
South Cook News

Saturday, November 23, 2024

City of Oak Forest City Council met Dec. 13

City of Oak Forest City Council met Dec. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor Kuspa called the City Council meeting to order at 7: 32 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Roll Call as follows:

Present: Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel


→ The staff would like everyone to know that the Oak Forest Jolly Jamboree holiday celebration held last weekend can viewed on the city' s website by clicking on CIC- TV Programing or cable TV, Comcast channel 4, Astound channel 6 or AT& T channel 99.

→ The city will host a public meeting for the 151st Street Culvert Replacement & Boca Rio Ditch Reconstruction Project tomorrow from 5 to 7 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall. This is a joint project with the Cook County Department of Transportation and the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. Representatives from the City and Cook County will be available to answer any questions related to the project.

→ This winter season, please remember to adhere to our snow emergencies ordinance, which can be found on our website. In particular, I would like to remind residents that parking is not allowed on city streets at any time within 12 hours after a snowfall of 2" or more has occurred. This makes it easier and safer for our Public Works Department to get the streets plowed.

→ This holiday season we are offering ways to give to children and families in need through three charitable organizations— the Pediatric Oncology Treasure Chest Foundation, Toys for Tots, and Redeemer Little Food Pantry. All donations can be dropped off at City Hall.

→ City Hall will be closed Friday, December 23 and Monday, December 26 for the holiday. Homewood Disposal will be closed on Monday, December 26 so garbage service will be delayed one day for that week only.

→ Earlier this month, our Public Works crews had a number of water main breaks. Water main breaks this time of year are very common. Some residents get inconvenienced during a water main break. There is little we can do to prevent them. I give all the accolades in the world to the police department and the fire department that service our community as well but Public Works are also on call 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week. When a water main breaks, they come in to make sure that the City of Oak Forest has clean flowing water at all times. Kudos to Public Works and all they do for our citizens.

→ On behalf of the City of Oak Forest, I would like to offer everyone warm wishes and a happy, safe and healthy holiday season.

→ Alderman Hortsman would like to elaborate on Public Works. Last Saturday in my ward, I was walking my dogs at 6 a. m. and saw water coming through the roots of a tree. I called nonemergency. Public Works came out right away. They did their duty. It turned out to be not only one break. By the time we got to the early evening, there were five. By evening there were eight breaks. A couple days later, there was a ninth break toward the end of the street. I have to be extremely complimentary of the staff and Mike. The staff needs to know they did a wonderful job. It was not easy. Every time they got a hold of one ofthem, there was another one. Every man was out that day.

→ Alderman Selman explained that today we celebrate the establishment of the National Guard. It was in 1636, 386 years ago, that the Massachusetts Bay Colony established a militia to protect the outlying portions of the colony. Since then the National Guard has responded to national emergencies, weather disasters and been called to serve with active duty military. Thanks to everyone who has worn and wears the military uniform and happy 386th birthday to the National Guard.


Alderman Emmett made the motion to establish consent agenda.

Alderman Danihel seconded.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman




The motion to establish consent agenda carried 7/ 7.


A. Approval of Minutes:

1. City Council November 22, 2022 

2. Committee of the Whole November 22, 2022

B. Consideration of the following Lists of Bills dated:

1. Regular Bills FY 2022- 2023 December 13, 2022 

2. Supplemental Bills FY 2022- 2023 December 13, 2022

C. Consideration of the following minutes:

1. Planning and Zoning November 16, 2022 

2. Fire and Police Commission November 10, 2022 

3. Fire and Police Commission November 30, 2022

D. Consideration of the following reports:

1. Baxter and Woodman November 29, 2022

Alderman Selman pointed out a correction that is necessary for the City Council Meeting of November 22, 2022. We received the email and it will be corrected.

Alderman Danihel made the motion to approve Consent Agenda.

Alderman Selman seconded.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman




The motion to approve Consent Agenda carried 7/ 7.


A. Approval of Ordinance No. 2022- 12- 09410 to refund the 2013 General Obligation Bond Tax Abatement.

Alderman Hortsman made the motion to approve.

Alderman Emmett seconded.

Finance Director Colleen Julian reported that the City issued a 2013 General Obligation Refunding Bond to purchase the church property on159th Street next to Chase Bank. When we issue a bond, the levy is automatically included in the bond order. This means the County will levy for the bond payment. If we do not want that levy extended to the tax payer, we have to abate it otherwise it will automatically be included on the tax payer' s bill. We would like to abate this payment because we have alternative funds. We use TIF revenues to pay this debt service. I am requesting we abate the 2022 tax levy for the 2013 General Obligation Refunding Bond.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.

B. Approval of Ordinance No. 2022- 12- 09420 to refund the 2015A and B General Obligation Bond Tax Abatement.

Alderman Hortsman made the motion to approve.

Alderman Gray seconded.

Finance Director Colleen Julian reported when bonds are issued, the levy is automatically extended through the bond orders. If we do not abate, it will automatically be extended to the tax payers. The 2015A and B series are for water projects. We use water revenues to pay for that debt service. We do not want those payments included on the tax bills. We abate this portion of the levy.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.

C. Approval of Ordinance No. 2022- 12- 09430 to refund the 2016A and B General Obligation Bond Tax Abatement.

Alderman McCarthy made the motion to approve.

Alderman Selman seconded.

Finance Director Colleen Julian reported this is for the 2016 General Obligation Refunding Bonds. These bonds were issued for water projects and TIF 3. We use water revenues and TIF revenues to pay for this debt service. Again, we do not want to include this on the tax bills. I request that we abate these levies for these bond issues.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:


Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.

D. Approval of Ordinance No. 2022- 12- 09440 for tax levy for fiscal year commencing on the first day of May, 2022 and ending on the thirtieth day of April, 2023.

Alderman Emmett made the motion to approve.

Alderman Danihel seconded.

Finance Director Colleen Julian reported during the last meeting we did a Committee of a Whole to discuss levy requirements for 2022. We feel we have sufficient revenues to cover our operating expenditures for the next fiscal year. Where we are falling short is our pension funding. We initially discussed a 5% increase to the levy which we felt would not be prudent as we cannot consistently raise taxes. We have alternative revenues at this point so we talked about a 2. 5% increase. I think this is sustainable for the near future because some other revenues reported surpluses, especially our income tax and sales tax. We decided 2. 5% increase, which would be an increase to property owners of $ 36. 00. That would be sufficient for our general operations fund for the following fiscal year.

Mayor Kuspa read the bottom line on the first page. " All roads appear to lead toward service cuts - doing less with less unless City tax base grows." I do not want to see service cuts. It is important to continue on a sound fiscal path but we do need to continue to try to grow our tax base.

Colleen reported our EVA dropped slightly last year but there are a lot projects that we should see ready in the spring. Colleen stated the quote came from a consultant. We held the line for three years even when there were double- digit increases with the pensions. We are holding the line, we are using alternative revenues, and it cannot be sustained indefinitely.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.

E. Approval for the City of Oak Forest to consent to a security agreement and collateral assignment of tax increment between Deshe 157th LLC and Northbrook Bank& Trust.

Alderman Gray made the motion to approve.

