
South Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Village of Palos Park Board of Commissioners met December 14

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Village of Palos Park Board of Commissioners met Dec. 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Due to the Disaster Declaration issued by the Governor of the State of Illinois relative to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Village Council meeting was held by teleconference. Mayor Mahoney has determined that an in-person meeting of the Village Council, or a meeting conducted under the Open Meetings Act requirements, relative to a quorum of the members of the Village Council having to be physically present at a meeting when some members of the Village Council are participating remotely, is not practical or prudent because of the disaster.

Mayor Mahoney called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m. Answering to roll call were Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Polk, Reed and Mayor Mahoney.

Also in attendance were Marie Arrigoni, Village Clerk; Rick Boehm, Village Manager; Tom Bayer, Village Attorney; Howard Jablecki, Assistant Village Attorney; Joe Miller, Police Chief, Lauren Pruss, Community Development Director; Allen Altic, Finance Director; Kathie May, Community Development Coordinator and Lisa Boyle, Deputy Clerk.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON November 23, 2020: Commissioner Pavlatos moved, seconded by Commissioner Pavlatos, to approve the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting held on November 23, 2020 as presented.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Polk, Reed and Mayor Mahoney 

NAYS: -0

ABSENT: -1- Commissioner Pavlatos



CONSENT AGENDA All items on the consent agenda are routine or have been brought forward at the direction of the Board of Commissioners and will be enacted with one motion. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately.

Commissioner Milovich-Walters moved, seconded by Commissioner Polk to:

A. pass a resolution authorizing the Village Clerk to make certain closed session minutes available

for public inspection - Second Review 2020. The resolution states the Village has reviewed closed session minutes and determined that a need for confidentiality still exists as to the executive session minutes set forth on Exhibit "C"

B. approve payment of invoices on the Warrant List dated December 14, 2020 in the amount of $161,703.42 approve the Supplemental Warrant List dated December 14, 2020 for manual checks, payroll, and recurring wire transfers int eh amount of $340,826.29

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Polk, Reed and Mayor Mahoney 

NAYS: -0 

ABSENT: -1- Commissioner Pavlatos





ORDINANCE 2020-29 REGARDING WATER RATES: Ordinance amending Part Ten, Title Four, Chapter 1046, Section 1046.32 of the Palos Park Village Code in regard to Water Rates -- the ordinance states that effective January 1, 2021, customer rates for general water use will increase to twelve dollars and seventy-six cents ($12.76) per 1,000 gallons of water supplied by the Village. All customers shall pay a monthly water usage charge (inclusive of the water system capital improvements fee) of fort-four dollars and seventy-eight cents ($44.78) per month

Commissioner Milovich-Walters moved, seconded by Commissioner Polk, to adopt Ordinance 2020-29 amending Part Ten, Title Four, Chapter 1046, Section 1046.32 of the Palos Park Village Code in regard to Water Rates.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Polk, Reed, and Mayor Mahoney 


ABSENT:-1- Commissioner Pavlatos

FREEZING PIPE PROTECTION: Commissioner Milovich-Walters reminded residents that sufficient heat is necessary to protect the water meter and water pipes.

SNOW PLOWING: Commissioner Milovich-Walters reminded residents to move vehi the shoulder of a street when it snows to allow plowing to reach the entire street. Also, do not push snow into the street from your driveway and place garbage cans in the Right of Way or on your driveway. Please do not place garbage cans on the street. Snowplows do not return to a street after it has been plowed to clear patches of snow.


HOLIDAY SAFETY: Commissioner Reed reminded residents to take basic precautions this season to stay safe and injury-free. Never leave burning candles unattended or sleep in a room with a lit candle. Keep candles out of reach of children. Do not burn candles near trees, curtains, or any other flammable items. Do not burn trees, wreaths or wrapping paper in the fireplace. Check and clean the chimney and fireplace area at least once a year.

BUILDING DEPARTMENT REPORT: Commissioner Reed reported the Building Department processed Ten (10) permits from November 18th – December 9th, 2020 resulting in $12,513.00 in permit fees. Twenty-seven (27) inspections were completed during this time period. Year to date total $383,158.67.

HR GREEN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT: It was reported H.R. Green has been satisfactorily performing building and zoning plan review and inspection work with the term from the date award to December 31, 2021 with fees based on the Basic Services as selected by client and according to company's standard hourly rate fee schedule. The Village desires to continue its relationship with H.R. Green and have reached a written common understanding of the terms of the work and cost to the Village in the form of an agreement.

Commissioner Reed moved, seconded by Polk to pass Resolution 2020-R-16 approving and authorizing the execution of a professional services agreement with H.R. Green, Inc. relative to building plan review and inspection services.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Reed, Polk, Milovich-Walters, and Mayor Mahoney 

NAYS: -0. 

ABSENT: -1- Commissioner Pavlatos

COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY, DANIEL POLK: POLICE ACTIVITY REPORT: Commissioner Polk reported the Police Department received 2546 calls for service from November 23, 2020 through December 13, 2020. Palos Park Police also issued 53 adjudication tickets, 18 traffic tickets, 28 written warnings, 24 verbal warnings, completed 45 case reports, arrested 6 adults, 0 juveniles, 1 impounds, 22 senior checks, 41 citizen assists. Community contact hours are ongoing.

