
South Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Organization Directory

Local Government: Elected Officials

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Bridgeview Mayor Steven Landek

Cook County Commissioner Deborah Sims

Cook County Commissioner Joan Patricia Murphy

Cook County Commissioner Sean M. Morrison

Hometown City Treasurer

Markham City Treasurer

Orland Park Mayor Daniel J. McLaughlin

Palos Heights City Treasurer

Palos Hills City Treasurer

Rich Township Assessor

Rich Township Clerk

The Office Of Bedford Park Mayor David Brady

The Office of Blue Island Mayor Domingo F. Vargas

The Office of Burbank Mayor Harry Klein

The Office of Burnham Mayor Robert Polk

The Office of Calumet City Mayor Michelle Markiewicz Qualkinbush

The Office of Chicago Heights Mayor David A. Gonzalez

The Office of Chicago Ridge Mayor Charles E. Tokar

The Office of Crestwood Mayor Louis Presta

The Office Of Palos Heights Mayor Robert Straz