James Daemicke, City Treasurer | City of Palos Heights Website
James Daemicke, City Treasurer | City of Palos Heights Website
City of Palos Heights Water & Sewer Committee met Jan. 28
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Chairman Brennan called the Water and Sewer Committee meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. In attendance were Chairman Brennan and Alderman Key, Director of Public Works Adam Jasinski and Recording Secretary Morgan Pukula.
Chairman Brennan made a motion to approve the minutes of the Water and Sewer Committee meeting held on November 26, 2024 seconded by Alderman Key. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
Director Jasinski presented the following reports/considerations:
• Water main breaks: There have been 8 water main breaks year to date. The most recent water main break was today on Moody in the unincorporated area. We’re averaging around 50 a year, but that includes water main breaks and leaks.
• 2024 Sewer Rehabilitation Program: This project is 90% complete. With payment 3 and 4, we will be paid out $304,062.00, out of the total $441,225.00.
➢ Alderman Key motioned to approve payment No. 3 and No. 4 for the 2024 Sewer Rehabilitation Program to National Power Rodding Corp. in the amount of $241,310.70, seconded by Chairman Brennan. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
• Water Meter Replacement: We are 1,600 meters complete from this request. We are going to have a meeting just to see the status of the progress they are making. There is a significant amount of residents who are taking advantage of the valve replacement.
➢ Chairman Brennan motioned to approve payment No. 4 to Calumet City Plumbing for the Water Meter Replacement Program in the amount of $47,775.50, seconded by Alderman Key. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
• 70th Ave Lift Station Rehabilitation: The total contracted amount id $547,600.00 with no change orders. We are not paying the full amount at this time, because of the delay NICOR had with the requested gas service to the station. This pump station has been running since November.
➢ Alderman Key motioned to approve payment No. 1 for the 70th Ave Lift Station Rehabiliation to Marc Kresmery Construction LLC in the amount of $468,198.00, seconded by Chairman Brennan. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
• 126th & Massasoit Sewer Repair: This was an emergency repair but considered capital improvement. Construction by Camco rehabilitated a collapsed sewer where they found a disconnected sewer that was unable to be identified on the televising scope because of the collapse. Equipment was brought in to resolve the issue and this project is complete.
➢ Alderman Key motioned to approve payment to Construction by Camco, Inc. for the 126th & Massasoit Sewer Repair in the amount of $15,242.57, seconded by Chairman Brennan. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
• Ponds of Palos Sanitary Station Generator: The purchase was approved last year, and the generator was delivered in December. We are intending to install this generator ourselves. This new generator was bought through a purchasing co-op and we plan on restoring the old one.
➢ Alderman Key motioned to approve Kohler Generator from Buckeye Power Sales for the Ponds of Palos Sanitary Station in the amount of $24,460.00, seconded by Chairman Brennan. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
• Track Bands: The tracks are regular rubber tracks that are original to the excavator that was purchased in 2018.
➢ Alderman Key motioned to approve the purchase of new excavator tracks from Alta Equipment Company in the amount of $11,772.90. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
• VFD Upgrade and Controls: This is to upgrade the materials for the programmable control logic (control board) and the variable frequency drives that control speed on the pumps.
➢ Alderman Key motioned to approve the partial payment to Metropolitan Industries for materials supplied for the VFD and control upgrades in the amount of $76,522.00. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
• 131st Street Water Main Lining: We are looking to go out to bid for this project. Our capital improvement plan is set for a 10-year improvement on infrastructure. This is next on the list of our plan and are finding the means to pay for the project with loans and grants. Infrastructure on water mains are meant to last 70-100 years, but does not mean they won’t last longer. The water main lining on 131st Street was identified as critical because it’s an IDOT right of way that could potentially cause many issues. The project is slated to be around $1.5 million – $1.6 million, running from Oak Hills to Palos South. In order to receive the funding, we need to meet their timeline; we have permits and bid plans ready that will allow us to meet their schedule.
• Alderman Key motioned to approve Design Engineering services with Strand Associates, Inc. for the College Drive Water main CIPP Looping Project in the amount not to exceed $132,400.00, seconded by Chairman Brennan. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
• Alderman Key motioned to approve professional engineering services with Dixon Engineering, Inc. for the 250,000-gallon spheroid (Misty Meadows) in the amount of $4,600.00, seconded by Chairman Brennan. On a voice vote the motioned passed unanimously.
• Chairman Brennan motioned to approve professional engineering services with Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. for the 70th Ave Lift Station Rehabilitation, Southwest Hwy Lift Station and 2MG Water Reservoir Reconditioning projects in the amount of $38,983.34, seconded by Alderman Key. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
• Alderman Key motioned to approve payment approval for professional engineering services with RJN Group for the 2024 Sewer Rehabilitation Design and Construction, rendering through December 27, 2024 in the amount of $8,536.50, seconded by Chairman Brennan. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
• Alderman Key motioned to approve the 2025 On-Call Sanitary, Storm, and GIS Engineering Services with RJN group not to exceed $25,000.00, seconded by Chairman Brennan. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
• Chairman Brennan motioned to approve the 2025 Sewer and Manhole Rehabilitation Design & Construction Engineering Services with RJN Group not to exceed $101,850.00, seconded by Alderman Key. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
• Alderman Key motioned to approve payment for professional engineering services with Strand Associates, Inc. for the Alternative Water Supplier Analysis rending through December 31, 2024 in the amount of $14,134.84, seconded by Chairman Brennan. On a voice vote, the motion passed unanimously.
77 Parliament Dr E
Alderman Begley requested a summary of the 198,000 gallons of water that was used at this resident’s home. Public Works notifies residents if we believe there is an anomaly of some sort where there is a significant amount of water being used. We read this resident’s meter late September and tagged their door in October, but he stated he did not see it until November. As months went by, the water was continuing to be used, which totaled the 198,000 gallons.
The resident is asking the city for assistance. It was discussed that the city does offer a payment plan and past practice was to never forgive a bill because we lose revenue. The recommendation was to offer additional payment plan options for the homeowner.
There being no further business, Chairman Brennan moved to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Key. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.