Jeffery M. Key, Alderman - Ward 1 | City of Palos Heights Website
Jeffery M. Key, Alderman - Ward 1 | City of Palos Heights Website
City of Palos Heights Water & Sewer Committee met Oct. 24.
Here are the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes September 26, 2023
3. Public Comment – 10 minutes per topic
4. Director’s Report
a. Watermain Breaks: 21 YTD
b. CIP Projects Update
i. Rte. 83 Lining
ii. 2023 Sewer Rehabilitation
c. Misty Tower RFP
d. Kundel 6’X8’ 4 V-Panel Aluminum Box
i. Request approval to purchase a Kundel 6’X’8 4 V-Panel Aluminum Box through the sole source provider from Brown Equipment Company in the amount of $25,254.70-Agenda
e. Sewer Rodder
i. Request approval to purchase a new sewer rodder from Allan J Coleman in the amount of $4,967.23-Voucher
f. Meter Replacement Program
i. Request approval to go out to bid for the Meter Replacement Program-Agenda
g. Water Reservoir Mixers
i. Request hospital reservoir mixer replacement part purchase from PSI/PAX in the amount of $7,370.00 – Agenda
ii. Request RT 83 west reservoir mixer purchase from IXOM Watercare Inc. in the amount of $15,512.00 – Agenda
h. Beehive Asset Management License Subscription
i. Request payment approval for the renewal of the Public Works Beehive asset management license subscription in the amount of $12,000.00-Agenda
5. Professional Services
a. Request payment approval for professional engineering services with RJN Group for the 2023 Sewer Rehabilitation Design and Construction rendering through September 29, 2023 in the amount of $3,136.44- Voucher
b. Request payment approval for professional engineering services with Strand Associates, Inc for the College Drive Water Main Lining, and the 131st Street Water Main CIPP Lining rending through September 30, 2023 in the amount of $10,454.55- Agenda
6. Old Business
7. New Business
8. Motion to Adjourn