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Saturday, October 5, 2024

City of Oak Forest City Council met June 11

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Oak Forest Mayor Henry Kuspa | City Of Oak Forest Website

Oak Forest Mayor Henry Kuspa | City Of Oak Forest Website

City of Oak Forest City Council met June 11

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Henry Kuspa called the City Council meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Roll Call as follows: 


Mayor Henry Kuspa 

Alderman Keeler 

Alderman McCarthy 

Alderman Wolf 

Alderman Emmett 

Alderman Hortsman 


Alderman Selman 

Also Present: 

Alderman Danihel Treasurer Ericka Vetter 

City Clerk Nicole Tormey 

City Administrator Timothy Kristin Public Works Dir. Mike Salamowicz Community Planner Paul Ruane 

3. Announcements 

➢ The Cook County Assessor's Office has announced the Bremen Township is open for appeals through June 24. The 2024 forms are now available at City Hall or www.cookcountyassessor.com. If you have any questions you can contact the Taxpayer Advocate Grace Bardusk at 708-444-4816. 

➢ The city is seeking an Animal Control Officer. Applications are due by June 14 and are available on our website. You have to be an animal lover. 

➢ Oak Forest Police Officer Storcz will be driving in the annual Five-0 stock car race at Grundy County Speedway on June 15 to raise money for Special Olympics in Illinois. Come out to the track to cheer him on and have fun for a very good cause. 

➢ City vehicle stickers must be purchased and displayed by midnight on June 30. The fee doubles on July 1. Visit our website or stop by City Hall to purchase your sticker. Seniors should have received their stickers in the mail. If you have not received them, please contact City Hall so we can correct that. 

➢ The city is accepting nominations for Forest in Bloom Awards through July 5. If you notice a home or business where pride of ownership shines through, submit a nomination on our city website. 

➢ Announcement from the Oak Forest Broadcast Network. The 2024 Memorial Day Ceremony can be seen streaming on the city website by clicking on CIC-TV Programming or can be viewed on cable TV, Comcast channel 4, Astound channel 6 or AT&T channel 99. 

➢ City Administrator Tim Kristin read a letter received from Harshil Patel, management team at the Holiday Inn Express. His letter expressed his gratitude for the incredible support and assistance provided throughout the construction of the Holiday Inn Express by City Hall staff. 

➢ City Administrator Kristin read a letter from resident, Pat Fox, commending the actions of Officers Brill and Marik who responded to an accident on 159th and Oak Park on June 6 at 9:55 a.m. Both officers were very kind and helpful. They went above and beyond. 

4. Motion to Establish Consent Agenda 

Alderman Emmett made the motion. Alderman McCarthy seconded. 

Roll call vote was taken as follows: 


Alderman Emmett 

Alderman Hortsman 

Alderman Keeler 

Alderman McCarthy 

Alderman Wolf 




Alderman Danihel 

Alderman Selman 

The motion carried 5/0, 2 absent. 

5. Consent Agenda 

A. Consideration of the following list of bills dated: 

1. Regular bills FY 2023-2024 

2. Supplemental bills FY 2024-2025 

B. Consideration of the following minutes: 

1. Emergency Telephone System Board - May 7, 2024 

2. Economic Advisory Council - June 5, 2024 

3. Planning and Zoning Commission - May 1, 2024 

Alderman Emmett made the motion. Alderman Keeler seconded. 

Mayor Kuspa asked for any questions or comments. Seeing none. 

Roll call vote was taken as follows: 


Alderman Emmett 

Alderman Hortsman 

Alderman Keeler 

Alderman McCarthy 

Alderman Wolf 




Alderman Danihel 

Alderman Selman

The motion carried 5/0, 2 absent. 

6. Administration 

A. Approval of the appointment of Diana L. Davidson to the Oak Forest Civil Service Commission. 

Alderman Emmett made the motion. Alderman Keeler seconded. 

Mayor Kuspa stated the Civil Service Commission is an important body in the City of Oak Forest. It is essential for the day to day operations. The Commission is responsible for hiring and promotion of all civil service employees. The categories of civil service employees include counter clerk, finance clerk, secretary I and II, permit clerk, telecommunicator and public works. The Commission is also responsible for promotional testing within the described ranks. 

Mayor Kuspa reported Diana worked for the City of Oak Forest for almost 35 years as a telecommunicator. With her years of experience both in Oak Forest and Work a Day World, we would be lucky to have her. 

Mayor Kuspa asked for any questions or comments. Seeing none. 

Roll call vote was taken as follows: 


Alderman Emmett 

Alderman Hortsman 

Alderman Keeler 

Alderman McCarthy 

Alderman Wolf




Alderman Danihel 

Alderman Selman 

The motion carried 5/0, 2 absent. 

