
South Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

City of Calumet City Council met July 11

Webp gerald tarka

City of Calumet City Treasurer Gerald Tarka | City of Calumet City Website

City of Calumet City Treasurer Gerald Tarka | City of Calumet City Website

City of Calumet City Council met July 11

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Public Comment 

Don Horbath 50-year Calumet City resident commented regarding the property tax bill he received that increased from $2,900.00 to $8,000.00 this year. Mr. Horbath stated his home is only 1100 square feet. Mr. Horbath stated he does not want move but if he doesn't pay the $8,000.00 he knows he will be put out of his home. Mr. Horbath asked Mayor Jones if he plans to help the residents. Mr. Horbath stated he is a veteran and he fought for this country he doesn't deserve high property taxes. Mr. Horbath suggested that a class action lawsuit is filed; started by the Mayor. 

Wanda Smith 1424 Pulaski Rd commented regarding being an African American business owner that has been seeking a grant from the city; but has been unsuccessful. Wanda Smith stated that she came to city hall to speak with Mayor Jones and was told she would need to call for an appointment instead of being given an appointment while she was there. Wanda Smith reported the 2nd ward needs assistance and she would like to see all wards treated fairly. Wanda Smith commented regarding Alderwoman Wilson doing her part to make sure the 2nd ward residents get what they need; Wanda Smith requested that Mayor Jones do what he was elected to do. 

Larry Andrews co-founder of Calumet City Thunderbolts commented regarding needing the support of the residents and the city council. 

Rochelle Marchalay of 365 Campbell Avenue commented regarding the United Campbell Block Club celebration being held on the 3rd of August and not the 12th August. 

Manuel Torross 502 Buffalo Avenue commented regarding his tax bill increasing to $4,400.00. Manuel Torross reported that he has 5 children to take care of and he cannot afford to pay that amount. Manuel Torross stated he expected to see more Spanish people in the meeting because his neighbors are upset as well. Manuel Torross requested Mayor Jones help reduce taxes. 

Mike (Coach and Mentor of Calumet City Thunderbolts) thanked the Police Department for protecting the youth of Calumet City. Mike thanked Calumet Memorial Park District and School Board for supporting the Thunderbolts. Coach Mike stated he would love the support of Calumet City's city council. 

Pledge Of Allegiance The City Council of the City of Calumet City met in the City Council Chambers at 6:06 p.m. in a Regular meeting on July 11, 2024, with Mayor Jones present and presiding. 


PRESENT: 7 ALDERMEN: Navarrete, Wilson Tillman, Wilson, Gardner, Patton Smith 


Also present was City Clerk Dr. Figgs, City Treasurer Tarka, Police Chief Kolosh, Fire Chief Bachert, Deputy Clerk I Jessica Coffee, Economic Development Val Williams, Director Sheryl Tillman, City Administrator Deanne Jaffrey Director Banskee, Deputy Chief Bendinelli, Finance Director John Kasperek, Engineering Consultant Matt Buerger, Attorney Don Lanzito, City Attorney Sterk, Water Commissioner Gerry Surufka. 

There being a quorum present, the meeting was called to order.

Pastor Fluker Pastor Fluker announced he is running for Secretary of the Church of God and Christ for the General Council of Elders and Pastors. Pastor Fluker would like the residents to come out and support him and his wife at the rally being held tonight at 52 Sibley Blvd at All Nations of Chicago. 

Prayer Pastor Fluker led the City Council in prayer. 

Motion to Deviate from the Regular Order Business Alderman Smith moved, seconded by Alderwoman Wilson to deviate of from the regular order of business for the purpose of presentations at 6:09 p.m. 

Design Studio Inc. Presentation Gregory Ramon from Design Studio Inc gave a presentation regarding the Shoppers World location from a architectural stand point. Mr. Ramon discussed the existing conditions of the project, the overall goals, the concept design, and the next steps. 

Alderman Gardner Entered Council Chambers Alderman Gardner entered the Regular City Council meeting at 6:12 p.m.

Mayor Jones Mayor Jones reported he has solicited financial assistance from the Governor for the Shoppers World Project. 

Finance Director John Kasperek Finance Director John Kasperek reported on the budget process and discussed the Finance Committee of the Whole meetings that have been scheduled.

Mayor Jones Mayor Jones commented regarding the tax bills homeowners are receiving in the mail. Mayor Jones stated the City of Calumet City does not have a tax increase in this budget. Mayor Jones stated he will be presenting a bill in Springfield to address the tax increase. 

Regular to the Regular Order Business Alderman Smith moved, seconded by Alderman Patton to return to the regular order of business at 6:33 p.m. 