Alderman Danihel seconded.

Finance Director Colleen Julian stated this agreement is between the bank and the developer. They are asking Oak Forest to consent to it. We are consenting to designating some TIF revenue to this development. If the developer defaults on their bank loan, we would then pay the bank. This is money we have already assigned. We are just saying that we agree that ifin the event of a default, we will forward our designated revenues to the bank instead ofthe developer.

Alderman Gray asked if we ever pledged city' s assets to a private developer' s loan before. Colleen stated we have not. This is the first TIF note we are ever going to issue. We have issued TIF bonds before. Alderman Gray' s question is if you ever needed to access those TIF funds, are you going to have to get permission from the bank to release the funds. Colleen stated no. We have assigned the 52% on an annual basis. We will have to remit that to the developer and then we keep our balance. In the event that we would not give it to the developer, we would give it to the bank in event of a default. Alderman Gray is curious why that lending stipulation, we have never approved something like that before. Why are they requesting that for this development? Colleen stated it is for collateral for their loan. They are borrowing money from the bank. The collateral is our TIF note. There is a value to these future revenues.

Inaudible voice from gallery.

Mayor Kuspa instructed this is not a public meeting. You will have an opportunity for comment. TIF is a tax increment district we are talking about with a major development going on 157th Street.

Inaudible voice from gallery.

Mayor Kuspa instructed again not to speak right now. When we have the public portion, you can come up and address the Council but you have to come up to the microphone.

Alderman Hortsman inquired if there is a default in anyway shape or form, are we protected on the property? Where does the property go? Colleen stated we have sold the property. It is no longer the City' s property.

Inaudible voice from gallery.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES  Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.

Mayor Kuspa stated he is moving 6( F) and now making it 10( C). We will move on to 6( G).

G. Approval of appointment of Glen Runge to the Oak Forest Planning and Zoning Commission.

Alderman Emmett made the motion to approve.

Alderman Selman seconded.

Mayor Kuspa stated he believes Glen Runge would be an excellent addition to Planning and Zoning. He believes they are short two members. Glen is a retired Oak Forest Police Officer and lives in town. He is staying active and I appreciate his volunteer efforts and stepping up to serve on Planning and Zoning.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.


A. Approval of payment to Interstate Power Systems in the budgeted amount of 13, 820. 58 for emergency repair work to truck 40' s transmission.

Alderman Hortsman made the motion to approve.

Alderman Danihel seconded.

Fire Chief Gary Kasper is asking for the approval to pay Interstate Power Systems $ 13, 820. 58. Truck 40 is a fire truck. We have had that for a number of years. We were on the bay floor and noticed a large leak coming from underneath it. We took it to Orland Fleet Maintenance and they said they found a crack in the transmission housing and they could not do the repairs. It is outside the scope of our agreement with them. We then went to Interstate Power Systems because they are the contractor in our area that deals with that type of motor. I spoke with Colleen and Tim Kristin and received approval for the emergency repairs to get started. We had to get it towed to Interstate. With your approval, we hope to get it back shortly and get it back on the road.

Alderman Emmett asked what year the vehicle is. He replied 2001. Alderman Emmett asked if he is looking for newer vehicles with the CIP Program. The Chief replied he is. This will ensure that there is no gap in service at this time. Because it is a 21 year old vehicle, I cannot make any guarantees regarding longevity. This is the first big issue we have had with this engine.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES  Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.


A. Approval of the budgeted CIP purchase in the amount of $59, 030. 00 from Xtivity Solutions for new point to point network connection from city hall to public works campus.

Alderman Emmett made the motion to approve.

Alderman Danihel seconded.

Aaron Beatty is representing the IT Director Tom Rieman who was unable to make it to the meeting. With me tonight I have Tim Brennan from Xtivity Communications. He is representing as project manager and will give technical details. As the memo states, City Hall to Public Works internet connection is currently run on a fiber line in the ground. We do pay monthly for this line. With the project, over a five year time, the sixth year we would have no more cost. In the end, we would end up saving money with this project and increase speeds for Public Works' day to day operation. The admin office alone is requiring more internet connection that is currently being given.

Tim Brennan, the Project Manager for Xtivity Solutions stated he came to the meeting to answer any questions.

Mayor Kuspa asked if this is a line of sight, correct? It is. From the new pole at City Hall? It is a FCC license link. You will own that spectrum. That frequency will operate on 18 GHz, no interference and the reliability in performance is 99. 999. It is essentially fiber in the sky. We use it a lot for public safety. Mayor Kuspa asked if weather such as snow storms, heavy rainstorms will affect the line of sight. Tim remarked that was a good question and stated we have done a path study where we factored in rain, snow, any type of bad weather and you are still going to get 99.999%. The reliability is there.

Aaron Beatty mentioned that this will not only affect our Public Works' garage where the administration office is, it will also affect the mechanics garage, the water pump house, animal control and the EMA office. These are all included in the proposal. This will include the lift station at 159th and Long.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.

B. Approval of the budgeted CIP purchase in the amount of $61, 918. 00 from Xtivity Solutions for new Metra camera system.

Alderman Danihel made the motion to approve.

Alderman Selman seconded.

Aaron Beatty stated our current system for Metra was installed in 2013. It is aging. The camera quality is degrading a little bit. If you are ever in the dispatch center with the police, you can actually see the waves system that is currently being proposed against the Vigilon. You can tell the quality immediately. Instead of upgrading each camera, Tom worked with Xtivity to get a project to do a full brand new upgrade on the whole system, including software on the cameras, new installation, new higher quality camera, higher resolutions, higher speeds.

Tim Brennan stated this includes a millimeter wave wireless network. We are going to hit north and south parking lots, the warming station and the cash box. We are essentially putting in a new wireless infrastructure that is going to operate at 99. 999. We can go to a gig if you want. It is super fast and you can add more cameras if you wanted. The vision is if you want to bring it on the street level along the intersection, this network would handle it. I am looking down the road, the future. You will get a total of 49 views.

Mayor Kuspa asked Aaron down the road we want to do away with the cash box and put in where the commuter can pull in and look at the number where they are parked and pay on their phone. How far away is that? Will this new technology assist this kind of development of doing away with the cash boxes? Aaron reported that having the wireless network infrastructure would allow for an easier transition into that.

Alderman Emmett questioned Aaron, would this camera be able to help out the police with any carjackings or fatal accidents? Would this camera capture that intersection at this time? Tim Brennan remarked the one light pole along 159th, we did not spec that into cover but certainly, the backbone, the wireless network would be able to handle that if you choose to go that direction. Aaron added the police currently use multiple different systems, for example Metra is using a Vigilon. That is two different screens. With this project it will all go into one application including the police, Tim, whoever has permissions to view the cameras, they can view it. Dispatch can with one click pull up a different camera.

Alderman Selman asked if this system will require new poles in the parking lots at the Metra station. Tim Brennan remarked they are going to use the same poles but also adding to new poles in the north parking lot to cover the little annexes offthe main lot.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES  Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.


A. Approval of a proposal from HR Green, for Design & Construction Engineering Services, for the City' s 2023 Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) Road Program.