B. Approval of the appointment of Jeanette Beck to the Oak Forest Civil Service Commission. 

Mayor Kuspa reported Jeanette has 25 years experience with the State Police. She has experience with background checks, employment background, crisis negotiations and field training. 

Alderman Wolf made the motion. Alderman Emmett seconded. 

Alderman Hortsman asked how many positions are on the Civil Service Commission. Mayor Kuspa answered three and we will be short one. There was a third candidate. 

Mayor Kuspa asked for questions or comments from the aldermen. Seeing none. 

Roll call vote was taken as follows: 


Alderman Wolf 

Alderman Emmett 

Alderman Hortsman 

Alderman Keeler 

Alderman McCarthy 




Alderman Selman 

Alderman Danihel 

The motion carried 5/0, 2 absent. 

7. Information Technology 

A. Approval of CivicPlus Annual Renewal in the budgeted amount of $11,713.43. 

Alderman McCarthy made the motion. Alderman Hortsman seconded. 

Mayor Kuspa reported CivicPlus is the city's website host provider. CivicPlus is also used to send the weekly e-briefs. This is the annual contract renewal. 

City Administrator Tim Kristin stated we are very happy with their service. 

Mayor Kuspa asked for any other questions from the aldermen. Seeing none. 

Roll call vote was taken as follows: 


Alderman McCarthy 

Alderman Wolf 



Alderman Emmett 

Alderman Hortsman 

Alderman Keeler


Alderman Selman 

Alderman Danihel

The motion carried 5/0, 2 absent. 

8. Public Works 

 A. Approval of contract with Iroquois Paving for the 2024 Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Paving Program in the budgeted amount of $1,061,670.10. 

Alderman Emmett made the motion. Alderman Wolf seconded. 

Public Works Director Michael Salamowicz reported it is that time of year where they are putting together the paving program for this year. It was advertised in the IDOT bulletin on May 23 and May 30 and received five bids. The lowest bid was received from Iroquois Paving. 

Mayor Kuspa asked if we have used Iroquois Paving before. Mike replied yes. 

Alderman Emmett remarked we are a taxing body and have to take the lowest bid, there is a $25,000.00 difference. He believes Iroquois Paving was the company that the city received a lot of complaints on years ago. They started digging up streets, left projects uncompleted, long punchlists. He would like our director, assistant director and engineers to be on the company to finish projects. He hopes they cleaned up their act. 

City Administrator Tim Kristin stated the year there were problems with Iroquois Paving, the former director did not go out to bid until late. That pushed the project and there was a rush which was a contributing factor. Mike added they had to do paving in November and December. They are aware of the potential issues. 

Mayor Kuspa asked for questions from the aldermen. Seeing none. 

Roll call vote was taken as follows: 


Alderman Emmett 

Alderman Hortsman 

Alderman Keeler 

Alderman McCarthy 

Alderman Wolf 




Alderman Danihel 

Alderman Selman

The motion carried 5/0, 2 absent. 

9. Community Development 

A. Approval of Ordinance No. 2024-06-10330 authorizing a Special Use Permit to allow a patio in the C2 - General Service District at 6050 W. 159th Street. 

Alderman Emmett made the motion. Alderman Keeler seconded. 

Community Planner Paul Ruane reported this request is for Maiz y Barro Mexican Grill in the strip mall at 159th and Arroyo. They are requesting a temporary outdoor seating patio including alcohol sales as well as food consumption. The intended timing for this business is Monday- Sunday from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m. and running from May to September, weather permitting. The intention is once weather comes down, they will take it down and allow for snow removal. The location of the patio would be where the sidewalk starts to back away and it will allow for additional space. There will be three feet of sidewalk access for ADA and people passing from one business to another. The only potential issue that was brought up was if you have the overhang of vehicles parked, it would limit the amount of space of the sidewalk. What is being proposed is adding additional parking blocks in front of the patio which would back up the vehicles so they will not overhang onto the sidewalk. 

Alderman Hortsman asked if the planters are going to be temporary and if they will be strong for any possible car coming through the sidewalk. Paul responded they will be full of soil but not necessarily heavy duty metal but that is where the parking blocks will be an additional detour. The other issue Alderman Hortsman has is garbage blowing in the strip mall and neighbors. Mayor Kuspa stated that owners are extremely professional. He expects that they will maintain a good neighbor policy and keep the place clean. 

Alderman Wolf stated there should be ordinances that cover trash in front of businesses. Mayor Kuspa stated there are multiple problems and you cannot blame it on one business. Garbage blows into businesses on 159th Street from the forest preserve and people littering. Paul added this will be more of a place where the garbage will accumulate with the planters blocking the garbage from blowing down the sidewalk. 

