Village of Flossmoor Board of Trustees Met Oct. 19.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Mayor Braun called the meeting to order at 7:33pm.
Village Clerk Ananda Billings took roll.
PRESENT: Mayor Braun, Trustees Driscoll, Hoag, Kimmons, Mitros, Williams and Village Clerk Ananda Billings (via Conference Line)
ABSENT: Trustee Bradley-Scott
ALSO PRESENT: Village Manager Bridget Wachtel; Assistant Village Manager Allison Matson; Police Chief Tod Kamleiter; Fire Chief Greg Berk; Public Works Director John Brunke; Scott Bugner, Planning and Zoning Administrator (via Conference Line); Dan Milovanovic, Assistant Public Works Director; Village Attorney, Kathi Orr; 15 Citizens present.
CITIZENS PRESENT: Mayor Braun requested that any citizens who wished to identify themselves do so, along with their address for the Village Clerk.
No citizens wished to self-identify.
Introductory Comments
Mayor Braun stated that in order to mitigate the transmission of the virus and reduce risk of COVID-19 illness, the Village has been advised and directed by the State to allow no more than 50 people to congregate for public gatherings. As such, this meeting of the Board of Trustees will be attended by those who voluntarily choose to attend physically as well as by those who voluntarily choose to attend via conference line. The public is invited to attend the meeting in person, so long as each individual undergoes a temperature check prior to entering the meeting space and wears a mask during the meeting. Citizens are allowed and encouraged to participate remotely.
This meeting along with all subsequent remotely held Board meetings will be recorded. Public comment will be only available during the portion of the meeting during which the public is invited to address the Board. As communicated to the public earlier, those questions that were submitted to staff in advance of the meeting would also be addressed during this time.
Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting Held on September 21, 2020
Mayor Braun asked the Board if they had any further changes or comments. He called for a motion to approve the minutes of September 21, 2020. Trustee Williams so moved, seconded by Trustee Kimmons, and passed by a roll call vote.
AYES: Trustees Driscoll, Hoag, Kimmons, Mitros, and Williams
ABSENT: Trustee Bradley-Scott
NAYS: None
Approval of the Minutes of the Special Meeting Held on October 3, 2020.
Mayor Braun asked the Board if they had any further changes or comments. He called for a motion to approve the Special Minutes of the meeting held on October 3,2020. Trustee Driscoll so moved, seconded by Trustee Williams and passed by roll call vote.
AYES: Trustees Driscoll, Hoag, Kimmons, Mitros, and Williams
ABSENT: Trustee Bradley-Scott
NAYS: None
Citizens Present Wishing to Address the Board
The Mayor referred to Agenda #1 – A Resolution Honoring Helen Mae Phillips Brown
Mayor Braun read the resolution honoring Helen Mae Phillips Brown. Trustee Kimmons joined Mayor Braun and thanked her family.
No Vote Required.
Mayor Braun referred to Agenda #2: Consideration of an Ordinance Granting a Variation from the Requirements of Section 285-23-3-K. (3) of the Flossmoor Zoning Ordinance (914 Gardner Road)
Building and Zoning Administrator Scott Bugner addressed the Board with regard to the consideration of an ordinance granting a variation from the Zoning Ordinance regulating the width of residential driveways. The request was submitted by Kelly and Michael Goldberg, owners of the subject property. The petitioners are seeking to extend the existing driveway and apron to accommodate 4 drivers in the family. No opposition to this request was received at the end of a public hearing and the Zoning Board of Appeals voted 6-0 to approve.
The petitioners did attend (via conference line) to answer any questions. Mr. Goldberg thanked the Trustees for hearing their request.
Mayor Braun asked the Board if they had any further questions and as they did not, he called for a motion to approve the ordinance granting a variation from the requirements of Section 285-23-3 K. (3) of the Flossmoor Zoning Ordinance (914 Gardner Road). Trustee Mitros so moved, seconded by Trustee Driscoll and passed by a roll call vote.
AYES: Trustees Driscoll, Hoag, Kimmons, Mitros, and Williams
ABSENT: Trustee Bradley-Scott
NAYS: None
Mayor Braun referred to Agenda #3: Discussion of Village Water Supply
Public Works Director John Brunke stated that on June 1, 2020, the Village of Flossmoor and the Village of Homewood entered into a Memorandum of Understanding to engage in a collaborative due diligence effort related to the change of water supply from the City of Chicago, Illinois (via City of Harvey) to the City of Hammond, Indiana (via City of Chicago Heights).
