City of Blue Island Municipal Services Committee Met Nov. 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Present were Jim Poelstrel, Erik Alvarez, Bob Jackson, Ted Ruthenbert, Alderman Mech, Alderman Fahrenwald, Alderman Stevo, Alderman Rita, and Alderman Carr. Absent was Betty Harmeyer. Also present was Randy Heuser. The meeting was called to order at 6:05p.m.
Citizens’ Concerns
There was a public comment sent in by Carol DiPace-Greene. The veracity of the public comment was called into question by Alderman Carr.
Public Works
Jim Poelsterl gave his report for the month of October. Alderman Mech mentioned that many utility poles are leaning. Mr. Poelsterl replied that the poles are owned by ComEd, and that addresses of the utility poles could be reported to Public Works, and they in turn would report the poles to ComEd.
Alderman Carr introduced the Surplus Vehicle Ordinance, a request by Chief Rzab and Mr. Poelsterl to dispose of old municipal vehicles. Alderman Fahrenwald made a motion. Alderman Rita asked if there would be any expense to the city, and then seconded the motion. Alderman Stevo asked how the sale would be handled, Clerk Heuser responded that last time many companies were contacted and only two or three responses were received. Vote taken, all in favor, motion carried.
The Handicapped Parking Ordinance for 2545 W 123rd was introduced. There was a motion by Alderman Mech, second by Alderman Fahrenwald. Vote taken, all in favor, motion carried.
There was an agenda item for a parking lot update by Kimberly Byrne as requested by Alderman Fahrenwald and Alderman Stevo. Kimberly Byrne had contacted the Chair and responded that there was not anything to report at this time.
Water Department
Betty Harmeyer sent the water report in for the aldermen to review. The current delinquent balance is $41,734.21.
John D. Rita Rec Center
Bob Jackson Sent the Rec Center report in for the aldermen to review. On October 30, 2020 the Blue Island Girl Scouts Troop #65168 held a small contactless award ceremony in the gymnasium. On December 10, 2020,from 8:00am until food is gone, the John D. Rita Rec Center along with United Way of South Suburban Cook and Metropolitan Family Services will be giving away Holiday Food Boxes. The walking club is available Monday-Friday from 8am-10am for anyone who would like to start their day off with some exercise. *Mask or face covering is required.
Golf Course
Due to a power outage, Ted Ruthenberg was not able to stay connected to the meeting.
Robinson Engineering
Erik Alvarez gave an update on ongoing projects. Edison and Francisco has been completed. The LED street lighting project was discussed in Finance. Progress is being made on the model for the 5th Ward for the bypass pipe to alleviate flooding. The ITEP grant application was submitted. CDBG should inform the City by December regarding the grant for flood relief for 119th Place.
Alderman Rita asked if these were all old projects and were they reviewed by Jim Poelstrel, and approved by Municipal Services. She also asked about the public hearing for Irving being turned into a one-way street. Mr. Alvarez said that no one attended the public hearing. The next step would be to submit the plans, but he said that aldermen could always make comments regarding the project. Alderman Rita asked if the grant could still be received if the road were not turned into a one-way street and would there be another public hearing. Mr. Alvarez said that they could hold another public hearing.
Alderman Rita asked how much is the to date bill to Blue Island from Robinson Engineering. Mr. Alvarez said he did not know the exact amount, but that several invoices had been misplaced during the initial COVID-19 shutdown. Alderman Fahrenwald said that the amount was $154,861.09. Mr. Alvarez said that the majority of that money would come from the TIF districts.
Alderman Stevo asked why the alderman were not notified of the public hearing regarding Irving Ave being changed to one way. Mr. Alvarez said that notices were run in the newspaper as required, and he had not had time to publish the minutes. Alderman Stevo called for another public hearing.
Alderman Carr asked who originated the Irving Ave project. It was the Active Trans committee. Alderman Fahrewald said that this an important public safety issue. Alderman Rita suggested that another solution could be found. Mr. Alvarez stated that there is not room for a two-way street and side-walks. Alderman Stevo suggested that perhaps the rail lines could be relocated. Alderman Rita suggested that the railroad would pay for it. Alderman Fahrenwald said the railroad would not pay for it.
Alderman Carr suggested that we should not approve any further projects for this fiscal year.
Mr. Alvarez said that 119th Place Bioswale project engineering survey is complete, the topographical survey is complete, and the drilling is complete. The MWRD is finishing the details of the intergovernmental agreement. Alderman Stevo asked about the feasibility of the Joe Werner plan for the 5th Ward flooding. Mr. Alvarez said that progress is being made on the model for the 5th Ward for the bypass pipe to alleviate flooding, but emphasized that any plan will not be 100% effective. There is no fee to the City for this modeling project. Alderman Fahrenwald asked about the status of the Collins St. CDBG project. Mr. Alvarez said this project will be slated for 2021.
Aldermens Concerns
Alderman Stevo asked what was the quickest way to get a ComEd street light installed. Mr. Poelsterl said that people need time to adjust to LED lights, and additional poles are probably not necessary. Alderman Stevo said that there is a large gap in lighting in the area he was asking about.
There was a motion to adjourn by Ald. Rita, second by Ald. Mech. Role call vote was taken, all in favor, motion carried. Meeting ended at 6:50.
Our next regular meeting will be December 8th10th at 6:00 pm.