Alderman Emmett made the motion to approve.

Alderman Wolf seconded.

Public Works Director Mike Salamowicz reported that each year the City goes through, and reconstructs and repaves roads as part of our regular maintenance for the streets using motor fuel tax funds. Approaching the 2023 season, we are looking to get our program started for this coming year. We went out for proposals for engineering services. This was also posted on the city' s website as well. We initially had interest from three engineering firms and after receiving questions from them, one engineering firm stated they were not going to be able to do any kind of work for us this year. We received two proposals, one from HR Green and one from Baxter and Woodman. The proposals received from HR Green was for the design engineering 2% and construction engineering 6%. Based on our program, this equates to approximately $ 22, 000 in engineering fees for the design and $ 66, 000 in fees for construction engineering. They will monitor all the construction activities, do inspections, pay estimates, those sorts of things. This is a significant reduction in the amount we paid last year. We are recommending that we approve the proposal from HR Green for this coming year' s MFT Road Program.

Mayor Kuspa noted it is avery substantial savings. HR Green is a reputable firm. You have worked with them in the past, correct? Mike replied that he has. Mayor Kuspa noted there is nothing against Baxter and Woodman. This week alone we are paying approximately $ 9,000. Mike stated it is our goal to save the tax payers money.

Alderman Hortsman asked Mike how he is going to bring HR Green up to speed on former projects? Mike stated they are in the process of putting together a list of the roads that they are going to be looking at for this coming year' s program. Typically, once we have that list put together, we go out and inspect them and see what needs to be done as far as patching or resurfacing. A whole package needs to be put together and needs to be submitted to IDOT for their approval. Alderman Hortsman stated they had talked at one point about including streets that have already been done that need patching or some kind of process to keep those streets. Is that going to be included in this? Mike stated they are behind on resurfacing roads, unfortunately each year the cost to resurface roads increases. Unfortunately, we are only able to do less than what we did last year. This year we are concentrating on patching. We will do some roads full removal and resurface but I think we are going to do a lot of patching so we can catch up. What we are finding is the edges along curb line are in bad shape. Our goal is to try to patch those areas to make those roads last longer so we can catch up.

Alderman Selman questioned about getting materials. In previous years, we were concerned about access to hot mix asphalt and concrete for gutters and curbs. Do you have a feel about availability for this year? Mike stated as of right now they are not anticipating problems. The reasons we had some problems last year was because there was a strike at the quarries, which then affected some of the paving companies. As far as our paving program this year, that did not affect us because the contractor we used had their own paving plant so the strike did not affect them. But, we did have some issues getting stone for water main breaks and patching of the streets. Those parts were delayed. Right now we are not anticipating any problems. Alderman Selman said he likes what he is seeing filling large section of the streets. Mike stated they grind out 3" of the old asphalt pavement and resurface those areas with 3" of new asphalt.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.

B. Approval of Pay Estimate No. 3, to Iroquois Paving, in the amount of S173, 479. 12. Alderman Emmett made the motion to approve.

Alderman Danihel seconded. 

Public Works Director Mike Salamowicz reported this is the 2022 road program. Everything has been completed. The program went very well. We started earlier this year and completed earlier. Punch list items have been addressed. We are going to be retaining a small portion of the payment just in case there any issues that occur or come up. We will do a final walk through in the spring. If everything is good, we will come back to Council and request final payment for that too.

Alderman Hortsman asked about the streets in his ward that have previously been repaired and have 30 yard dips in them. Is that something that will still be looked at? Mike said yes that it occurred as part of the 2021 program. They did recently have pavement cores done in that area and are analyzing the pavement core data to find out if it was something that was related to the work that was actually done or is something that goes back to when the subdivision was originally constructed. It appears those were utility trenches for sewage services or water services when those homes were actually constructed. That is part of the 2021 program and we are still holding the remaining payment for that one.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.

C. Approval of the proposal from Standard Equipment, for repairs to the 2009 International Vactor Truck, in the amount of$ 33, 414. 25.

Alderman Selman made the motion to approve.

Alderman Hortsman seconded.

Public Works Director Mike Salamowicz stated this is for the repair of the Public Works 2009 International Vactor Truck. It is a highly used vehicle. We use it for water main brakes, excavating, cleaning storm sewers and those sort of things. Back in August of this year, we had obtained proposals and City Council had approved the proposal from one of the firms. We sent it to that company and it sat there for six to seven weeks with no work being done on it. There were some issues with their mechanics and things of that nature. It turned out they were not able to do the work. We got the truck back. Since that point, we have been trying to get other firms to see if we can find anyone. The problem is, it is a specialized vehicle. Our mechanics are able to do some of the work on the truck but as far as the pumps and the things of that nature, we have been working with Standard Equipment. Their initial proposal was for $51, 000 so we have been working with them to reduce that. We finally worked it out to $ 33, 000 and we are seeking the approval. The vehicle is used quite extensively.

Mayor Kuspa reported it is for water main brakes and uses high pressure water and the vacuum to get down and suck out the earth around underground phone lines, gas pipes, and other utilities without damaging the infrastructure. I would like to get it back to service.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.


A. Approval of Ordinance 2022- 12- 09470 authorizing a Variation allowing the reduction of 5 parking spaces where 26 are required in the C3 — Central Business District at 15150- 58 S. Cicero Avenue.

Alderman Emmett made the motion to approve.

Alderman McCarthy seconded.

Community Planner Paul Ruane reported they have a parking variation request for the property located at 15150- 15158 S. Cicero. For those of you who are not familiar with the property, it is located just north of the bowling alley at the intersection of Cicero Avenue and 152nd Street. 152n1 Street does continue east of Cicero but does not have a physical presence west of Cicero. Even though it is not necessarily a fully built road, the right of way there still exists for public infrastructure that is built underneath the existing parking lot. Just for a brief history, a few liquor license requests came back early summer last year. One for Kenootz Pizza and another one for Coopers Grove for a tavern with video gaming license. Since then the applicant has found the cost of bringing over the business as well as the bar that was proposed to be beyond the scope of work. With that said, the thought was to consolidate the two into one restaurant with the gaming as well as a bar on site. Making up the remainder of the property is Advantage Nursing Services that takes up the second unit as you go north from the bowling alley. Up on the north hand side is an existing vacant office, most recently used for the offices of Robin Jesk. In the red you can see the existing private owned parking spaces which combine for 21 parking spaces. In yellow is the City' s right of way that would not be part of the petitioner' s property per se, but is used and occupied in that manner. Looking at the existing parking requirements on the site, the variation request is for those 21 spaces that are currently on the property where 26 are required. How we come up with that is first looking at the retail office spaces, which are done by square footage, which would be one space per 250 square feet. The office and retail area is 1, 170 square feet, divided by 250 square foot, would be 5 parking spaces for each of those units. 10 for the first two units, the last unit being the restaurant/ bar. That is built upon occupancy, what was provided from our Building Department. What they will run is the number of fixed seating that is there as well as the availability and space for standing room area. Building Department provided 38 person occupancy including 5 employees. How that is figured out is occupancy divided by 3, 1 parking space per 3 people design capacity and 1 parking space per 2 employees. That calculation of that would give you 26 parking spaces plus the 10 spaces that are required for the other two uses for the total of 26 parking spaces. The 21 parking spaces that are there including the 6 parking spaces, would be over the required amount of parking with the agreement with the City to make that happen. Planning and Zoning recommends three conditions of approval. One, providing a landscape plan to the satisfaction of the Community Development Department. Two, providing a bike rack. Three, providing a dumpster enclosure. The petitioner is here if you have any specific questions. As of right now, we are looking at the parking variation request.