Two connection options were studied: connecting to Chicago Heights and receiving the Chicago Heights supply from Homewood. Capacity and water quality were studied and the team is comfortable with the findings. The Homewood/Chicago Heights option was considered to be viable. The team is recommending that the Village Board ask Village Attorney Orr to begin contract negotiations with the Village of Homewood.
Chris Ulm from Strand Associates attended the meeting to further elaborate on the process and answer questions.
Trustee Williams inquired as to the water quality and to confirm that the pipes and chemicals in the water were monitored properly. Mr. Ulm responded that the water is routinely tested and once the pilot is complete, they will have a full picture of the water chemistry, and what if any additional treatment will need to happen.
Trustee Hoag asked if the water would taste and feel the same. Mr. Ulm responded that it would be hard to address because this is a personal preference but he believes most people will not notice a difference.
Mayor Braun asked the Board if they had any further questions and as they did not, he called for a motion to direct the Village Attorney Kathi Orr to begin negotiations with the Village of Homewood. Trustee Hoag so moved, seconded by Trustee Mitros and passed by a roll call vote.
AYES: Trustees Driscoll, Hoag, Kimmons, Mitros, and Williams
ABSENT: Trustee Bradley-Scott
NAYS: None
Mayor Braun referred to Agenda #4: Discussion of the Central Business District Roadway, Pedestrian, and Streetscape Improvements
Public Works Director John Brunke addressed the Board. Phase 1 Engineering for the Central Business District Roadway, Pedestrian, and Streetscapes Improvement Project began last year and is progressing. One of the main tasks of this phase was to evaluate the geometry of the existing traffic circle and select the best alternate for the reconfiguration of the intersection.
Dan Schug from Baxter & Woodman attended the meeting to offer additional insights and answer questions. The purpose and need of this project is to 1) improve pedestrian/traffic safety 2) improve traffic flow in downtown Flossmoor 3) revitalizing downtown streetscape. Tonight’s purpose was to obtain consensus on the appropriate geometric layout.
Three alternatives were presented to the Board that featured differentiations in the parking, green space, mailbox location, and proposed traffic flow. The Board offered a preference for the options that offer more green space, least amount of parking spaces lost, and similarity to the way the downtown circle is today.
Discussion ensued about each option. The Board showed a preference for Option 1A which leaves the downtown geometry similar to today’s design, minimizes parking spaces lost and relocates the mailbox out of the traffic circle. Trustee Williams asked how the CMAP grant would factor in; John responded that CMAP would review the selected option as part of the roadway safety plan. Bridget stated that the next step for this project would be to apply for ITEP funding which could take a few years. We previously applied but did not receive funding. We will have a better chance when we have selected a design.
Trustee Driscoll asked about the impact of this option on dropping commuters off if traffic is reduced to one lane near the north pedestrian tunnel. Dan answered that we could make a loading/unloading zone but it would take up parking spaces. Dropoffs could occur in the adjacent parking lot. The Board discussed exploring adding a kiss and ride in the North Metra lot.
No Vote was Required
Mayor Braun referred to Agenda #5: Consideration of the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program Local Assurance Resolution
John Brunke, Public Works Director addressed the Board. With Phase 1 Engineering for the Central Business District Roadway underway, the team anticipates that Phase 2 Engineering will start and be completed in 2021 and Phase 3 Construction could be completed in 2022. The Illinois Department of Transportation has issued a call for projects for the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program
(ITEP) which could serve as a great funding source for the CBD project at an 80/20 funding ratio. The Village has previously submitted an application for this grant but was unsuccessful. We are hopeful that as we are further down the path in Phase 1 Engineering, a subsequent grant program application might be successful.
As a part of the ITEP application submittal, Village Staff has solicited letters of support from the Flossmoor Business Association and our elected State Representatives. Another recommended component is a resolution and local assurance form that would be approved by the Mayor and Board of Trustees. Therefore Staff recommends the Board of Trustees and the Mayor pass the “Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program Local Assurance Resolution” and that the Mayor sign the ITEP Local Assurance form. The documents will be submitted to ITEP if approved.
Mayor Braun asked the Board if they had any further questions and as they did not, he called for a motion to approve the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program Local Assurance Resolution. Trustee Kimmons so moved, seconded by Trustee Driscoll and passed by a roll call vote.
