
South Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Country Club Hills City Council met July 10

City of Country Club Hills City Council met July 10.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:


A Regular Meeting of the City Council, City of Country Club Hills, Cook County, State of Illinois, was held in the City Hall 4200 W. 183rd Street at 7:05pm. The meeting was called to order by the Honorable James W. Ford, Mayor


The pledge of allegiance was lead by the Honorable James W. Ford, Mayor.


Those on Roll Call answering present were:

Alderman Lockett, Alderman Davis, Alderwoman Evans, Alderman Spivey, Alderman Edwards and Mayor Ford.

Also in attendance were City Treasurer Burris, City Administrator Carl Estelle, Attorney John Murphey and the Administrative Team.

Excused and Absent - Alderman Anthony Davis


Invocation was presented by Leroy Barnes.


Approval of Meeting Minutes:

A. Approval - Administrative Meeting Minutes 06.26.2023

Alderman Lockett moved for City Council approval of Regular Meeting Minutes for 06.26.2023. Second, Alderman Spivey. Discussion-None

ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 Alderman Lockett, Evans, Spivey and Edwards

Nays: 0

Abstains: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Davis

Motion Declared Carried and Hereby Made a Part of the Original Journal of Proceedings this date.


A. Introduction of Newly Sworn in Police Officers D. Prince, A. Boyd and S. Bogan by the Country Club Hills Fire and Police Commission

Mayor Ford shared three Police Officers were sworn in earlier today at 11:00am. The officers will attend a future City Council Meeting to be introduced to the council and the residents. Mayor also shared there were two officers who will be attending the academy.

B. Approval - Abandonment Ordinance #0-12-23

Mayor Ford asked for a motion on the Abandonment Ordinance #0-12-23. Attorney Max Solomon asked to be recognized. Alderman Lockett moved for City Council approval of Abandonment Ordinance #O-12-23. Second, Alderman Spivey. Discussion - Mayor Ford recognized Attorney Solomon. He introduced himself as the legal representative for Alderwoman Lisa Evans and is present to speak on the ordinance that is in motion. He shared his concerns and questions. He shared a letter dated June 27th 2023, written to Alderwoman Evans from Attorney John Murphey on behalf of the Mayor and the city council on the proposed ordinance declaring vacancy. Attorney Solomon shared the letter shares that the city council has made a preliminary determination that Alderwoman Evans is no longer a resident of Country Club Hills inclusive of a draft of the ordinance for the July 10, 2023 meeting. He shared his concerns on the timing and situation. He shared his client was not a part of the preliminary process. He was concerned his client had not been given an opportunity to respond. He shared the letter stated she sold her home and her son has moved to Arizona. He read the ordinance and was concerned about abandonment vs residency. He shared the ordinance was confusing. He shared he is not here to litigate but to plead for an opportunity to defend his client. He shared the letter says she is entitled to appear and show cause. Attorney Solomon asked for reconsideration. Attorney Murphey shared after the information was sent the transfer stamps were purchased on June 28th and has closed. Attorney Murphey then suggested amendments to the ordinance in light of actions that were taken since this ordinance was drafted. The amendments were as follows: adding recital E. Based on the circumstances described above, the City Council finds that Ms. Evans is no longer a resident of Ward 3, Country Club Hills. And that refers to roman 5 The sale of the 179th Street residence closed on or about June 30, 2023. In accordance with the authority provided by law, the City Council hereby declares that office of Alderperson, Ward 3 is vacant. Attorney Solomon asked to respond. There was ongoing discussion between Mayor Ford, Attorney Murphey and Attorney Solomon regarding this matter. Alderman Lockett asked for a motion to amend the ordinance - Adding to C. v., The sale of the 179th Street residence closed on or about June 30, 2023. Adding - E. Based on the circumstances described above, the City Council finds that Ms. Evans is no longer a resident of Ward 3, Country Club Hills and amending - Section 3. Determination - I In accordance with the authority provided by law, the City Council hereby declares that the Ms Evans has abandoned the office of Alderperson. The office of Alderperson, Ward 3 is vacant. The vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of the term of office as provided by law. The motion to amend was second by Alderman Spivey. Alderman Spivey asked to be recognized and asked for a printed copy. He then requested to hear from Alderwoman Evans. Alderwoman Evans responded that her attorney speaks on her behalf. He shared his colleague is here and he hasn't seen her so he would like to hear from her. There was ongoing discussion between Alderman Spivey, Attorney Solomon and Mayor Ford. Attorney Solomon shared this discussion should be held in an executive session. Alderwoman Evans made a motion to adjourn to executive session to address her personal concerns.

ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 3 Alderman Lockett, Spivey and Edwards

Nays: 1 Alderwoman Evans

Abstains: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Davis

Motion Declared Carried and Hereby Made a Part of the Original Journal of Proceedings this date.

Mayor Ford asked for a break while Clerk Hutson printed and copied the amended ordinance. Clerk Hutson returned and shared copies with the mayor, city council, treasurer and the attorney's. Alderwoman asked to adjourn to executive session. Mayor shared the amendment is approved and now we will have a motion to adopt the ordinance as amended. Alderman Lockett moved to City Council to approve the motion as adopted. Attorney Solomon asked for the Ordinance number and Clerk Hutson responded O.12.23. There was discussion between Attorney Solomon, Attorney Murphey and Mayor Ford regarding the motion to amend and pass the ordinance as amended.

ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 3 Alderman Lockett, Spivey and Edwards

Nays: 1 Alderwoman Evans

Abstains: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Davis

Motion Declared Carried and Hereby Made a Part of the Original Journal of Proceedings this date.

Attorney Murphey confirmed the ordinance passed. Alderwoman asked to be adjourned to executive session.

Alderwoman Evans motioned to adjourn to executive session. Second by Alderman Spivey.

Attorney Murphey shared a pubic body May go into closed session but it is not mandatory.

ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 3 Alderman Evans, Spivey and Edwards

Nays: 1 Alderman Lockett

Abstains: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Davis

Motion Declared Carried and Hereby Made a Part of the Original Journal of Proceedings this date.

The Mayor, City Council, Attorney Murphey and Attorney Solomon and City Clerk Hutson adjourned to executive session.

The meeting resumed after the executive session.

Alderman Edwards motioned to return to the regular city council meeting. Second, Alderman Lockett.

ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 Alderman Lockett, Evans, Spivey and Edwards

Nays: 0

Abstains: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Davis

Motion Declared Carried and Hereby Made a Part of the Original Journal of Proceedings this date.

Mayor Ford shared there is an agreement that Alderwoman Evans will provide the city council with requested information by the July 24th meeting.


No Report


Finance, Insurance, & Risk Management - Alderman Lockett, Chairman (Committee Meeting - TBA)

Approval - Accounts Payables as of 07.10.23

Alderman Lockett moved for City Council approval for the Accounts Payables as of 05.22.2023 in the amount of $513,836.28. Second, Alderman Edwards. Discussion-None

ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 Alderman Lockett, Evans, Spivey and Edwards

Nays: 0

Abstains: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Davis

Motion Declared Carried and Hereby Made a Part of the Original Journal of Proceedings this date.

Law, Ordinance, Government Operations & Contract - Alderwoman Evans, Chairman (Committee Meeting - TBA)

Alderwoman Evans shared her next meeting will be July 24th at 6:00pm

Public Works and Utilities - Alderman Davis, Chairman

(Committee Meeting – TBA)

No Report

Economic Development & Planning, Zoning & Development - Alderman Spivey, Chairman (Committee Meeting - TBA)

Alderman Spivey has spoken with the owner of Big Lot's and he will have an additional business coming soon.

Education, Parks & Recs - Alderman Edwards, Chairman

(Committee Meeting - TBA)

He spoke with #228 and #144 August 24th at 5:30pm and he will assist Parks and Recs.



Alderman Lockett moved for City Council approval to open the floor to the public. Second by Alderman Edwards, Discussions - None

ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 Alderman Lockett, Evans, Spivey and Edwards

Nays: 0

Abstains: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Davis

Motion Declared Carried and Hereby Made a Part of the Original Journal of Proceedings this date.


Nancy Spitzer, resident, she shared her concerns about paving on 171st Place. She also shared she has concerns about the ordinances. She then shared the website needs updating. She also asked when the Annual Budget will appear on the website and lastly, the municipal codes are out of date since 2015. She shared it reflects 10 aldermen.

Dwyer Williams, residents, shared he has concerns about the speeding in the neighborhood.

Eizella Rogers, resident, inquired about the CCHills TV channel.

Martin Pointer, resident, he also shared his concerns about the speed bumps. He was concerned that the city doesn't take ownership by strategically placing the speed bumps.


Alderman Lockett moved for City Council approval to close the floor to the public. Second by Alderman Edwards, Discussions - None

ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 Alderman Lockett, Evans, Spivey and Edwards

Nays: 0

Abstains: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Davis

Motion Declared Carried and Hereby Made a Part of the Original Journal of Proceedings this date.


Alderman Edwards shared that DECO was approved and work will begin in August. He then addressed the gentleman who inquired about the speed bumps. He shared that each alderperson will put in a request to their aldermen to identify streets that needs speed bumps, street repairs and sidewalk repairs. Alderman Edwards then asked for a tip line for the fireworks signs and to have the fireworks ordinance to be inserted in the water bills for May, June and July.

Alderman Spivey shared the city fireworks show was great. He also shared the DECO grant is moving forward and the city had two great shows and the theater was filled to capacity. Lastly, he thanked the first responders and the residents of the 4th ward who also wanted updates on channel 4.

Alderwoman Evans - No Report

Alderman Lockett shared information on the CMAP grant and the city's Comprehensive Planning session scheduled for July 13th 5:30pm to 7:00pm. Alderman Lockett shared Rich Township's Catalytic Converter Workshop will be held on Thursday and flyers are on the information table.

Mayor Ford shared there will be free food for participation.


Alderman Lockett moved for adjournment. Second by Alderman Edwards, Discussions - None.

ROLL CALL VOTE: Ayes: 4 Alderman Lockett, Evans, Spivey and Edwards

Nays: 0

Abstains: 0

Absent: 1 Alderman Davis

Motion Declared Carried and Hereby Made a Part of the Original Journal of Proceedings this date.

The meeting adjourned at 8:51pm