Approval of Minutes June 24, 2024: Special Meeting 

June 27, 2024: Regular City Council Meeting 

Alderman Wilson moved, seconded by Alderman Tillman to approve the minutes as presented.



Finance Alderman Gardner had no report. 

Public Safety Alderman Williams was absent. 

Public Utilities Alderwoman Wilson reported there will be a Public Utilities meeting held on the first available date in August; residents will be notified. 

Ord. & Res. Alderman Tillman reported on the resolution on tonight's agenda protesting Cook County Assessor Property Tax Increases for Calumet City and the South Suburban communities and asked for the resident's support. 

H.E.W Alderman Navarrete reported he will be scheduling meetings with the Superintendents of schools and the Library to address any concerns or issues they might have. 

Permits & Licenses Alderman Patton reported there will be a Permits and Licensing meeting held in conjunction with the Finance committee. 

Public Works Alderman Smith had no report. 


Ald. Navarrete Alderman Navarrete commented regarding calls he is receiving from residents about the tax bill increase. Alderman Navarrete invited 1st ward residents to the VFW on August 07, 2024 at 664 Hirsh Ave at 6:00 p.m.; the topics will be development in the 1st ward and property taxes. Alderman Navarrete thanked the Mayor's office and the Clerk's office for helping coordinate the Shepard's Fest. 

Ald. Wilson Alderwoman Wilson would like residents to contact her at monet@alderwomanwilson.com or call her at (708) 586-4990. 

Alderwoman Wilson thanked Public Works and Director Tillman for their hard work. Alderwoman Wilson commented regarding the Department of Justice Committee in the 2nd ward and discussed where the taxes are coming from and what they are intended to be allocated. Alderwoman Wilson thanked the Outreach Program. Alderwoman Wilson stated that she will fight for taxes to be reduced, capped, and then frozen. Alderwoman Wilson announced that on July 13, 2024 there will be an in person registration for the Calumet City Chargers. July 14, 2024 Alderwoman Wilson will be the host of Donna Millers Hats Off to Women's Empowerment. July 15, 2024 Alderwoman Wilson will go live on Facebook and announce The Vision of We nominees; on Saturday August 17, 5 nominees will receive a Lifetime Achievement Award at the VFW. July 20th Alderwoman Wilson stated she will be in Vegas honoring her sons for receiving a Lifetime Achievement award from President Biden. On August 03, 2024 Alderwoman Wilson is having an event at 79th Street BBQ from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. please bring school supplies for entry. 

Ald. Tillman Alderman Tillman thanked the residents that came out to the 3rd and 4th ward meeting; if anyone would like a recap of the meeting it is posted on Alderman Tillman's Facebook page. Alderman Tillman announced the next 3rd and 4th ward meeting will be held at Downey Park fieldhouse on August 5th. Alderman Tillman would like 3rd ward residents to come to the Dolton Exchange meeting being held at the Calumet City Training Center on State Street on July 24th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Alderman Tillman announced the 8th Annual 3rd and 4th ward Back to School event on August 17th at noon; volunteers are welcome. 

Ald. Williams Alderman Williams gave honor to God and thanked the residents that came out to the Shred Event at Green Oaks. Alderman Williams thanked the residents that came out to the 3rd and 4th ward townhall meeting at Downey Park. Alderman Williams reported that his property taxes have increased as well and that we will all be fighting together. Alderman Williams announced that Calumet City taxes have not increased in years. 

Ald. Gardner Alderman Gardner thanked all the staff and residents for supporting him with the loss of his grandmother. Alderman Gardner reported that he is being affected by the tax hike as well and he will join the fight with the residents and the Mayor. Alderman Gardner thanked Public Works for the work that's been done in the 5th ward. Alderman Gardner stated in the near future he will be holding a townhall and Tax Appeal meeting. Alderman Gardner would like 5th ward residents to call his office if any assistance is needed at (708) 891-8195 

Ald. Patton Alderman Patton thanked everyone that came out to the 6th ward meeting held on 163rd and Shirley; Alderman Patton would like to be contacted at (708)-891-8196 with any issues. 

Ald. Smith Alderman Smith requested residents contact his office at (708) 891- 8197 or email him asmith@calumetcity.org regarding any issues with vacant properties. Alderman Smith announced the 7th ward townhall meeting will be held July 20, 2024 at DA's Banquet Hall from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Alderman Smith stated he will be setting up a series of Tax Appeal events. 

Mayor Jones Mayor Jones stated that Calumet City did not have anything to do with the property taxes being raised. Mayor Jones reported he will direct the city attorney to file a class action lawsuit against Cook County and the Cook County Assessor Fitz Kaegi. 