Alderman Selman asked who the 6 spaces at the end of building in yellow belong to? Paul answered that the actual physical space belongs to the City. Who has maintained and striped them, I am assuming is the bowling alley. What is being requested is to utilize those spaces with the agreement of the City to hold them harmless and have the proper liabilities taken care of. If there are issues and Public Works needs to get in there, we have permitted access to be able to do that at our will. Alderman Selman questioned whether there is an understanding in place with the bowling alley that they will not be able to use those spaces any longer. Paul stated he cannot speak on behalf of the petitioner. He knows there were discussions on getting a parking agreement with the bowling alley. We looked into a way to remove the existing right of way space in order for the petitioner to acquire those parking spaces as their own. Due to the easement requirements and things like that, it just worked out cleaner to leave it the way it is. Staff has not directly spoken to the bowling alley to let them know that this is being asked of or requested. Alderman Selman is concerned about people' s understanding of doing things like we have always done it but now we are doing something different.

Alderman Emmett stated he is looking at this 1967- 70 building built, everyone drove one car back then. We have a gentleman that lives in the community and has invested a lot of money putting down a dingy building that is going to make the corner look nice. That is the goal of City Council to fix up Cicero Avenue. The gentleman wants to come back to our community, I think we should welcome him with open arms.

Kenny raised his hand.

Mayor Kuspa asked if the petitioner wanted to address the Council. Ken Keeler, owns the building. He stated those parking spots were done by the previous owner. Robin Jesk maintained the parking spots from day one when he purchased it. He is the one who put the lines in there and everything. There used to be four businesses in there before I took it over.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.

B. Approval of Ordinance 2022- 12- 09450 increasing the number of Class BVG licenses for Coopers Grove at 15158 S. Cicero Avenue.

Alderman Gray made the motion to approve.

Alderman Wolf seconded.

Paul Ruane wanted to reiterate that we are going to have to change the motion. I believe the name on the liquor license was going to different from Coopers Grove. The petitioner stated it was going to be called Coopers Bar and Grill. Paul asked to change the motion from Coopers Grove to Coopers Bar and Grill. Mayor Kuspa asked Alderman Gray and Alderman Wolf to amend the motion.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.

Mayor Kuspa welcomed the petitioner to Oak Forest.

C- 1. Approval of Ordinance 2022- 12- 09480 authorizing a Variation allowing the reduction of 25 parking space where 45 are required in the C3 — Central Business District at 15417- 27 S. Cicero Avenue.

Alderman Emmett made the motion to approve.

Alderman Wolf seconded.

Paul Ruane for those not familiar, the primary tenant in this shopping plaza is Taps Pub. There are few other businesses located within this shopping plaza. The existing parking space configuration is 6 parking spaces on the north side of the property, 6 parking spaces as well as an additional 4 along the building line on the east as well as 10 to the south in front of Taps. Another thing to note, brought up during Planning and Zoning was the thought of the use of the existing parking lot in the rear which would contribute to somewhere around 20 other parking spaces. Due to the fact that it is not properly paved and striped, it does not get included in the parking counts of this. The space is there as of now and is not ideally used at this point. Employees have been using it on occasion. Looking at the existing businesses, there is a lot of service retail in this location. To highlight on that, Ink City Pro which does silk screening, Exclusive Cuts a beauty salon, ATA Karate, Lavish Style Studio, Townsend Enterprise Photography and Taps Pub. As we are looking at this space divided by 250 square feet, you get 5 parking spaces for the Ink City Pro, 5 parking spaces required for Exclusive Cuts, 8 required for ATA Karate, 4 required for Lavish Style Studio, 2 required for Townsend Enterprise Photography and 21 parking spaces required for Taps Pub. Looking into the businesses that are currently there and the operation hours so we can see how they overlap, Ink City Pro is there Monday- Friday from 2- 9, Saturday 9- 4; Exclusive Cuts is there Thursday- Sunday from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m.; ATA Karate is there Monday- Thursday from 5: 00 p.m. to 8: 30 p. m., Saturday from 10: 30 a.m. to noon; Lavish Style Studio is there all day Monday- Sunday 6: 00 a.m. to 9: 00 p. m.; Townsend Enterprise Photograph is done by appointments only; Taps Pub, according to their website, Sunday-Friday is 11: 00 a. m. to 2 a.m., Saturday 11: 00 a. m. to 3: 00 a.m. I was able to look at how the operation hours change over the week. As you can see Thursday- Saturday being the higher density of use at the same time. Five businesses were opened at the same time and as little as two on Monday mornings. I was able to go out there multiple times during a week to get a better understanding of what it looks like at 8: 00 a.m. through 11: 00 p.m. Monday- Friday to get a spectrum of what a typical week looks like. In the red being Friday, the majority of the parking was used from 5 p. m. to 8 p. m. If you look back at the hours of operation and the clientele, I was able to observe the Karate Studio had afollowing at that time. After 8 p. m. it teeters down and the bar crowd comes in. Planning and Zoning recommended including the additional parking spaces in the back even though they are not permanently there. There is a request for a new liquor license and the change of the ownership from the existing Taps to a new user. Same premise without any exterior changes that are going to be severe or add anything to the requirements of parking. Planning and Zoning felt that including these conditions as proposed on the last petition would be acceptable to approve. Our applicant is here for specific questions.

Alderman Hortsman questioned about the back of the building and not having it all spaced and lined out, if there is security lighting in the back of that building. Paul replied yes, we are getting confirmation from the owner. So it will be sufficiently secured for anyone who puts a vehicle back there? Paul stated employee vehicles are using it and feel safe. Alderman Hortsman stated that when we do these variations, we need to understand if we are saying there are 33 people in the bar, there may be times when 33 people are driving with one car. It is one thing to give someone a variation on 6 spots but when you are giving a variation on 21 spots that is a tough fit unless that back is set up very well. Are there going to be towing services that are going to be coming in there if people do not want those cars there? We as a city could be setting up business versus business as far as who owns property for parking and who does not. I have been in some of those already and I do not want to be in anymore of those. Paul asked if Alderman Hortsman was talking about private business to business type of issues that stem from allowing said variation. That is always something that can happen. Sometimes the city gets involved in private matters, like it or not, to try to help fix these issues. Petitions come to us. We can only allow them to go through the process. It does not necessarily mean the end result is the same.

