Kelly Duffy, Village Clerk | Village of Evergreen Website
Kelly Duffy, Village Clerk | Village of Evergreen Website
Village of Evergreen Park President and Board of Trustees met Feb. 3
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
I. CALL TO ORDER: by Mayor Burke at 6:30 P.M.
II. ROLL CALL: by the Clerk.
III. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: by Trustee McQuillan.
V. OPEN PUBLIC FORUM: Members of the audience are invited to participate. Be prepared to state your name and address, for the record, and please limit your comments to a maximum of 3 minutes.
1. Approval of Minutes: January 21 , 2025.
2. Board action on Resolution(s) No. 7-2025.
3. Board action on Applications for Business Regulation Certificates.
4. Village Engineer's report.
5. Village Attorney's report.
6. Department Head's report.
7. Reports on bid openings, bid lettings & approved disbursements.
8. Miscellaneous correspondence.
9. Request adjournment.
VII. ADJOURNMENT: The Open Meeting Act provides for public bodies to meet in sessions closed to the public to discuss certain subject matters. No official action can be taken at a closed session; therefore, any decision reached by the Board will be ratified at a subsequent public meeting.