A. Pace Routes 349 and 359 RE: Detour notice for Pace Routes 349 and 359 effective Thursday, July 4th, 2024 only due to the Blue Island Fourth of July parade. 

Approval of Informational Items to be Accepted And Placed on File Alderman Smith moved seconded by Alderman Wilson to approve informational items to be accepted and placed on file. 



#1: Approve River Oaks Redevelopment Approve River Oaks West Redevelopment Concept Package Presentation. 

#2: Approve Simeon Alumni Association's Use of Sears Parking Lot Approve the Simeon Alumni Association request to utilize the Sears Parking Lot dated for July 20, 2024 from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.. 

#3: Approve Morgan Park Alumni Use of Sears Parking Lot Approve the Morgan Park High School Alumni Association request to utilize the Sears Parking Lot dated for August 10, 2024. 

#4: Approve Blue & Gold Group Use of Sears Parking Lot Approve the Blue & Gold Group request to utilize the Sears Parking Lot dated for September 1, 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 

#5: Approve Drafting of Handicap Ordinance Direct the City Attorney to draft an ordinance to amend the handicap parking ordinance to approve and add a handicap pole to be located at 359 Prairie Avenue. 

#6: Approve Amending of Handicap Ordinance Direct the City Attorney to draft an ordinance to amend the handicap parking ordinance to approve and add a handicap pole to be located at 107 Highland Street. 

#7: Approve Drafting of Handicap Ordinance Direct the City Attorney to draft an ordinance to amend the handicap parking ordinance to approve and add a handicap pole to be located at 588 Greenbay Avenue. 

#8: Approve Residential Only Sign Direct Public Works to install a resident only sign with address in front of 306 Saginaw. 

#9: Approve Drafting Amended Ordinance Direct the city attorney to draft an amended ordinance to include the property at buddy bear for the installation of noise ordinance signs at the entrance and exit signs of the location. 

#10: Approve Drafting of an RFQ for a Headhunter Direct the city attorney to draft a RFQ for a headhunter to direct a search for a community and economic development director for the city of calumet city. 

Approval of New Business Items Alderman Smith motioned seconded by Alderman Gardner to approve new business items as presented. 


YEAS: 7 ALDERMEN: Navarrete, Wilson, Tillman, Williams, Gardner, Patton, Smith 





Privacy Fence 

427 Merrill Fence 3rd Ward 

532 Webb Street Fence 6th Ward 

1534 Burnham Fence 7th Ward 

1233 Arthur Fence 7th Ward 

Approve Building Permits Alderman Smith moved, seconded by Alderman Patton to approve the building permits as presented. 



Res.#1 Resolution for the Life of Mary Lee Gardner (Res.#24-22) 

A resolution in memory of the life of Mary Lee Gardner. 

Res.#2 Resolution Protesting Tax Increases A resolution protesting Cook County Assessor Property Tax Increases 

(Res.#24-23) for Calumet City and the South Suburban Communities.

Res.#3 Resolution Commending Olympian George Conditt, IV

Resolution commending Olympian George Conditt, IV from Calumet City on his selection of playing from the Puerto Rican National Basketball Team in the 2024 Olympics.


Approval Resolutions and Ordinances Alderman Tillman moved, seconded by Alderman Smith to adopt Resolutions and pass Ordinances as presented. 


YEAS: 7 ALDERMEN: Navarrete, Wilson, Tillman, Williams Gardner, Patton, Smith 





#1: Payment to BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois

Approve payment to BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois for Claims and Administrative Fees (invoice #056417137601); authorize the City Treasurer to remit payment in the amount of $640,367.29 and charge account #03036-51130. 

#2: Payment to Law offices of Franks, Kelly, Matuszewich & Andrle, PC

Approve payment to Law offices of Franks, Kelly, Matuszewich & Andrle, PC for invoice #12791; authorize the City Treasurer to remit payment in the amount of $11,793.77 and charge account #01099- 55120. 

#3: Payment to Patrick W. Walsh

Approve payment to Patrick W. Walsh, Attorney at Law for invoice #3139; authorize the City Treasurer to remit payment in the amount of $30,358.74 and charge account #01099-55120. 

#4: Payment to Law Office of Anthony Bass

Approve payment to Law Office of Anthony Bass for the retainer fee for consulting services for June 20, 2024 - July 20, 2024, in the amount of $15,000 and direct City Treasurer Tarka to remit payment from account #01025-52200. 

