Markham City Mayor Roger A. Agpawa | City of Markham Website
Markham City Mayor Roger A. Agpawa | City of Markham Website
City of Markham City Council met March 5.
Here are the agenda provided by the council:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation
4. Roll Call
5. Approval of Minutes – February 19, 2025
6. Authorization of Claims & Accounts
7. Special Presentations
8. City Attorney’s Report
a. An Ordinance Approving a Purchase and Sale Agreement with JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., for the Purchase of 15550 Kedzie Ave.
b. A Resolution to accept planning technical assistance services delivered by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning.
c. Agreement between the City if Marham and the state of Illinois concerning the purchase of rock salt.
d. Approval of a bid from M & J Construction, Inc. for the Green Alley Project.
9. Executive Session
10. City Clerk’s Report
a. Business License - Juan’s Taco
b. Business License - Darlene’s Soul Food Kitchen LLC
11. Mayor's Report
12. City Administrator's Report
13. Aldermanic and Ward Reports
14. Public Session
15. Adjournment