AYES: Trustees Driscoll, Hoag, Kimmons, Mitros, and Williams
ABSENT: Trustee Bradley-Scott
NAYS: None
Mayor Braun referred to Agenda Item #6: Presentation and Acceptance of the FY20 Audit
Finance Director Scott Bordui addressed the Board. In reference to a presentation of the FY20 Audit, Fred Lantz of Sikich, the Partner in charge of the audit, attended the Board meeting via the conference line to answer questions and respond to comments.
Mr. Bordui reviewed a brief overview of the FY20 Audit. Once again we have an unmodified opinion on a full scope audit. The CAFR will be eligible for the GFOA certificate. If we’re successful, it would be the Village’s 43rd straight year. The General Fund ended with a slight surplus of $47,263. There was a small operating deficit component of the fund balance at $90,130. The General Fund finished with a healthy balance of $5,510,197; or approximately 53% of expenditures. The unassigned portion of the fund balance was only $7,588. Our water and sewer fund finished with a small increase in unrestricted net assets and is in a positive position relative to our reserve level. Our sanitary sewer and storm sewer funds continue to feel a lot of pressure on net unrestricted assets and cash positions. The parking funds both continued to build net unrestricted assets and finance and facilities reserves. As of 5/1/20, we combined the parking funds into one municipal parking lot fund. Finally, in the CAFR, you will see the section related to GATA. This is an oppressive unfunded reporting mandate. Unfortunately, the state defines MFT as a grant and you will see that Sikich has to do a review of this report. You will also find the auditors communication letter and a management letter. The management letter includes new recommendations, the status of previous year’s recommendations and management response. You will also find the TIF report. This will be the last time as the fund was closed at the end of April 2020. Finally, you will find a report that opines on the method the Village uses to allocate the pension liabilities. There is no single audit report because the Village received less than $750,000 in federal funds. At the end of the presentation, we will need a motion to accept the report.
Mr. Lantz addressed the Board and noted that the audit began right before the COVID-19 pandemic mitigation measures led to a lock down. The bulk of the CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) preparation was completed virtually. He thanked Staff for the cooperation and that he was proud of the work they did given the constraints. He then commended the Village of Flossmoor for conducting this Audit as it goes way above and beyond typical expectations. For the past 42 years, the Village has opened itself up to this type of audit and received a clean assessment. He encourages the Village to continue to set these outstanding milestones and achievements.
Mayor Braun noted how important it is to maintain this level of attention to our financial health, given the need to utilize our Bond ratings.
Discussion ensued regarding percent funded for each pension fund. Mr. Bordui noted that there are many different assumptions factoring into the percent funded for pension funds. He likes to look at asset position vs. relative benefits. Our police pension is about a 14:1 and Fire is 9:1. Meaning, that if we took no revenue for 14 years, the police department could still pay their benefits, and the fire pension could pay their benefits for nine years.
Mayor Braun noted that the most important take away here is on page 17 of the CAFR, Management Discussion and Analysis, referencing that the Village’s Sound Financial Management Procedures have left the Village in a stable financial position.
The Trustees and the Mayor thanked Mr. Lantz and Mr. Bordui for their hard work and efforts to ensure the financial transparency of the Village.
Mayor Braun asked the Board if they had any further questions and as they did not, he called for a motion to accept the FY20 CAFR as presented to the Board. Trustee Williams so moved, seconded by Trustee Kimmons and passed by a roll call vote.
AYES: Trustees Driscoll, Hoag, Kimmons, Mitros, and Williams
ABSENT: Trustee Bradley-Scott
NAYS: None
Mayor Braun referred to Agenda Item #7: Consideration of the Purchase of Roadway De-icing Rock Salt for Fiscal Year 2021
Dan Milovanovic, Assistant Public Works Director, addressed the Board. He informed the Board that included in the FY21 approved budget is $50,394 for the purchase of roadway de-icing rock salt. This allotment would have been sufficient for 500 tons of rock salt. Public Works currently has approximately 400 tons of salt on site remaining from last winter; therefore, they are reducing their requested FY21 allotment amount to 400 tons.
The Village always tries to utilize the most efficient amount of salt possible to keep our roads safe and only tries to purchase 80% of the allotment. Therefore, staff is requesting the approval of the purchase order in the amount of $40,315.20 to purchase 400 tons of salt that will be needed for the winter.
Trustee Mitros inquired as to how we protect our excess salt. Mr. Brunke answered that it is covered with a tarp.
Mayor Braun asked the Board if they had any further questions and as they did not, he called for a motion to approve the Purchase of Roadway De-icing Rock Salt for Fiscal Year 2021 in an amount of $40,315.20 to Cargill Incorporated Salt Division. Trustee Mitros so moved, seconded by Trustee Driscoll and passed by a roll call vote.