#5: Payment to Air One Equipment

Approve and authorize the City Treasurer to remit payment to Air One Equipment in the amount of $6,003.00. This expenditure should be withdrawn from line item #06617-55100. This expenditure is for new pickhead axes. 

#6: Payment to R&G Repair (Invoice # 3083 & 3082)

Approve $26,215.51 to R&G Repair (invoice # 3083 & 3082) and direct the City Treasurer to remit payment from account #06617- 55135. 

#7: Payment to Calumet City Plumbing (Invoice 63234)

Approve cost payable to Calumet City Plumbing for Invoice 63234, in the amount of $5,435.25; authorize the City Treasurer to remit payment from account #03036-52101. 

#8: Payment to Calumet City Plumbing (Invoice 63285) 

Approve cost payable to Calumet City Plumbing for Invoice 63285, in the amount of $6,996.58; authorize the City Treasurer to remit payment from account #03036-52101.

#9: Payment to Calumet City Plumbing (Invoice 63282) 

Approve cost payable to Calumet City Plumbing for Invoice 63282, in the amount of $6,724.00; authorize the City Treasurer to remit payment from account #03036-52349.

#10: Payment to Calumet City Plumbing (Invoice 63289) 

Approve cost payable to Calumet City Plumbing for Invoice 63289, in the amount of $7,286.00; authorize the City Treasurer to remit payment from account #03036-52101. 

#11: Payment to Calumet City Plumbing (Invoice 63232) 

Approve cost payable to Calumet City Plumbing for Invoice 63232, in the amount of $6,805.00; authorize the City Treasurer to remit payment from account #03036-52349.

#12: Payment to Calumet City Plumbing (Invoice 63354) 

Approve cost payable to Calumet City Plumbing for Invoice 63354, in the amount of $8,472.58; authorize the City Treasurer to remit payment from account #03036-52349.

#13: Payment to Metropolitan Industries, Inc 

Approve cost payable to Metropolitan Industries, Inc. for Invoice INV063217, in the amount of $7,700.00; authorize the City Treasurer to remit payment from account #03036-52103.

#14: Payment to Barracuda 

Approve payment to Barracuda for the Web Security Gateway renewal beginning 2024-07-08; authorize the City Treasurer to remit payment in the amount of $6,960.00 and charge account #01028- 52372.

#15: Payment to CentralSquare Technologies 

Approve payment to CentralSquare Technologies for Renewal Order #: Q-177309 renewal from October 1, 2024, through August 8, 2025; authorize the City Treasurer to remit payment in the amount of $35,543.75 and charge account #01028-55120.

#16: Payment to Farnsworth (Inv #252506) 

Approve payment to Farnsworth (Inv #252506) for Project #024MUN0222, in the amount of $28,370.00 and direct City Treasurer Tarka to remit payment from account #01099-52600.

#17: Payment to Farnsworth (Inv #252508) 

Approve payment to Farnsworth (Inv #252508) for Project #024MUN0222, in the amount of $11,803.75 and direct City Treasurer Tarka to remit payment from account #01099- 52600.

#18: Payment to Farnsworth (Inv #252509)

Approve payment to Farnsworth (Inv #252509) for Project #024MUN0222, in the amount of $7,785.00 and direct City Treasurer Tarka to remit payment from account #01099- 52600. 

#19: Payment to Farnsworth (Inv #252510) 

Approve payment to Farnsworth (Inv #252510) for Project #024MUN0222, in the amount of $38,693.75 and direct City Treasurer Tarka to remit payment from account #01099-52600.

#20: Payment to Farnsworth (Inv #252511) 

Approve payment to Farnsworth (Inv #252511) for Project #024MUN0222, in the amount of $25,338.75 and direct City Treasurer Tarka to remit payment from account #01099- 52600.

#21: Payment to Farnsworth (Inv #252507) 

Approve payment to Farnsworth (Inv #252507) for Project #024MUN0222, in the amount of $5,310.00 and direct City Treasurer Tarka to remit payment from account #01099- 52600.

#22: Payment to Deere & Company

Approve costs payable to Deere & Company in the amount of $51,522.47(QUOTE# 31269991). Please direct the City Treasurer to remit payment from account 01099-52738. This amount is through Source Well and the City will be funding it through the Cares Act Funding.

Approve Financial Items #1-22

Alderman Gardner moved, seconded by Alderman Smith to approve financial items #1-22. 


YEAS: 7 ALDERMEN: Navarrete, Wilson, Tillman, Williams. Gardner, Patton, Smith 




#23: Payment to United Campbell Block Club

Approve the payment to United Campbell Block club in the amount of $2,000.00 for its annual block club celebration on August 12, 2024; further direct the City Treasurer to issue payment in the amount of $2,000.00 to the United Campbell Block club from account #01099-52729. 