Mayor Kuspa asked Alderman Hortsman about the lighting in the rear. Would you feel comfortable if the Council approves the variance, that we make it a condition to have adequate lighting in the back? Alderman Hortsman would like to see that it is secure enough for people to feel comfortable enough to put their cars back there. Mayor Kuspa talked to the applicant before the meeting and they assured him there were security lights back there. I was there at 6: 15 last night, obviously dark at 6: 15 and it was dark and muddy. Applicant said it is gravel but it is half gravel and half mud. I would make conditions on turning that into a proper gravel parking lot for now. My truck is still muddy from driving through it last night. Paul, your graft as far as your hours shows like 18 cars in there at 7- 8 p. m., there were 19 cars in there last night at 6: 12 p. m. When I was pulling out, 2 more pulling in all going to the karate place. Kids coming and going. Paul stated that may have been unique circumstances but that seems to be the time when they are really busy.

Alderman Danihel asked if the businesses own their spots or are they renting. Paul stated that there is a landlord that owns the entire building. It is a lease. Alderman Danihel asked if in the lease, does it state how many spots each business gets? Paul stated that is not currently in the lease according to the owner.

Alderman Emmett remarked on Paul' s wonderful work on this and he welcomes the businesses. As the Mayor stated it is a mud hole behind there. I have done a lot of u- turns back there on patrol. Something has to be done with that. There is a gas meter right on the side of the building. That has to have some protection. Alderman Horstman noted about the lighting, that is my priority anywhere. Did anyone try to talk to Aldi to get an agreement that they could borrow overflow parking there? Has anyone tried to reach out? Paul stated it was not something the applicant has done at this point.


Alderman Emmett noted that someone just spoke out that Marcottes does use it for overflow. Mayor asked Paul to let the applicant use the podium.

Michelle Fugiel approached the podium and stated she owns Taps Pub. Alderman Emmett asked Michelle if she ever reached out to Aldi for overflow parking. Michelle stated you do not have to because the guy next door who owns the Executive Suites, the 5320 building, we just share lots. During the day, the lots are empty. So he uses the first 5. At night then I am allowed to use his. We all share. As far as the back, every time at this time when it gets this bad weather, we usually have to go back there and add gravel and smooth it out. It houses a lot of cars. You can see when someone goes in and out, they wait. There never has been a problem yet.

Alderman Wolf asked if there has been issues with parking? Michelle said never, everyone shares, everyone waits. For all these years, I have been there for over 21 years, nothing. No one argues. We know the karate has their 3 days and we just go park somewhere else.

Alderman McCarthy remarked that both of his children attended the karate place and never had any trouble with parking there. I went to O' Connor' s Pub years ago, there was never any fights over parking spots. The only time was pool league night. It gets pretty crowded and then you might have to park around back. But, it is pretty dark in the back. Michelle stated it is well lit. They take care of it for the landlord. Whenever something needs to be done, the code enforcement tell her what is wrong and they get it fixed immediately. She remarked she has to change the timer. Mayor stated as part of the agreement if approved by the Council, I would like to verify that the security lights in the rear of the building are adequate for proper security as requested by Alderman Hortsman and Alderman Emmett. And a little bit more gravel back there. My only concern is the gas pipe at the northeast corner of the building is right there at the driveway. Somebody really bent one of the bollards that protects the gas pipe. But, I would like to see those bollards, the protective pipes that come out of the ground, improved to properly protect the bollards. It is advertised as a parking lot. There is a sign up there that says additional parking in rear. I am just concerned about the location of the gas pipe coming up in the corner. Someone has already hit it.

Paul stated with that, we have 5 conditions of approval. One, providing a landscape plan. Two, providing a bike rack. Three, dumpster enclosure. Four, confirming the security lighting and making sure there is adequate gravel installed. Lastly, the improvement of the bollards at the gas main.

Mayor asked Alderman Emmett and Alderman Wol f to include the conditions as presented. Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.

Mayor stated they are going to move 6( F) it is now the new 10( C- 2) which is:

10 ( C- 2). Approval of Ordinance 2022- 12- 09460 increasing the number of Class AVG licenses for Fab of Oak Forest DBA Flannery' s in the Forest at 15427 S. Cicero Avenue.

Alderman Wolf made the motion to approve.

Alderman Danihel seconded.

Mayor Kuspa asked for questions, comments? I see none.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.

Mayor welcomed Flannery' s to Oak Forest.

D. Approval of Ordinance 2022- 12- 09490 authorizing a Special Use Permit allowing a pole sign and a Variation for height and an electronic message center not displayed between 8ft and loft. in height in the C3 — Central Business District at 15548 S. Cicero Avenue.

Alderman McCarthy made the motion to approve.

Alderman Wolf seconded.

Paul Ruane stated for those not familiar with the site, we are looking at 15548 S. Cicero Avenue, Clovers formerly known as Baileys. What is being requested is a Special Use Permit for a pole sign. All pole signs require a Special Use Permit in our commercial districts. On existing zoning lots where conditions do not provide sufficient space or visibility for the installation of a monument sign, one pole sign is allowed with a Special Use Permit. The second request is that the pole sign should be limited to no more than 15 feet in height from grade to the top of the sign cabinet. Lastly, the electronic message center shall not be displayed lower than 8 feet nor higher than 10 feet. What is being requested this evening as you can see the picture on the presentation is a Special Use Permit to allow the following pole sign, a variation to allow a height of 19' 8". The existing sign is 18' 7". Also requested, a variation to allow an electronic message center not located between 8 and 10'. This one is 13- 1/ 2' from the grade to the bottom of the electronic message center. Planning and Zoning felt the request merits what we are looking for in situations where a monument sign is not available or applicable due to the visual constraints.

Going down that way, it is pretty easy to see the pole that is there is already obstructing. A large square box of a monument would prevent you from seeing that turn out there. Staff actually has been working with them and received a proposal of a brick or stone wrapped pole which Planning and Zoning recommended for approval. I will entertain any questions. The petitioner and contractor are here.

Alderman Emmett noted that the vision was to get rid of those 1970 poles but the line of sight issue, any traffic coming southbound in that lane would cause more accidents, is that correct? Paul stated that is correct and they felt the middle ground is to get something that meets the merits of the design aspect but still allows the visibility. They proposed something similar to what Beggars has next door where they have brick pillars that hold up their sign. This would just be a single pillar with a pole sign on top.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.

E. Approval of Ordinance 2022- 12- 09500 authorizing a Zoning Map Amendment from IB —Institutional Building District Cl —Local Commercial District, and C2 — General Service Commercial District to R6— Multi-Family Residential District.

Alderman Wolf made the motion to approve.

Alderman Gray seconded.