HOLIDAY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS; Commissioner Polk reminded residents not to announce through social media when leaving home - wait until you get back. Contact the Police Department for vacation checks. Lock your doors and windows. Home and car burglaries can be prevented. Shut the garage door. Call 911 if you see anything strange and out -of-place. Remember the "three D's" for preventing home burglaries: Deter with deadbolts. Detect with alarm systems and Delay with locked doors and windows.

COVID 19 AND WELL-BEING CHECKS FOR ELDERLY: Commissioner Polk informed residents that well-being checks and are being extended to all over the 202 Holiday season. Contact the Police Department to request staff member to periodically check in personally or by phone. The You are Not Alone program safety checks. During a winter storm Police ensure that the resident has enough food and beverages to last for a couple days.

NEW YEAR'S EVE: Palos Park police are offering a ride home after party events. Additional police officers will be out patrolling on New Year's Eve. Palos Park is also offering peace of mind to families who are leaving underage people at home. The department will send officers on patrol to check on the homes between 7 p.m. and 4 a.m.

COMMISSIONER OF ACCOUNTS AND FINANCES, JAMES PAVLATOS: MUNICIPAL COMPLIANCE REPORT: In Commissioner Pavlatos' absence, Mayor Mahoney presented a Resolution authorizing the acceptance of the Municipal Compliance Report Pursuant to Public Act 95-0950. The resolution states that the police pension fund report and its financial condition has been made available to the Council of the Village of Palos Park for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2020.

Commissioner Milovich-Walters moved, seconded by Polk to approve Resolution 2020-R-14, titled "A Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of the Municipal Compliance Report Pursuant to Public Act 95 0950.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Polk, Reed and Mayor Mahoney 

NAYS: -0. 

ABSENT: -1- Commissioner Pavlatos

TAX LEVY ORDINANCE: Mayor Mahoney reported the Tax Levy Ordinance is the Village's legal request to receive property taxes levied on parcels within its corporate boundaries. The tax levy specifies the ty and amount of property taxes the Village intends to receive in property tax revenues from the County's collection of tax payments next year. The Tax Levy Ordinance for 2020 is2,055,037 which includes the Palos Park Library. The tax levy process requires adoption by the Village Council and certification by the Mayor before filing can take place with Cook County. The annual recording must occur by the last Tuesday in December.

Commissioner Milovich-Walters moved, seconded Polk to adopt an Ordinance Levying Taxes for all Corporate Purposes for the Village of Palos Park for the Fiscal Year beginning May 1, 2020 and ending April 30, 2021.

On the call of the roil, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Polk, Reed and Mayor Mahoney 

NAYS: -0 

ABSENT:-1- Commissioner Pavlatos

ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS: Mayor Mahoney presented on behalf of Commissioner Pavlatos. This bond ordinance allows for the issuance of alternate revenue source refunding bonds in the amount not to exceed $1,100,000 for the purpose of refunding [refinancing] Series 2010A Alternate Revenue Bonds. Series 2010A Alternate Revenue Bonds issued in 2010 mature in 2029 and have future interest rate obligations ranging from 4.00% to 4.30%. The current interest rate environment is much lower. The Village's municipal advisor, Speer Financial Inc. has estimated that the savings could approximate $102,000 over the life of the bonds, net of new issuance fees. Due to the low issuance size of $1.1 million and short maturity length of 2029, Speer anticipates that the bonds will be issued as a private placement. This means that the bonds would be sold privately to an accredited investor rather than the traditional public sale. A private placement sale could also save the Village approximately $15,000 or more in issuance fees. A private placement could result in the bonds being sold to a local investor. Speer expects that both Republic Bank and First Midwest Bank will be approached to purchase the bonds. The bonds could be sold as early as the week of January 11th, 2021.

Commissioner Milovich-Walters moved to adopt Ordinance 2020-30, titled - An Ordinance Providing for the Issuance of General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Alternate Revenue Source), Series 2021 of the Village of Palos Park, Cook County, Illinois, in an Aggregate Amount of $1,100,000.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Polk, Reed and Mayor Mahoney 

NAYS: -0.

ABSENT: -1- Commissioner Pavlatos

MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Mahoney had no formal report this evening.

CLERK'S REPORT: Clerk Arrigoni had no formal report this evening.

MANAGER'S REPORT: Manager Boehm had no formal report this evening


EXECUTIVE SESSION: In open session at 8:03 p.m. Commissioner Milovich-Walters moved, seconded by Commissioner Polk, to recess to executive session to discuss pending litigation and to approve and then review for release executive session minutes.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Polk, Reed, and Mayor Mahoney 

NAYS: -0 

ABSENT: -1- Commissioner Pavlatos

RETURN TO REGULAR SESSION: At 9:05 p.m., Commissioner Milovich-Walters moved, seconded by Commissioner Polk, to adjourn the executive session and return to open session.

ROLL CALL: At 9:07 p.m. roll call was taken. Answering to roll call were Commissioners Milovich Walters, Polk, Reed and Mayor Mahoney.

ADJOURNMENT OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: There being no further business, Commissioner Pavlatos moved, seconded by Commissioner Milovich-Walters, to adjourn the meeting at 9:09 p.m.

On the call of the roll, the vote was as follows:

AYES: -4- Commissioners Milovich-Walters, Polk, Reed, and Mayor Mahoney 


ABSENT: -1- Commissioner Paylatos
