structural calculations and there might be some additional shoring or bracing that is needed. But right now, it is pretty much ready to go. Still waiting on the finals for the structural.

Commissioner Forbes inquired about the landscaping and if the conditions proposed cover the whole property or just Clover's 30 feet. Mr. Ruane stated the condition proposed applies to Clover's 30 feet and their dumpster. Mr. Visvardis added the owners of Clovers have no issue with installing a bike rack.

Pro tem Chairman Ziak asked how high the fencing needed to be facing Cicero Avenue. Mr. Maniatis replied that per code it will be at least 42 inches if not higher. Mr. Ruane stated the Building Department is okay with no additional fencing. Pro tem Chairman Ziak asked if there will be stipulations on the hours. Mr. Ruane stated that will be based on liquor license approval for the patio and discussion for City Council.

Pro tem Chairman asked for questions from the Commissioners.

Paul Ruane read into the record two public comments received via emails from The Nagel's, 4840 W. 156th Street and George Karuntzos owner 15530 S. Cicero. Both in support of the Special Use Permit.

Commissioner Kunz asked if there will be a fence at the end of the parking to separate the neighbors and parking lot. Mr. Visvardis spoke with the gentleman that lives there and gave him his phone number if there are any issues. Mr. Ruane stated the staff was proposing landscaping rather than a fence.

Pro tem Chairman Ziak asked for additional questions. Hearing none. He asked for a motion to affirm PZC Resolution 23-16 recommending approval of the special use permit and variation with the conditions of approval by staff.

Commissioner Forbes made the motion.

Commissioner Kunz seconded.


Commissioner Forbes

Commissioner Kunz

Commissioner Larson

Commissioner Sykes

Pro tem Chairman Ziak




Commissioner Runge

Commissioner Schroeder

Commissioner Ater

Chairman Stuewe

Motion carried 5-0-0 with 4 absent. It will now go to City Council next Tuesday, June 27th with a positive recommendation from Planning and Zoning.

Pro tem Chairman Ziak asked for a motion to approve the minutes from June 7, 2023.

Commissioner Larson made the motion.

Commissioner Forbes seconded.


Commissioner Larson

Commissioner Kunz

Commissioner Forbes

Commissioner Sykes 

Chairman Ziak




Commissioner Runge

Commissioner Schroeder

Commissioner Ater

Chairman Stuewe

Motion to approve the minutes of June 7, 2023 with no changes, carried 5-0-0 with 4 absent.

Mr. Ruane updated Planning and Zoning with pending applications. Milex selling business from current operator to corporate. Potential small residential multi-family looking to add an additional unit and requiring a parking variance. Mr. Keeler is requesting a special use permit and multiple variations for a pole sign. Mr. Ruane also updated commissioners on ongoing projects. Commissioner Forbes updated on the progress with Culvers and the dispensary.

Commissioner Forbes asked about a July 5th meeting. Mr. Ruane believes the meeting will be cancelled. The following meeting will be July 19th.

Pro tem Chairman Ziak asked for a motion to adjourn.

Commissioner Forbes made the motion.

Commissioner Larson seconded.

All in favor, aye.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