Paul Ruane stated an applicant has reached out and requested a zoning map amendment at 15801 Lorel Avenue. It is a rezoning request for a property from Cl, C2 and IB Institutional to R6 multi-family residential district. A proposal for the multi-family residences will be requested for future approval and is not being asked for at this time. The zoning is something that they want to confirm first before moving forward with the project. If they do not have the zoning then the project would not be able to move forward. Looking at the existing location, the aerial shows in gold property north of 159th, south of the Public Works facility as well as east of that from 157th to 158th Street. Our existing zoning of the property is within three zoning districts. In the pink, purplish color, C 1 which is our local commercial district, the red is C2 our little bit more dense general service commercial district and IB which is institutional building district which is typically schools or other public sites. What is being requested this evening is the rezoning of the property from those three zoning districts to R6 to make the entire property one proposed zoning district rather than 3 individual. Looking at the future land use, as provided in our 2008 comprehensive plan, you can see here that multi-family is the majority from Laramie and 157th all the way to that 158thand Lorel. 159th, the commercial institutional is still included as not only as the zoning district of the northern portion of this property but also the future land use. What is being requested from the applicant is to be consistent with the multi-family designation in the future land use map. The applicant has provided plans to confirm that they were able to adequately fit a site with the right amount of parking for the unit count. They are proposing to look at 40 unit building. This is something that would be proposed at a future date and require design approval as well as site plans. These ideas are preliminary at this point and would still need to be vetted by the proper channels as well as the Planning and Zoning Commission. This is their first step in getting to the next step. When this went to Planning and Zoning, it was approved with a vote of 5/ 4, 1 against and 1 absent. Public comment topics covered at that time were the following: wetland issues, the pond that is back there, existing wildlife, traffic along 157th Street, parking lot off of157th Street, access and means of the transportation to get to and from 157th whether that be north or east, lighting of the parking lot across the street from the residences north of 157th Street, and the overall commercial zoning and the future plans if this is not approved as a multi- family what will be the recourse if it was approved but never actually dealt upon. Zoning would still be R6 if approved as R6. Anyone wanting it to go back to commercial would have to go through a similar process to rezone it from R6, multi- family, back to a commercial designation. A future approval would be required for the design review and site plan approval pending the rezoning approval. We have both the petitioner as well as the existing property owner available for questions or comments.

Alderman Wolf stated this is the first time I am seeing this proposed development. I feel you are in a residential area and you are putting in something that is not conclusive to the neighborhood. It is 40 units at 2 and a half cars per unit, that is 100 parking spots. You are talking traffic on 157th Street. You have Raiders football that goes on, baseball and other events. I heard because of the wetlands there has to be a floating passage way. From what I just saw now, all the parking is right on157th Street. So if there is multi-family use, why can' t it be consistent like the townhomes where it looks more residential. There is a lot of people here that live in that area that have some valid concerns. You said you discussed them at Planning and Zoning. Can they speak and voice their concerns now rather than after the vote? Mayor Kuspa replied that the procedure is two other aldermen need to agree then we can open this up with some restrictions and some rules. Alderman Wolf would like to open it up to public. Alderman Emmett and Alderman McCarthy are in agreement. Mayor Kuspa asked Paul to finish his presentation. Paul stated he would like to hear from the aldermen first.

Alderman Emmett stated he thinks commercial should stay commercial. It has been empty for 50 years and now you forcing something in and getting the whole neighborhood up in arms. I do not think it is a good fit. We are getting Culvers back there. A couple townhouses, back off the east side of the city garage, animal control. I do not think a 40 unit is the right location.

Alderman Gray stated we are voting on the rezoning right now. The proposal for the proposed use is something we are not taking into consideration other than there is a potential developer that has a desire to put a multi- unit. Paul stated correct, 40 units. Alderman Gray asked if they leave the zoning the way it is and a builder wants to build two single family homes and it is left as C you cannot build a house there, correct? Paul stated that it is correct. Changing the zoning is not saying we are approving that design or that development. We are just saying that Cl would allow for like a car wash to go there or a storage building, right? Paul stated yes and the only other option for residential uses in these types of districts are through a planned unit development that basically would give you more flexibility on some of those uses but that would also require to come through this. Alderman Gray stated the use is not what we are talking about right now, we are just talking about the zoning. Paul stated that is correct.

Alderman Wolf asked if someone wanted to come in and build one single house. So right now it is commercial, we are talking about making it R6, then you would have to make it a R2 then, correct? Paul stated yes you would have to get zoning designation that meets with the neighboring residential. Alderman Wolf stated until we know what is going in there why would we even, I understand that it would not move forward until it has been approved on the zoning but I would like to hear what the other aldermen have to say about the development.

Alderman Danihel stated that she would like it to stay commercial and if developers want to come in and one at a time and develop it into a single family home area, that is fine. At this point, I do not see how you are going to resell these. Leave it as commercial and zone them one at a time.

Alderman Hortsman asked Mayor Kuspa if the City is planning on moving Public Works out of there? Mayor stated no, Public Works is going to be there for along time. Alderman Hortsman stated with Public Works sitting right there on the side of this potential property, I do not understand how you are going to be able to get into this. I personally think we should leave this as a Cl property and review it if there are other potential opportunities there for commercial. At this point, we have many projects that are going on. We got a lot on our plate. I do not know if we need to change the zoning on this one right now until we have a better feel on what we want to do with that property. Public Works is pretty clean except for when the snowstorm hits in the middle of the night and you got the frontend loader beeping backing up because the salt building is right there. They are going to be loading dump trucks with salt. It will be less than desirable. Some of the residents there now are subject to that. The owner of the property has the right to try to sell his property and develop it. He has been a good property owner and a good landlord in town for many years. I want to give the property owner the respect that they deserve but I am hearing sentiments from aldermen pretty loud and clear so far that they are not favor of changing the zoning. But I would like to hear from Alderman Selman.

Alderman Selman stated he was surprised a few years ago when the Long townhouse went in and has access to157th. I think it does seem to be a reach like trying to stuff 5 lbs of something into a 2 lb bag. If anything, look at all the colors, it is a beautiful map, it could go in any way. What makes sense for that use? I really do not think putting a 3 story building next to the salt storage hut is going to make residents very happy after the first winter storm when they start loading that salt into dump trucks. My proposal would be to split it. Keep the south commercial and change the rectangle north to residential. I did not do the market study on this one, but that way you can still build residential and have commercial there in case another kidney center, Family Dollar or retail establishment wants to go in that location. We need to keep that commercial in my mind.

Mayor asked for any other comments from the aldermen.

Alderman McCarthy stated he believes it should stay commercial. I live right on Lockwood and during Oak Fest, when we had it, all the traffic would park back there. It was just accident after accident. Kids running across to Jack Frost. I think it would be really backed up over there and I do not think it would be a good idea to have that many cars coming in and out of that area.

Alderman Danihel asked if we make that residential and someone builds whatever there and cannot sell them because no one wants to live by Public Works. Now you have got a vacant building that is going to turn around to be a rental building because they cannot sell them or you have vacant property. I think it should just stay commercial.

Mayor Kuspa stated we need to concern ourselves with what is in the best interest of the City of Oak Forest like the levy we voted on earlier. Improving our commercial base is very important for the future of Oak Forest.

Alderman Selman stated about selling these buildings. This proposal was for an apartment building. I assume it was going to be a rental apartment building. I did not expect this to be units for sale. If that were proposed and developed, it would be owned by a single owner and managed by the owner.

Mayor Kuspa asked Paul if he had something to say. Paul wanted to offer the petitioner and owner an opportunity to speak to the aldermen prior to any public comment. Mayor Kuspa thinks that is more than fair and respectful.