Alderman Gardner Discussion Alderman Gardner commented regarding the legal opinion given to the council that general funds are not to be used for Block Clubs. 

Attorney Sterk Attorney Sterk responded if the funds are coming from the Mayor or Alderman's stipend the funds can be used for a Block Club. 

Alderman Tillman Alderman Tillman suggested the council donate items to Block Clubs and make that the policy. 

Motion to Remove Payment to Campbell Block Club

Alderman Gardner moved, seconded by Alderman Patton to remove payment to Campbell Block Club from the July 11, 2024 Regular City Council agenda. 


YEAS: 7 ALDERMEN: Navarrete, Wilson, Tillman, Williams. Gardner, Patton, Smith 




#24: Payment to Tomorrow's Youth Foundation

Approve the social service contract with Tomorrow's Youth Foundation and issue payment in the amount of $10,000.00 to the organization; further direct the city treasurer to issue payment from account #01099-52716. 

#25: Payment to Calumet City Thunderbolts

Approve the social service contract with Calumet City Thunderbolts and approve payment in the amount of $5,000.00; further direct the city treasurer to issue payment to the organization from account #01099-52705. 

Alderwoman Wilson Alderwoman Wilson commented regarding the Thunderbolts budgeted line-item amount for the Social Service Contract being $2,500.00. 

Treasurer Tarka Treasurer Tarka reported that whatever amount is decided on will be the only payment issued for the Thunderbolts Social Service contract because the city is currently in a new fiscal year. 

#26: Payment to Crowe, LLP

Approve the Audit Engagement Letter dated March 11, 2024 prepared by Crowe, LLP, Independent Member of Crowe Global, Oak Brook Terrace, IL 60181, for a one-year contract for the audit of the fiscal year ended April 30, 2024; and authorize the Treasurer to sign and execute the Engagement Letter documents presented and authorize the Treasurer to remit payment to Crowe, LLP, for services rendered to be paid from account number 01099-52610. 

#27: Approve Payroll ($964,716.30) Approve Payroll ($964,716.30). 

#28: Approve Emergency Bill Listing ($16,172.00) Approve Emergency Bill Listing ($16,172.00). 

Motion to Remove Items from the Emergency Bill Listing 

Alderman Gardner moved, seconded by Alderman Patton to remove all items on the bill listing that exceed $1,000.00 and place the items on a future bill listing. (Sound of Authority $2,850.00, Municipal Systems $3,000.00, Vantage Production Group $4,500.00, Alafia Production Group $3191.00). ($2,631.00) 


YEAS: 7 ALDERMEN: Navarrete, Wilson, Tillman, Williams. Gardner, Patton, Smith 



#29: Approve Bill Listing as amended ($719,767.84) 

Approve Bill Listing as amended ($719,767.84). 


Motion to Remove Items From Bill Listing 

Alderman Gardner moved, seconded by Alderman Patton to remove items from the bill listing and refer the items to the Library Board for review. (CDM Entertainment $1100.00, Jaks Sounds $2,400.00 and $2,350.00, Jason Grantt $1,100.00) ($712,817.84) 


YEAS: 7 ALDERMEN: Navarrete, Wilson, Tillman, Williams. Gardner, Patton, Smith 




Approve Financial Items #24-29 Alderman Gardner moved, seconded by Alderman Smith to approve financial items #24-29 as amended. 

Withdrawal of Motion Alderman Gardner withdrew motion to approve financial items #24- 29 as amended. 

Withdrawal of Motion Alderman Smith withdrew motion to approve financial items #24-29 as amended. 

Approve Financial Items #24-29 with #25, #28,#29 as Amended Alderman Gardner moved, seconded by Alderman Smith to approve financial items #24-29, with item #25, #28, #29 as amended. 


Alderman Navarrete Alderman Navarrete asked the Mayor to check on the purchase order he requested. 

Alderwoman Wilson Alderwoman Wilson thanked Sasha and Maria from the Mayor's office for walking her through the Sungard system. Alderwoman Wilson wished City Clerk Dr. Nyota T. Figgs a happy belated birthday. 

Alderman Williams Alderman Williams wished the Clerk a happy belated birthday. 

Alderman Gardner Alderman Gardner wished the Clerk a happy belated birthday. 

Alderman Patton Alderman Patton wished the Clerk a happy belated birthday. 


Adjournment was at 8:05 p.m., on a motion by Alderman Gardner seconded by Alderman Smith.
