City of Palos Heights Public Arts Commission met Aug. 7.
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
I. Meeting of the Public Arts Commission call to order by Lynda Schiappa at 7:15 PM. Present: Maria DeCaprio-Sunta , Vanessa Sunta, Lynda Schiappa, Kathy Peters, Sue De Koker
II. Approval of Minutes
a. Motion to approve June minutes as written by Sue De Koker were presented by Maria De Caprio-Sunta and 2nd by Lynda Schiappa. Minutes were approved.
III. Old Business –
a. Lights in the Heights Publicity 2023
• Kathy Peters secured an individual to be Santa at the 1 day lighting event.
• Maria DeCaprio-Sunta will follow up to her conversation with a letter to the Fire Chief to provide a fire truck for the lighting event.
• Tara Oosterbaan reached out to a photographer to be at the event. She will follow up.
• Sue De Koker will talk to Quality Photos in late summer to see if they would like to provide a coupon to be applied to a purchase at Quality Photos.
b. Lights in the Heights 2024
• Maria DeCaprio –Sunta is working with MACK Glass to design Christmas Tree and glass ornaments for the park. This endeavor will need sponsors. Discussion to continue at following meetings.
c. Sculpture Tour September 30th 2023
• Vanessa Sunta will provide design of a brochure/flyer.
• Lynda Schiappa will follow up with John Hanley and the REC center regarding any documents needed to use the Bus.
• Kathy Peters will solicit local restaurants to provide coupons for Tour participants to use the day of the event.
d. Farmer’s Market Art POD 2024
• A subcommittee will be formed to discuss this event on September 8th at 10:00 AM.
• A “Call for Artist” will be sent to local areas.
e. Approval of Bills
• No outstanding Bills as of this meeting.
f. B & D Meeting Update
• Lynda and Maria attended the July Building & Grounds meeting to review how PAC and Building & Grounds can collaborate when a project is being considered for a PUBLIC location. A proposal for an amendment to the PAC Bylaws was drafted which addresses the additions of decorative items to sculpture sights.
g. Southwest Commerce Grant
• Sue DeKoker attended a ZOOM meeting providing information for Grants that may benefit PAC for Palos Heights.
• Based on information received this Grant does not fit the Mission of Public Arts at this time. PAC will not pursue a grant at this time,
V. New Business
a. Spectrum Senior Center
• The Director of the facility is interested in a similar project as the Reflections of Palos Heights Mural installed at the REC Center as a project for the seniors. More discussion to follow.
b. Firehouse Landscaping
• The landscaping by the FLAME needs to be cleaned up. Sue to reach out to Chief.
c. CSVB Passport Project
• Kim Koslowsky of the Southwest Chamber is working on an APP which will HIGHLIGHT all the PUBLIC Arts sculptures. Information required by September 11th.
d. Treasures of Palos
• A tile fell off and will be replaced by Maria.
e. Story Garden
• Lynda to research alternate frames for story garden in conjunction with Fairy Gardens. She will discuss with Gareth .
Vl. Next meeting
• September 11th @7:00PM
Meeting Adjourned 8:44PM