Jeffery M. Key, Alderman - Ward 1 | City of Palos Heights Website
Jeffery M. Key, Alderman - Ward 1 | City of Palos Heights Website
City of Palos Heights Beautification Committee met Feb. 5
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Call to Order
Acting Chairperson Bob Grossart called the meeting of the Beautification Committee to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Recreation Center. Present were: Bob Starzyk, Alderman Jeff Key, Jan Collopy, Denise Hyker, Gary Duran, Lois Duran, Brian Bohne, Briodget Provost, Bob Grossart and Vince Petrosius
Approval of Minutes
Jan Collopy motioned to approve the meeting minutes from May 29, 2024, seconded by Gary Duran.
All in favor. Motion passed.
Chairman Report
No Report
Old Business
The Committee has been reviewing a document that outlines the structure of the Beautification Committee as well as its components.
Denise Hyker motioned to approve the structure for Adopt-A-Pot. Bridget Provost seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Bob Starzyk motioned to approve structure for the Awards Night Committee. Bridget Provost seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
Gary Duran motioned to approve structure for the Classic Car Show Committee. JAN collopy seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously.
New Business
Bob Grossart shared the committee’s financial report.
Committee Reports
Keep Palos Heights Beautiful: John Hanley for Eileen Lunter
John Hanley shared that he and Frannie Cardascio would be helping out with this area of the committee.
Jeff Key suggested that we give out awards for Christmas decorated homes. Denise Hyker added that the Recreation Department used to do this in the past.
Denise Hyker suggested that we contact the Art Commission regarding decorating business windows during the Christmas Season.
Adopt-A-Pot: Denise Hyker
Denise Hyker shared the problem of broken planting pots and the need to replace them. Gary Duran motioned to approve the purchase of 6 new pots at the total price of $3,600.00. Bridget Provost seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Classis Car Show: Bob Starzk
Bob Starzyk shared that this year’s show is scheduled for Thursday 7/17. He showed the committee the updated sponsorship letter.
Lake Katherine: Bridget Provost
Bridget Provost shared that the new parking lot section is complete. She also mentioned that 5 double Kayaks were donated recently.
Public Arts Commission: John Hanley for Lynda Schiappa
John Hanley shared that the Arts Commission is looking for members and new Leadership as the Chairman recently moved out of town.
Awards Night – Eileen Lunter
No report.
Public Comment
There being no further business, Bob Grossart moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jan Collopy.
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for March 26, 2025 at the Palos Heights Recreation Center.
Members should be thinking of donation opportunities from the committee.
The MVCC Scholarship from the committee needs to be renewed at this meeting.