AYES: Trustees Driscoll, Hoag, Kimmons, Mitros, and Williams
ABSENT: Trustee Bradley-Scott
NAYS: None
Mayor Braun referred to Agenda Item #8: Consideration of the Renewal of an Intergovernmental Agreement for the Provision of Environmental Health Inspectional Services with the Cook County Department of Public Health
Village Manager Bridget Wachtel addressed the Board. She noted that the Village has been very happy with the health inspectors of Cook County Department of Public Health and asked that we approve the renewal of the contract.
Mayor Braun asked the Board if they had any further questions and as they did not, he called for a motion to approve the Renewal of an Intergovernmental Agreement for the Provision of Environmental Health Inspectional Services with the Cook County Department of Public Health as presented. Trustee Williams so moved, seconded by Trustee Kimmons and passed by a roll call vote.
AYES: Trustees Driscoll, Hoag, Kimmons, Mitros, and Williams
ABSENT: Trustee Bradley-Scott
NAYS: None
Mayor Braun referred to Agenda Item #9: Consideration of an Ordinance of the Village of Flossmoor, Cook County, Illinois, Amending the Village of Flossmoor Personnel Manual.
Village Manager Bridget Wachtel addressed the Board with this housekeeping item. When the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners revised its rules, the rules related to residency for Fire Department employees were removed. This is better placed in the Village’s Personnel Manual. This amendment will make this policy applicable for full time fire employees.
Mayor Braun asked the Board if they had any further questions and as they did not, he called for a motion to approve the ordinance of the Village of Flossmoor, Cook County, Illinois, amending the Village of Flossmoor Personnel Manual with regard to residency of full-time fire department employees. Trustee Mitros so moved, seconded by Trustee Driscoll and passed by a roll call vote.
AYES: Trustees Driscoll, Hoag, Kimmons, Mitros, and Williams
ABSENT: Trustee Bradley-Scott
NAYS: None
Mayor Braun referred to Agenda Item #10: Consideration of an Ordinance Granting Emergency Powers to the Mayor of the Village of Flossmoor, Cook County, Illinois
This item is the renewal of the ordinance granting emergency powers to the Mayor of the Village of Flossmoor during the COVID19 pandemic.
Mayor Braun asked the Board if they had any further questions and as they did not, he called for a motion to approve the ordinance granting emergency powers to the Mayor of the Village of Flossmoor. Trustee Mitros so moved, seconded by Trustee Williams, and passed by a roll call vote.
AYES: Trustees Driscoll, Hoag, Kimmons, Mitros, and Williams
ABSENT: Trustee Bradley-Scott
NAYS: None
Mayor Braun referred to the Finance Committee – Presentation of Bills for Approval and Payment (ratification of the October 5,2020 claims list and approval of the October 19, 2020 claims list)
Trustee Hoag made a motion to ratify hand checks in the amount of $2,731.15 and invoices in the amount of $236,365.61 for a total of $239,096.76 for October 5th and to approve hand checks in the amount of $0.00 and invoices in the amount of $183,199.58 for a total of $183,199.58. The motion was seconded by Trustee Mitros and passed by a roll call vote.
AYES: Trustees Driscoll, Hoag, Kimmons, Mitros, and Williams
ABSENT: Trustee Bradley-Scott
NAYS: None
Other Business:
Mayor Braun shared that the Village will hold a virtual meeting (via Zoom) to inform the public about the upcoming referendum on October 21.
He also thanked the Flossmoor’s Citizen’s Referendum Committee, especially Leonard Harris who is chairing the group, for supporting the referendum.
Trustee Hoag inquired as to what the consideration is for outdoor dining given the upcoming colder weather. Ms. Wachtel noted that they are in discussions to keep the tents up through November and are working out other contingency plans that are under consideration. With the COVID-positive numbers on the rise, they will need to keep this in mind as they consider contingency plans.
Mayor Braun referred to Agenda Item #11 on the Agenda: A Motion to go into Executive Session to Discuss the Employment of Specific Individuals, Property Acquisition, and Litigation.
There was no need to go into Executive Session.
As there were no other items to discuss, Mayor Braun called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Mitros so moved, seconded by Trustee Kimmons and passed by a roll call vote.
AYES: Trustees Driscoll, Hoag, Kimmons, Mitros, and Williams
ABSENT: Trustee Bradley-Scott
NAYS: None
The Regular Meeting ended at 9:20pm