The petitioner, Edmund G. Urban, III stated his family has owned this parcel since 1971. The parcel along the north end has been since 1971 on multiple zoning maps a R6 zoning. Somehow after 2003 when lot 14, the adjoining lot was built with the townhomes, the map got changed to an Institutional Government zoning. It never went through a zoning process that we as the owners are aware of. It is either one of two things that occurred. Either it was an error when drawing the lines on the map and they did not understand where the lot lines were or somebody was getting overly anxious because the village had entertained purchasing that lot from us. The contractors drafted out, prior administration said they did not have the funding at the time, Public Works was all in favor of purchasing it. That did not go through. No zoning that we know of took place in a lawful manner through a hearing process to change that to an IB zoning. Mayor Kuspa replied that he had a lengthy conversation with the City Administrator, who I apologize is not here today, we honestly feel that the scribner' s error when other portions of the map were changed and somebody drew the line in the wrong place. Mr. Urban stated that is what we feels. He stated they have tried to develop this land, my dad who was an attorney and a developer, who practiced in our 5 story office building until his death in 2018. My family goes back in history to 1930' s in Oak Forest. We have been good community patrons here. Mr. Urban stated that we believe is the best use for the area is a multi- family area. A rental unit for seniors and others to keep people in the community that are not at the highest income that they may have been in the past. We have been working with the Planning Department for decades trying to move this property. Frankly, the trust that owns this does not have the money to pay the tens of thousands of dollars in real estate taxes to keep this vacant property going. This group specializes in housing that they build for people that have income caps, for seniors, they own the property we intend to work with them that they would own and manage this property. I have a developer with capital that is willing and able to put in a multi- family housing here. Administration worked with the developer here to come up with a plan to put some additional parking on that last back parcel so that the residents could be in the main area and if they needed that overflow parking, they would have the overflow parking. We have worked for two years with the Army Core of Engineers to get their approval on this site plan. It meets all the requirements of the Army Core of Engineers. The pond that we put in in 1972 which many of may have come as residents, as children to fish in, that pond was put in as a drainage for this entire parcel of land.

The project intends to keep that as an open space pond. The area behind it which is some of this is our property will be maintained as a wetland. But our goal is to make a park like setting and put in a multi-family dwelling in the most commercial portion of it so that it has the least amount of impact on any citizens. It is been an area that we have provided the use to the City for decades when you had Oak Fest parking. We never took a penny for that. We gave that to the City. Our request is that you pass the zoning as administration has said. The final plan has got to come before the body here to be approved but we are asking that right now that it be approved on the zoning so that developer can move forward with his tax credit financing from the Federal Government and get that process going because that is an intrical part of the financing. That process needs to be in place to show the state authority that there is proper zoning for them to get approval on the project.

Mayor Kuspa would like to say my history with you and the use of your land for Oak Fest, you have always been very generous letting us park cars there. Without a doubt, you have been a good neighbor here in Oak Forest. So far, the aldermen are leaning toward that site staying commercial. I just want you to know that I appreciate you and this plan and we will see how we can move it forward. Any questions for Mr. Urban?

Alderman Danihel: so you are saying that you are going to make this for senior living? Mr. Urban stated that is one of the targets. Our developer can speak to that. But the targets are income based and seniors. Our community is getting older and there are many people that do not have the ability to take care of their homes anymore. And you know, you now have a shopping plaza that is empty again. We have the trailer park which was the seminal case in zoning law in the United States that went up to the United States Supreme Court twice. Which had the proposition that a village cannot zone an entity out of business. You could not zone the trailer park, ultimately you bought it decades later. It sits undeveloped. We have got a development ready, willing and able to break ground in the spring. I thinks something is better than nothing when it comes to the tax base.

Inaudible conversation.

Mayor Kuspa stated you will have the opportunity to speak but you will respect the gentleman speaking right now.

Alderman Danihel stated she does not know about anybody else on the board, but this is the first time I am hearing of any of this. All that was asked of us is azoning change. We had no plans before us, we had no idea what was going on. At least I did not. Mayor Kuspa stated it was not in our packet. I think it caught all of us off guard because we have no idea what the plans were or are. Maybe we table this so we can see what everything is all about. Mayor stated he is not opposed to that. I would like to hear from some representatives from the community.

Hume An, Vice President at Lincoln Avenue Capital, the developer: Mr. An wanted to add to what Mr. Urban said. We are a little caught off guard by the response given the use does comply with the proposed future land use at least for the southern part of the site. Mayor, as you acknowledged that sliver to the north on 157`h should be R6 right now anyways were not for scribner' s error. We are following the comprehensive plan with regard to the rezoning. If there are certain concerns with the specifics with our plan, those are totally negotiable and we can work with the City. I think Paul pointed out very clearly that tonight is not to discuss the specifics of the plan. What we submitted to the City is our preliminary and very flexible and open to revision. It is over 5 acres and looking at a maximum of 40 units that is 8 units per acre. That is not a dense development. With regard to concerns regarding wetlands and natural life, we have already addressed this. We have a letter from the Army Core of Engineers saying our site plan complies and that it is not affecting any wetlands. With regard to any density or anything, we are in compliance. On the parking, we are following the rules of our proposed zoning, 2. 5 spaces. We think the parking requirement is excessive. We do not anticipate anywhere close to that number of parking spaces. We are looking at roughly 25% one bedroom, 25% two bedrooms and 50% three bedrooms. We are looking at the one bedroom a household of one car, two bedrooms probably one car and then the three bedrooms maybe two cars. If we are able to work with staff, we would love to reduce that parking count. I think the public will have their opportunity to speak and provide their feedback. I appreciate afterwards to make responses.

Mayor Kuspa stated that Mr. An asked why the resistance to rezoning. Mayor stated that none of the elected officials including me have seen your plan except for maybe it was on the screen for 20 seconds. I have not seen the layout, I have not seen the parking. Before us today is the information for the zoning map. That is all we have in front of us. I cannot intelligently discuss with you your plan.

Mr. An stated he is sorry and thinks he misspoke. I am trying to understand the objections to the actual rezoning plan given that it coheres with the comprehensive plan, the future land use. Mayor stated that the aldermen that spoke so far, the sense I am getting is that they want to keep it commercial. I understand that too. Mr. Urban, again, has been a good neighbor in Oak Forest.

He wants to develop his property. I understand that. But I do understand also the function of Planning and Zoning. They are looking into things part of this development plan that has not come down to the Council yet.

Mayor Kuspa addressed the residents by stating he would like to invite them to come up. For the sake of time, would like maybe to have a couple of spoke persons from the neighborhood come up to make your points rather it not be too redundant. Please respect everyone' s time here when you come up I will clearly need your name for the record and if you can keep your comments down to 2 half, 3 minutes we would all appreciate it. Who would like to address the Council on the rezoning on this particular piece of property.

