Lawn Funeral Home
Recent News About Lawn Funeral Home
Tomorrow's schedule for memorial or funeral services in South Cook County
The following funeral or memorial service is scheduled to happen in South Cook County tomorrow.
Patti Ann Carone, Longtime Educator and Beloved Mother, Passes Away at 54
Patti Ann Carone passed away on Jan. 26. Below is the obituary.
Antonette "Toni" Giuntoli Remembered, Funeral Services Announced
Antonette Giuntoli passed away on Jan. 25. Below is the obituary.
Funeral or memorial service tomorrow in South Cook County
The following funeral or memorial service is scheduled to happen in South Cook County tomorrow.
Lucille C. Anisko Remembered in Funeral Service
Lucille Cecelia Anisko passed away on Jan. 24. Below is the obituary.
David H. Cornwell, Remembered as Devoted Husband, Father, and Pharmacist
David H. Cornwell passed away on Jan. 22. Below is the obituary.
Karen L. Cerceo, Beloved Wife and Mother, Passes Away
Karen L. Cerceo passed away on Jan. 19. Below is the obituary.
Patrick D. Concannon, Restaurateur and Chef, Dies at 54
Patrick D. Concannon passed away on Jan. 19. Below is the obituary.
Jerry Lynn Bradley, Fondly Known as 'Huck', Passes Away at 82
Jerry Lynn Bradley passed away on Jan. 18. Below is the obituary.
Eileen V. Leake, Wife of the Late Michael, Remembered
Eileen V. Leake passed away on Jan. 18. Below is the obituary.
Antonina Conte, Wife of the Late Joseph, Passes at 97
Antonina Conte passed away on Jan. 15. Below is the obituary.
Steven Chiarito, Longtime Truck Driver and Community Advocate, Passes Away at 63
Steven J. Chiarito passed away on Jan. 15. Below is the obituary.
Nancy Horras Passes Away at 82
Nancy C. Horras (Buhlinger) passed away on Jan. 14. Below is the obituary.
Gary G. Wargowsky, Vietnam War Veteran and Retired Police Lieutenant, Passes Away
Gary G. Wargowsky passed away on Jan. 12. Below is the obituary.
Kenneth M. Saliga, 78, Navy Veteran, Dies
Kenneth M. Saliga passed away on Jan. 10. Below is the obituary.
Gloria J. Shook, Widow of John "Jack" Shook, Passes Away
Gloria J. Shook passed away on Jan. 6. Below is the obituary.
Stanley Kopera, Survived by Wife Mira, Mourned
Stanley Kopera passed away on Jan. 3. Below is the obituary.
David R. Anderson Jr., Educator and Family Man, Passes Away at 91
David R. Anderson passed away on Jan. 2. Below is the obituary.
Jason A. Marcotte Dies; Funeral Arrangements Announced
Jason A. Marcotte passed away on Jan. 1. Below is the obituary.
Wanda M. Hynes Remembered for Love & Generosity
Wanda M. Hynes passed away on Dec. 19. Below is the obituary.