Village of Lemont Major John Egofske | Village of Lemont Website
Village of Lemont Major John Egofske | Village of Lemont Website
Village of Lemont Village Board met Feb. 24
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
The regular meeting of the Lemont Village Board was held on Monday, February 24, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. with Mayor John Egofske presiding.
I) Pledge of Allegiance
II) Roll Call
Ronald Stapleton, Janelle Kittridge, Dave Maher, Ken McClafferty, Kevin Shaughnessy, John Egofske; present. Rick Sniegowski; absent.
III) Consent Agenda
III.A) Approval of Minutes
III.B) Approval of Disbursements
III.C) An Ordinance O-05-25 Amending Lemont Municipal Code Chapter 5.04: Liquor Licenses (Decreasing and Issuing Class A-3 Liquor License)
III.D) A Resolution R-11-25 Approving the FY2026 Capital Improvement Plan for the Village of Lemont.
III.E) A Resolution R-12-25 Authorizing a Reduction of a Letter of Credit for 13467 Main Street (Stojcevski)
A Resolution Authorizing a Reduction in Letter of Credit for 13467 Main Street (Stojcevski)
III.F) A Resolution R-13-25 Approving the Second Amendment to An Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village of Lemont and the Village of Romeoville
III.G) A Resolution R-14-25 Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement By and Between the Village of Lemont and Metropolitan Alliance of Police Chapter #33
Motion by Ken McClafferty, seconded by Kevin Shaughnessy, to approve the Consent Agenda.
Roll Call: Ronald Stapleton, Janelle Kittridge, Dave Maher, Ken McClafferty, Kevin Shaughnessy; 5 ayes. ; 0 nays. Motion Carried.
IV) Mayor's Report
IV.A Promotion of Ofc. Robert Keane to Sergeant
IV.B Mayor's Mention – February 24, 2025
The St. Patrick’s Day Parade & Fest will be held on Saturday, March 8, beginning with the parade at 1:00 p.m., followed by the fest.The registration date to participate in the parade was extended to tonight, so please register if you want to participate. You can find more information on our Event Calendar at, lemont . il . us.
The Lemont Public Library is hosting a Blood Drive on Wednesday, March 5, from 12:00
– 5:30 p.m. Appointments are recommended, but walk-ins are welcome. Visit the Library’s Event page on their website at, lemont library. org.
The Hometown Heroes Banner Program is now open. A small group of residents got together to start the program, and with the support of the Village, we are proud to present the Hometown Heroes Banner Program. The program honors current or former residents of Lemont who have served, or are currently serving our country in a branch of the military. Visit our website to view the flyers for requirements, and the application at, lemont . il . us forward slash hometown heroes ( You can also pick up a paper copy at Village Hall during regular hours. Please direct any questions to, lemont hometown heroes @
The Lemont Area Historical Society is hosting the America United: The Days After 9/11 traveling exhibit featuring two beams from the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The exhibit will be on display at the Historical Society and Museum located in the Old Stone Church at 306 Lemont Street. Visit, lemont history . org, for more information and open hours to view this very special historical exhibit.
The Farmers Market is looking for farm fresh or other local food vendors for the 2025 season.f you are interested in being a vendor visit, lemont farmers
We are receiving a lot of great feedback on our new podcast, Lemont Unlocked, where new stories and information are unlocked every week. Not only can you listen to the podcast, but each one includes a video for viewing. Search for Lemont Unlocked wherever you get your podcasts. The videos will be available on YouTube. And it will be rebroadcast on our local Lemont TV, Comcast Channel 6 and AT&T U-verse TV channel 99. Visit those stations for the times.
We are asking residents to sign up to our urgent and emergency notification system, Lemont Alerts, powered by Everbridge! This is our primary urgent and emergency notification system, and it is really important that residents receive these alerts, especially in an emergency situation. Visit, lemont . il . us, forward slash Lemont Alerts ( to sign up. If you do not have access to a computer or mobile device and want to receive alerts on your home telephone, call our Administration Department at 630-257-1590, and staff will get you entered to receive Lemont Alerts.
As always, visit our Village website event calendar for event listings at, Lemont . il . us. And also the event calendar at, lemont downtown . com, for many events and happenings at businesses.
V) Clerk's Report
V.A A Resolution R-15-25 Approving Professional Services Agreement Between HR Green, Inc. and the Village of Lemont, Illinois for Lead Service Line Replacement Phase 2 Design Services
Motion by Ronald Stapleton, seconded by Kevin Shaughnessy, to approve.
Ralph Pukula noted this is for Phase 2 agreement with HR Green for Lead Service Line Replacement. Project will not exceed $42,635.00
Roll Call: Ronald Stapleton, Janelle Kittridge, Dave Maher, Ken McClafferty, Kevin Shaughnessy; 5 ayes. ; 0 nays. Motion Carried.
V.B A Resolution R-16-25 Authorizing Submittal of 2025 Invest in Cook Application and Committing Local Funds for 2025 Program Year
Motion by Dave Maher, seconded by Ken McClafferty, to approve.
Public Works is requesting to set aside money for a pedestrian crosswalk. The resolution is to permit $60K to be set aside. This will also be funded by grant money. 127th is owned by Cook County and the crossing will be by Covington Knolls. The Village is requesting $150,000.00 from Invest in Cook funds, with local match of 40%, which can include project engineering costs.
Roll Call: Ronald Stapleton, Janelle Kittridge, Dave Maher, Ken McClafferty, Kevin Shaughnessy; 5 ayes. ; 0 nays. Motion Carried.
VI) Village Attorney Report
VII) Village Administrator Report
George Schafer and staff are working on budgets. A full public hearing is scheduled for March 10, 2025. The budget can be reviewed on our website.
VIII) Board Reports
Trustee Shaughnessy offered condolences to the family of Mark Hollatz who was a teacher at Lemont High School. He also was a coach for numerous sports. This is a big loss for our community since he was very invested in Lemont. Mark was part of the program for over 20 years.
IX) Staff Reports
X) Unfinished Business
XI) New Business
XII) Audience Participation
XIII) Executive Session Discussion Under Chapter 5 ILCS
Motion by Dave Maher, seconded by Janelle Kittridge, to approve to go in to Executive Session Discussion Under Chapter 5 ILCS
Roll Call: Ronald Stapleton, Janelle Kittridge, Dave Maher, Ken McClafferty, Kevin Shaughnessy; 5 ayes. ; 0 nays. Motion Carried.
XIV) Action on Closed Session Item(s)
XV) Motion to Adjourn
Motion by Ken McClafferty, seconded by Dave Maher, to adjourn meeting.
Roll Call: Ronald Stapleton, Janelle Kittridge, Dave Maher, Ken McClafferty, Kevin Shaughnessy; 5 ayes. ; 0 nays. Motion Carried.