
South Cook News

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of East Hazel Crest Board of Trustees met Oct. 25

Village of East Hazel Crest Board of Trustees met Oct. 25.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees - Wed., 10/25/23 at 7:08 pm 

Officials: Mayor Thomas A. Brown, Administrator Lazuka and Clerk Minnis           

Roll Call: Trustees Forte, Kearns, Johnson, Ewan, and Ortiz were present; Tr. Wideman was absent.

Also present were: FD dpt.Chief Grant Mills, PD Chief Janich, & PW B. King, P. Newton, J. Hale, M. Fernandez, L. Dutka & Linda; Kris & Kim Szlembarski, Stan Slobokowski, J. White & M. Hall.

Invocation & Pledge. After a moment of silent prayer, Mayor Brown lead the assembly in the Pledge to the Flag.

Minutes: Trustees Johnson & Ewan made the motions to approve the minutes of the 10/11/23 regular meeting. All trustees present were in favor. Tr Wideman was absent. Mtn. carried.

OPEN TO VISITORS: Tr. Johnson & Keams made the motions to OPEN this segment of the meeting to the public. All trustees present voted aye. Tr. Wideman was absent. Mtn. carried,

-M. Hall of Sweet and Thrifty2 made a brief presentation on the 'Homelessness Program' based in Homewood. (she distributed pamphlets to persons in the audience).

-Stan Slobokowki made comments agreeing with the Ordinance in place on 'open burning'. He said all it needs now is to be enforced. Then he asked when he Village will flush hydrants. (it's on the departments schedule).

-Linda of 1427 W. 172nd St. spoke of "Welcome" signs for the Village, 'parking restrictions' and 'the walking path'.(we are looking a Grant for signs).

-L Dutka spoke of yard waste disposal. He questioned the capacity of KOIS" VILLAGE LITES; and also about parking on streets restrictions during winter; and about the status of the walking path on Center.

M. Fernandez questioned the revenue from 'billboards' on village property. 

J. White had questions on 'fire pits; .and also of his support for use of them.

Kris Szlembarski spoke to "reports on open fire pits and people trespassing on private property to get information to report.  

OPEN SESSION, continued:

CLOSE: There being no other input from those present, Trustees Johnson & Keams made the motions to CLOSE this segment of the meeting. All trustees present were in favor; Tr. Wideman was absent. Mtn. carried. Time: 7:30 pm    

Reports of Village Officials: 

Mayor's Report:  

-No input 

Clerk: Millie Szczurak died early on Thurs .. 10/19/23. Visitation will be at the EHC Bible Church, 1204 W. 1 73rd St. this Sat. 10/28/23 from 9-11 AM. Immediately following: Funeral services will be private (family only). 

ADM: Adm. Lazuka gave construction updates on" 

-water main; Lathrop Storm Sewer lines, the walking path, the water main for the CASINO, and Storm water from the CASINO.

Reports of Standing Committees:  

STREETS: Tr. Forte spoke of disposal of 'leaves' into the street. She suggested we look into having the Village of Homewood vacuum leaves from the streets. 

FINANCE: Trustees Johnson & Keams made the motions to pay all bills on the 10/25/23 CLAIMS SHEETS in the amount of $372,949.10. Roll Call; All trustees present voted aye; Mtn. carried. 

SIGNS: Tr. Keams reported all signs in the Village have been inspected and bills have been sent. 

HEALTH/SAFETY & PERSONNEL: No report by Tr. Ewan. 

WATER/SEWERS: Tr. Wideman was absent. 

POLICE/FIRE: No report by Tr. Ortiz. 

Old Business - none  

New Business: Tr. Forte said residents should check on their neighbors; especially do a well -being check on Senior Citizens.

Announcement: Mayor Brown said 'tax bills" will be received November 1st from the COUNTY and residents should check/ verify their 'exemptions'. He said residents have up to four ( 4) years to make corrections. Residents should check their tax bills yearly to verify their exemptions. 

Tr. Keams spoke of the'collections' being made for the VETERANS HOME in Mantento are this Saturday, October 29th, 2023 at St. John\s Church in Homewood. 

The annual Firemen's HALLOWEEN PARTY for children is this Sunday, 10/29/23 from 3-6 pm. 

Executive Session: none 

Adjournment: Trustees Johnson & Keams made the motions to adjourn. All trustees present were in favor; Tr. Wideman was absent. . Mtn. carried. Time: 7:46 pm. 