Mayor Kuspa asked for questions from the aldermen. 

Roll call vote was taken as follows: 


Alderman Emmett 

Alderman Hortsman 

Alderman Keeler 

Alderman McCarthy 

Alderman Wolf 




Alderman Danihel 

Alderman Selman 

The motion carried 5/0, 2 absent. 

B. Approval of Ordinance No. 2024-06-10340 authorizing a Class C Liquor License for Logra Group, LLC at 6050 W. 159th Street (Maiz y Barro). 

Alderman McCarthy made the motion. Alderman Keeler seconded. 

Community Planner Paul Ruane reported there is no requirement placed on timing, even though they provided 9 p.m. was when they are going to close. They are being proposed as any other patio unless conditions are put on this one. 

Mayor Kuspa asked for questions from the aldermen. Seeing none. 

Roll call vote was taken as follows: 


Alderman McCarthy 

Alderman Wolf 



Alderman Emmett 

Alderman Hortsman 

Alderman Keeler


Alderman Selman 

Alderman Danihel

The motion carried 5/0, 2 absent. 

10. Citizen Participation 

Jacob Lambert, Gingerwood subdivision, approached the podium. He is with several of his neighbors from 1st and 2nd wards. There has been ongoing complaints for decades. First, rate of speed of residents and nonresidents traveling on Laramie, LeClair and Forest Avenue. Residents have requested speedbumps or something similar to be placed on these streets. He requested that City Council pick and install the most feasible alternative. Second, crime. In the last two weeks a home was broken into, multiple cars which were reported as locked and broken into, one neighbor was shot several times. Criminals view Gingerwood as an easy target. He had asked for officers to be more visible during the overnight hours. The parking lot at Don Burns park is becoming an issue in the overnight hours as well. He requested a locked gate at night. Finally, he believes City Council has split up the entire end of Oak Forest that used to be together. He believes splitting up the wards has taken away their political voice and ability to elect or replace aldermen. 

Russell Dooley approached the podium. He is Jacob's neighbor. Last week he was woken up at 1 a.m. to 15 rapid gun fire shots. His neighbor was shot eight times. He had to block his children from seeing him laying in a pool of blood. The criminals were in his driveway trying to get into his car. They are scared. He wanted the council to know how it is affecting the neighborhood. 

Melanie Gangoff, lives in the area of the incident. It took two days to realize a bullet went through the bedroom where she sleeps with her daughter. Another stray bullet went through her other daughter's window and it stopped in the wood lining of the window. It is very scary. She has been sleepless, not feeling safe. 

Alderman Emmett feels for the residents and what was said. He had a similar incident one block from his house. He feels Chief Reid did an excellent job. He believes they should meet with Chief Reid to step up patrols. It did work in his area. 

Mayor Kuspa asked Alderman Emmett if he would allow Jacob Lambert to respond. Alderman Keeler seconded. 

Jacob Lambert stated crime goes up in the summertime in all of Cook County. He stated patrols should have been stepped up overnight. He spoke with the chief and his response was there is one officer out patrolling and two other officers on other duties assigned. Mr. Lambert believes this is unacceptable. He does not have a problem speaking with Chief Reid. 

Hope Larkin approached the podium. She is with four other volunteers from Friends of Oak Forest Animal Control. She has been a volunteer since 2018. They are concerned about animal welfare after the departure of the animal control officer. The volunteer program was in place in 2018 and were initially taking care of the animals without an animal control officer. They previously asked to do a day schedule until someone is hired. They were told it is a liability issue. Recently, a dog was picked up by the police and the police did not have the scanner from the shelter. Every animal taken in by animal control has gotten a home. They do not go to a shelter. They are asking to be allowed to continue to volunteer to take care of the animals. City Administrator Tim Kristin stated he understands their concern and recognizes there will a gap in services. Applications for an animal control officer are due on the 14th. He said they have received numerous applications. They felt as staff that without supervision, cease operations would be the appropriate thing. He asked them to be patient and within the next couple weeks they will have someone hired. 

11. Old Business 

Alderman Emmett asked if a letter could be written to the residents of Parkside and Sunset asking them to cut the wild growth that is coming out from their fences onto the area which is Cook County to make the main Central Boulevard more appealing. He asked if we could coordinate with Public Works to have the chipper out there. 

Alderman Hortsman stated there are signs down on Central Avenue. He believes they are county signs but they are laying in the grass just north of the high school. 

12. New Business 


13. Executive Session 


14. Adjournment 

Alderman Hortsman made the motion to adjourn. Alderman Emmett seconded. 

Roll call vote was taken as follows: 


Alderman Hortsman 

Alderman Keeler

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Emmett 




Alderman Danihel 

Alderman Selman

The motion carried 5/0, 2 absent. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.




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