Sheri Macewko lives at 15649 Lockwood. Sheri stated that the issue with the zoning is the development it would bring and not the development itself. Our issue is mostly with the parking lot that would extend from there. In that j shape, residents of the building would have to walk more than a block to their property. The entrance to the planned unit comes in off of 159th Street. You cannot go around into the jshaped parking area. You have to go back out if the initial lot is full, the one that surrounds that housing unit, if that is full you have to go back out on 159th Street, make a left go to Laramie, make a left, go to 157th and then eventually work your way around into that parking lot. To that parking lot, I would say that some information was already presented about Raiders football and the usage of the street but just on a daily basis 157th Street is a very highly traveled road. Not just by vehicles, by children on the bus stop, by people who are walking their dogs, by people who are exercising. If you are familiar with 157th Street you know that the south side of it is not improved. There is no sidewalk, there is no curbing there is nothing there it ends. It is already challenging when there is parking on the north side of the street to get two cars through. With that too, the entrance from that coming in and out of there, there is only one way to get back to Cicero or get back to159th Street. It is not just our neighborhood that is going to be impacted. We asked last week at the Zoning meeting about the drainage and things of that nature for the wetland. We were told that the drainage of the parking lot they were asking to be allowed to go into the wetland area and we feel that is going to be a huge impact on the ecosystem of that area. Mayor Kuspa explained that right now in front of the council is strictly the revision of the zoning map so they can move forward. So many of the things that you are bringing up like storm drainage, in Oak Forest is a huge issue, all that will go to Engineering. All that has to be approved by Metropolitan Water and MWRD City Engineer, so there are so many steps for that to go through that those things will be looked at and revised if it gets that far. I just wanted you to understand that there is many steps to getting something like this approved but the petitioner has to start with the zoning map. We respect the owner' s desire to sell the property. We just do not want it to be at our neighborhood' s expense.

Mayor Kuspa asked if anyone else would like to address the Council. Enryka Taylor approached the microphone. English is my second language if you need me to repeat something please let me know. I disagree with some things, this is one of the last towns for the low income people to have a real residential town. Ms. Taylor brought up her concerns with parking for the development and traffic issues. She stated that 157th and Laramie does not have proper lighting or proper sidewalks.

Hume An approached the podium. He stated he appreciates the public' s feedback. A lot of the objections apply to the specific petition. Planning and Zoning and the Council can provide specific feedback on our plan and suggest changes and revisions. At this point, this about rezoning. Northern section on 157th if not where for scribner' s error would be in place right now. I can understand wanting to have this extra scrutiny once we present for plan review, but at this time I would really appreciate it if this Council would consider voting for the rezoning to R6 and then a later time we can talk in specifics and look into detail at a plan review phase.

Alderman Gray wants to piggyback on Alderman Danihel' s comment about this is the first time we have heard about a potential sale/ development. I understand that we are voting on zoning only, we are not voting on the project. But if the intention of the seller is to continue with this developer I would prefer to see a more fluid plan. I know that the zoning goes with the sale and the sale goes with the development. I do not know if I have enough information to make that choice right now. Mayor Kuspa stated that Arbitrator Danihel mentioned about tabling the request. Is that something you would like to consider? I am all for it. Whatever makes the Council comfortable. Unless anyone has any objections?

Alderman Hortsman stated we are just hearing about the zoning change for the first time. To have discussion in 20 minutes to discuss zoning changes in areas that we have not have discussion before, to me it is not feasible. I cannot make a decision on a zoning change without understanding a little bit more where this is going to go. I think it would be better to table this one.

Alderman Wolf and Alderman Gray would like to table item E, approval of Ordinance number 2022- 12- 09500 authorizing a zoning map amendment from IB — Institutional Building district, C 1 — local commercial district, C2 — general service district to R6 — multi-family residential district. I have a motion and a second to table.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.

The item is tabled and we will prepare for further discussion.

F. Proposal from Kinzie Builders, dated November 23rd, 2022, to address the handling of non-CCDD materials on the City-owned property located at 15644 S. Cicero Ave for an amount not-too- exceed a budgeted amount of$ 29,251. 20.

Alderman Emmett made the motion to approve.

Alderman Danihel seconded.

Director of Community and Economic Development Ed Cage stated this is property the City owns at 15644 S. Cicero Avenue that has been demolished. I was here before you for the demolition and the abatement of the asbestos. We found some difficult soil that cannot go into the normal procedures for waste. It is not clean material and you have to pay a fee to remove it elsewhere. We have a contractor on site who is looking to develop the property. This is a proposal that they are willing to take care of the issue on our behalf, which we would have to do anyway. They are familiar with the site. If we hired someone differently, there would be a mobilization fee so there is some cost savings there. We are at the point where building permit to actually construct the building can start.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.

G. Approval of Ordinance 2022- 12- 09510 approving waiver of certain City Capital Development Fees ( Desche at 157th, LLC).

Alderman Wolf made the motion to approve.

Alderman Danihel seconded.

Director of Community and Economic Development Ed Cage stated this is the same project. This is something we discussed prior with Council. Nothing since has changed since our prior discussion. The key thing from the City' s standpoint is to cover our costs. This request for waiver of certain fees it will cover the City' s costs.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.

H. Approval of Ordinance 2022- 12- 09520 approving redevelopment agreement for the LPC Oak Forest LP project ( East of Cicero Avenue, South of 167th Street and Northwest of I-57.)

Alderman Gray made the motion to approve.

Alderman Hortsman seconded.

Director of Community and Economic Development Ed Cage stated we have reviewed and discussed this before. There is one significant change. The interest rates are going up and that puts pressure on the developer. What this means for the City is the date for construction has changed. They lengthened those dates. The infrastructure will start next year. The difference being that they elongated the construction period. They were going to start in summer to 2023 and that has been moved back to 2025 to give them flexibility. While doing the infrastructure if they have someone sign a lease, they will build it next year. The project is still viable. It gives them a little longer of a window to construct the building.

Alderman Gray stated if there is a possibility it is delayed for two years, who is going to maintain that area? Ed stated they will have to maintain it. It is their property. We will not let it become a problem because that is an entryway to the City.

Alderman Emmett remarked that he knows Ed will be on it but I do not want 167th and Cicero starting to look 159thand Cicero. The County does nothing there. It is a disaster. All we do is talk about it on the Council, we get the run around and it is getting worse. Ed replied that the developer is requesting an extension and I am hearing loud and clear and I completely agree with the Council that it is okay to extend but it has to be maintained.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman

Alderman Danihel




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.


Melissa Keating approached the podium. She lives off of Cicero Avenue. Melissa asked if the Council would consider inviting more businesses besides bars down Cicero Avenue. She was hoping for some variety. She stated we have an oversaturated amount of bars. She is concerned about safety, noise and some weird things that have happened at her house.

Inaudible conversation.

Enryka Taylor voiced her concerns regarding raises in property taxes compared to other areas of Cook County. She reiterated her concerns of safety at the intersection of 157th and Laramie. She stated it needs to be better lit then when making a left hand turn your headlights pick up pedestrians and kids at the last second. She would also like to see proper sidewalks. Enryka also brought to the Council' s attention the work of replacing asphalt on 157th Street and the excess water being pumped onto the street instead ofthe grass.








Alderman Danihel made the motion to approve.

Alderman Hortsman seconded.

Roll Call vote was taken as follows:

AYES Alderman Danihel

Alderman Gray

Alderman McCarthy

Alderman Wolf

Alderman Selman

Alderman Emmett

Alderman Hortsman




The motion to approve carried 7/ 7.

The Council meeting adjourned at 10: 23 p. m.
